Page 6 of Cyclone
Once inside, Cain sat at his desk. “Close and lock the door, Cyclone.” He never called us Cliff and Daniel now. Once we’d been given our road names, that’s who we were to him. When I turned back, he nodded at the chair across from his desk. “Sit.”
I did, crossing my ankle over the opposite knee. “What’s going on?”
“You tell me.” The order was barked like a drill sergeant. It was difficult not to flinch.
“Gonna have to give me a point of reference, Cain.”
“Mama said there’s something going on with Trucker’s daughter, Willa. Said you’d know what and could fix it.”
Several feelings shot through me. First and foremost was dread. But if I were honest, there was also an odd sense of anticipation that I had no business feeling.
“Mama said that.” It wasn’t a question. Cain didn’t answer, just stared me down. Hard. I’d seen that look a few times in my life since coming to live at Bones. He didn’t use it often but when he did, no one defied him. Not even me. “I’ll take care of it.”
“You’ll tell me what the fuck went down so I can see if I can contain the damage.”
I watched my father carefully, trying to gauge what I needed to do or say. “With all due respect, Cain, you made me vice president. This is something I need to fix on my own.”
He slammed his hand down on the desk, standing to pace the length of the room. “If you’ve done something to Willa, Truck’ll kill you and I won’t be able to stop him. You know that, right?”
“Fully aware. I wouldn’t lift a finger to defend myself, either. He has a right to defend his daughter as he sees fit.”
“Then fuckin’ tell me what the fuck happened!”
“That’s between me and Willa, Cain.” I had to stand my ground. Knowing Cain was trying to protect me, that he had my back as much as he could, was good to know, but I was the vice president of Bones. He needed to give me the respect of treating me as such. “I’ll talk to her. See what the problem is.”
Cain turned to face me then, his face thunderous. “The problem is, she’s gone.”
My gaze narrowed. Thinking back, I realized Trucker hadn’t been at Church, which was unusual. Especially since everyone knew we were voting to not only patch in Millie and Cheetah, but to consider women to be patched in in the future.
“Gone?” I was hyper-focused on Cain now. That sense of anticipation turning to dread in a heartbeat.
“Yeah. Trucker said Helen had missed Willa day before yesterday. When she didn’t call or text last night, Helen went looking for her. She wasn’t in her room, and there was a note saying she was leaving for a while and would get in touch with them once she was settled.”
“She’s left Bones.”
“Helen said she’d been acting odd for several days. She was worried about Willa. So was Trucker.”
“They talk to Mama?”
Cain leveled me a hard look. “If they had, trust me when I say you’d most definitely know it.”
“I’ll get Data to track her cell. I’ll find her.”
“You better.” Cain pointed an accusing finger at me. “When you do, you better fucking make whatever happened between the two of you right. You don’t, vice president of Bones or not, grown-ass man or not, you’ll fuckin’ answer to me. Worse, you’ll answer to Trucker.”
“I hear you.”
“Yeah? Because after you answer to both of us you’ll have to answer to Angel. If she cries, Daniel, if you make your mother cry…” The threat was implied but could not be overstated.
“Understood, sir.” It was the only way to answer my father with something this serious.
* * *
“License and registration, please.”
I was in a world of trouble. I’d been so preoccupied trying to ignore my personal problems I hadn’t been paying attention to anything but the traffic around me. Yeah, I’d passed a few vehicles, but there were also cars that had passed me.