Page 95 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
Next to Dagor, Negal sat with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes closed and a smile on his face.
"What are you so happy about?" Dagor asked.
Negal opened his eyes and looked at him. "I enjoy a job well done. We cleaned up the area for these people, at least for a little while. New goons will fill the vacuum, but not immediately."
Dagor grimaced. "I'm glad that killing makes you happy."
Negal's smile got even broader. "Why? Are you sad for those monsters?"
"Not at all. I'm sad that monsters exist and that good people have to dirty their hands with their tainted blood to make life bearable for those who can't defend themselves."
"I'm with you on that." Dalhu turned around to look at them. "But I also enjoyed the killing." He turned back to look at the road ahead.
Dagor had no doubt. After the particularly gruesome way he'd killed four of the eight Doomers, the guy looked calmer and more relaxed than he had ever seen him before.
What Dagor wanted to do was call Frankie, and now that he had calmed down a little from the rush of the battle, he felt centered enough to do that, but he was in a jeep with three other people, and it would be awkward.
Maybe texting her would be better.
Pulling out his phone, he turned sideways so Negal couldn't see the mushy love words he was about to type.
Hello, my love. I'm on my way back. It will take us about three hours, maybe a little longer, and I'll be counting the minutes until I can hold you in my arms. After I shower first, that is. You don't want to know what I'm covered with.
He hit send before it occurred to him that it wasn't romantic to mention that he was dirty and covered in gore.
When she didn't return his text right away, his gut clenched with worry, but then the three dots started dancing, indicating that she was typing a message.
When several minutes passed with the dots blinking but no text, he wondered what was taking so long. Was she writing and then erasing what she'd written?
Finally, when the message appeared, he let out a relieved breath.
I'm so glad that you are coming back to me. I was worried, but then Toven told Mia that none of ours got hurt, so I knew you were okay. I have a surprise for you. It's a good one. Something both of us have been waiting for. I love you.
"No way!"
"What?" Negal asked. "What's going on?"
"I don't know for sure, but I think Frankie is transitioning."
"Congratulations." Negal clapped him on the back. "What did she say?"
"That she has a surprise for me."
Negal's smile faltered. "It might be something else, you know."
"She said that it's something we have been waiting for. What else can it be?"
"Maybe her friend flew in by helicopter," Dalhu said. "Just ask her."
"She won't tell me. She wants it to be a surprise."
"Just ask her." Negal pushed on his back. "How are you going to survive the next three hours, not knowing for sure?"
His friend was right.
Dagor typed.I know that you probably don't want to tell me news like that in a text, but I have to know, or I'll go crazy. Are you transitioning?
The answer came a moment later.Yes. Maybe. Bridget thinks I am, but it's not a sure thing.