Page 89 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
A low-pitched bird call was the signal for Kalugal and Dalhu to come forward.
As Kalugal approached the subdued sentries, Dagor watched intently, ready to intervene if necessary. He had seen compulsion at work before, or rather its effect on Frankie whenToven had compelled her to keep immortals and gods a secret from anyone outside the ship, but witnessing Kalugal's power was fascinating.
Kalugal knelt before the human sentry first.
The man's eyes widened with fear and confusion, but as Kalugal's deep, commanding voice washed over him, they glazed over. The sound of compulsion was potent, almost tangible in the air, and Dagor could see the human's body slackening as Kalugal's influence took hold.
"Please release him," he told Dalhu. "He won't move from this spot or say a word other than everything is fine, all is quiet, or there is no one here."
After Dalhu did as Kalugal had instructed, the human sat up, leaning against a tree with a line of drool forming in the corner of his mouth.
"He looks like a zombie," Dalhu murmured.
Turning his attention to the immortal, Kalugal repeated the process. The immortal initially tried to fight the compulsion, but he was overcome in seconds. His eyes became blurry, and the tension left his muscles.
"You can untie him as well," Kalugal told Dalhu.
When Dalhu positioned the immortal next to the human, Kalugal smiled evilly.
"What's your name?" he asked the immortal.
Negal chuckled. "It sounds like a bedsore."
"Badsor." Kalugal used his commanding tone. "Put your thumb in your mouth and suck on it."
The guy's eyes bulged out, but he did exactly as he'd been ordered.
"Good." Kalugal crossed his arms over his chest. "Take off your boots and socks and suck on your big toe."
The veins on the guy's neck swelled as he tried to fight the compulsion, but his hands obeyed immediately, untying the laces, removing the boots and the socks, and then contorting to put his big toe in his mouth.
Negal laughed. "Can I take a picture?"
"Go ahead." Kalugal waved a hand as he turned to the human and gave him similar instructions.
When the human had his toe inside his mouth and was drooling all over the dirty digit, Kalugal uncrossed his arms. "You will keep sucking on your toes until it's time to report to your superiors that there is nothing going on and that everything is quiet."
Dagor watched the display of Kalugal's formidable abilities with a mix of fascination and discomfort. He was not affected by the compulsion, but he knew that there were gods capable of taking control of the minds of other gods.
The Eternal King was the most powerful compeller in the history of Anumati, and it was very likely that his granddaughter was a formidable compeller as well, but so far, he hadn't seen the princess using her power on anyone.
Hopefully, she wouldn't use it on him or his friends.
"We are done here," Kalugal said. "On to the next pair."
Once all the sentries had been taken care of, Kalugal activated his earpiece. "The coast is clear. You can start moving."
"That's not a report," Bhathian grumbled in his ear. "I need details."
Rolling his eyes, Kalugal activated the earpiece again. "Negal and Dagor located four sentry pairs within a one-mile radius of the meeting place. They caught and subdued them, and I compelled them to keep reporting that everything was fine and nothing was happening. The four of us are about to continue, with Dagor and Negal shrouding me and Dalhu. Once I'm in front of the demon horde, I will pull out my trusty megaphone, order them to freeze, and let Dalhu loose. He's been itching for some action. So, if the rest of you want to join in the fun, you'd better hurry up."
"We are on our way," Bhathian said. "But don't let Dalhu loose before we get there. We need the leader of the Doomers alive for questioning."
"Even if Luis and his family are found?"