Page 55 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
He would do everything in his power to prevent Luis and his family from being added to the list of victims those monsters claimed.
The practice resumed, but the mood had shifted. It was no longer about sport and competition. Each shot Dagor fired was aimed at the enemy, and he did not miss a single one.
When Frankie woke up, Dagor was gone, and there was no note from him either, but it was okay. She knew where he was. Still, it would have been nice to get a note with sweet love words.
Oh, well, she hadn't fallen in love with a poet. Dagor was an engineer through and through.
Stepping into the shower, she took her time washing her hair and conditioning it. Mia was coming later to style it for her, so maybe it was a little too early for that, but Frankie was sticky from lovemaking. Besides, Mia was an immortal now, with the sense of smell that came with it. Frankie had nothing to be embarrassed about, but if the roles were reversed, she wouldn't have wanted to smell Toven on Mia.
Following her transition there would be a lot of adjustments to be made, but she was ready to embrace them. What were a few inconveniences compared to living forever and being nearly indestructible?
Well, her family was still a problem she didn't know how to solve. If she was a Dormant, then her brothers were as well, and so was their mother, but her father probably wasn't, and leaving him behind in the human world was too painful to consider.
Perhaps she wouldn't transition after all, and agonizing about her father was premature.
Once she was done, Frankie wrapped a towel around her hair, rubbed her body dry, and padded naked into the bedroom even though the curtains were open. Who was going to see her?
The seagulls?
Chuckling, she pulled on a pair of panties and a loose, long T-shirt that she used as a nightgown. It was good enough for lounging in the cabin and watching some television.
She was just getting comfortable when the doorbell rang, startling her. It was too early for Mia, and Dagor knew the code to her cabin. Snatching the remote from the coffee table, Frankie switched to the door camera view, and when she saw it was Bridget, her heart started racing.
The doctor had probably come to check on her wound, and Dagor wasn't there to run interference. Could she just ignore her and not answer?
But then Bridget would call her, and she would have to lie that she had been asleep and let her in anyway.
Walking up to the door, she plastered a smile on her face and opened it for the doctor. "Hey, Bridget. I didn't expect you." She patted the towel on her head. "Sorry about that. I've just stepped out of the shower."
"No need to apologize. I came uninvited." The doctor scanned her from head to toe with professional precision. "You look good for someone who got shot less than twenty-four hours ago. You seem to be doing remarkably well, but I want to make sure that everything is healing properly."
Right. Bridget probably suspected that something strange was going on and wanted to find out what was responsible for Frankie's rapid healing.
"Oh, it is. Remarkably so." She chuckled nervously. "Dagor has been taking such good care of me," she babbled, a bit too enthusiastically. "He bit me so many times that I probably have more venom in my veins than blood. In fact, I won't be surprised if I'm transitioning already. I don't have any symptoms, though. Is it possible to transition without developing fever?"
Bridget smiled. "Very young girls transition without any symptoms, but not adults. Not in my experience, anyway."
"Bummer." Frankie's heart sank, but she quickly rallied. "But at least it healed my wound because it's completely gone." She smiled apologetically. "Where are my manners? Please, take a seat." She waved a hand toward the couch.
"Thank you." Bridget put her black doctor's bag on the coffee table and sat down. "I didn't take that into consideration, but you are right. The venom has healing properties, and when delivered frequently, I guess it can speed up recovery quite dramatically."
"Lucky me." Frankie sat across from Bridget. "My boyfriend is a god with very potent venom, and he has been taking excellent care of me."
"Yes, it would seem so." Bridget tilted her head and looked at Frankie from under lowered lashes. "Given that Dagor is a god and the frequency of his venom injection, perhaps you are right about transitioning with no symptoms as well." The doctor seemed to be considering something for a moment. "We could test it. I could make a small cut on the palm of your hand and see how quickly it heals."
Frankie hesitated.
She didn't want to have the test done without Dagor being present. Besides, she was pretty sure that she wasn't transitioning, and she didn't want to have a cut on her hand.
Then again, Dagor could probably heal it with a few licks of his tongue, and if that didn't work, he could give her another tiny blood transfusion, although that was quite extreme for a little cut, so that probably wasn't a good idea.
Mostly, though, she didn't want to be disappointed by a negative result.
"I'm not ready yet." She smiled nervously. "We haven't been trying for long. We used protection before I got injured, so it's way too early for me to start transitioning."