Page 41 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
"So, everything is ready for Kalugal to make the call?" Kian asked.
William nodded. "Roni is on standby." He chuckled. "This kid is incredible. He was ecstatic when I told him we needed his help. He said that he was frustrated about not being able to contribute because he's not a fighter, but this is something he can do better than most."
Kian could understand Roni's feelings all too well. If he could, he would have stormed the Doomers wherever they wereand relished taking them down, but he was the leader of a community that depended on him, and he couldn't just gallop into battle whenever he felt the urge.
He had to stay behind and trust others to do their jobs. It wasn't different from having to rely on others to manage the clan's companies. Learning to delegate had been difficult, but he was getting better at it.
The life of an immortal was a continuum of endless learning experiences, and the same was true for the gods. Those who stopped learning succumbed to ennui.
"Okay, then." Kalugal rubbed his hands. "Which phone do I use to make the call?"
"This one." William handed him a device. "It's ready for you. But before you do, read the other comments Roni wrote down. He altered the hotel's records to show you staying there for the past week, and he also added ten rooms to your account that you supposedly booked yesterday." William smiled. "That was my idea. If the Doomers call to investigate, they will think that you rented the additional rooms for the rescued victims."
"Smart." Kalugal looked at the piece of paper. "I see that he booked it under the fake name I gave the tour company Luis works for."
William nodded. "Kevin Gunter and his wife Cecilia are staying in room 304. Roni says that there is a camera in the hallway directly across from the door to this room, and one of the exterior cameras is covering the window. If they come for you from either one, we will know. Calls to the landline in that room will be rerouted to the phone I just gave you."
"Excellent." Kalugal pulled out his phone. "I need to check the number for the tour company. By the way, how did Roni hack the hotel room's landline?"
William shrugged. "Call forwarding through the hotel's system. It's not complicated. All the numbers are listed in the hotel's database."
"Clever." Kalugal entered the number to the tour company into the new phone William had given him, activated the speaker, and leaned back against the couch cushions.
"Buenas tardes," a female answered. "How can I help you?"
"Hello, this is Kevin Gunter," he said with a heavy German accent. "Yesterday, my friends and I hired Luis and two other drivers to take us to the Tehuacalco ruins. One of my friends forgot his sunglasses in one of the vehicles, and he's wondering whether anyone has found them."
"I'll be happy to check for you, Mr. Gunter. Can you hold for a moment?"
"Of course." Kalugal smiled and put the call on mute. "I bet she's stalling so they have time to trace the call."
"It's possible," Kian agreed.
Several minutes passed before the woman came back online. "I'm sorry, Mr. Gunter, but no one has found any sunglasses."
Kalugal unmuted the call and affected a heavy sigh. "That's a shame. They must have fallen out during our tour of the ruins. If any of your tour guides finds a pair of Gucci sunglasses and brings them to your office, please call me at the Rivera Hotel. My wife and I will be staying here for another three days."
"Of course, Mr. Gunter. What is your room number?"
"It is not necessary for you to know the number to call me. The front desk will know where I'm staying and forward your call."
"As you wish, Mr. Gunter, but things are not as efficient here as they are in Germany. The person at the reception desk might ask me for the room number and refuse to forward the call based on the name alone." She chuckled, but it sounded forced. "They will need to look up the name in the computer, and that's one extra step they might not wish to do."
"For security reasons, I do not give out information about my lodging,Fräulein. I will call the front desk immediately after this and demand that they transfer calls to my room without asking for the room number. They will comply with my demand, or I'll escalate the issue to management."
"As you wish, sir."
"Thank you,Fräulein. Good day." He ended the call.
"Great performance," Kian said. "It was a good touch to refuse to give out your hotel room number. Made it sound more legit."
Kalugal smirked. "I know."
"So, what's next?" Kian asked.
"Roni is watching the feed from the hotel and waiting to see if anyone shows up," Onegus said. "If no one comes looking for Mr. Gunter, it's safe to assume that they haven't discovered the bodies yet. But if someone does show up, it might be because of the missing women we took and not necessarily because of the bodies."
Kalugal frowned. "Wasn't the whole idea to find out whether it was too late to eliminate the evidence of our handiwork or if we could still do that?"