Page 23 of Dark Voyage Matters of the Soul
Kian grimaced. "That's another reason to just get rid of the evidence and get out, but I think it's wishful thinking on our part to assume that they didn't find out about it already. The Doomers were probably expecting the cargo of abducted women, and when it didn't arrive, they would have gone to investigate. It's very likely that they already know what happened and are investigating who was in the area yesterday. What they don't expect is for us to return, so at least they won't be lying in wait for us."
"That still doesn't answer my question," the redhead said. "Do we postpone the wedding or not?"
"We don't," Kian said. "For now. Hopefully, we will resolve the situation fast enough to still hold the celebration tonight." He scanned the room until his eyes landed on Toven. "We will probably need your assistance in compelling the Doomers to file a report explaining what happened to the cartel and their cargo in a way that will mask our involvement. I would hate to have to get rid of this ship."
Aru lifted his hand. "My teammates and I offer our assistance. We can help you fight, and we can also thrall the other immortals to do as you command."
"Thank you." Kian dipped his head in Aru's direction. "We will reconvene in my cabin later to discuss the plan. Our resources will have to be divided between the ship and the away team. Half the force will need to remain on board to protect the civilians and the women, and half will deal with the bodies and the Doomers."
"Ihave bad news," Frankie said as soon as Margo answered the call.
"What happened? Did the ship really turn around? Did someone go overboard? Was someone left behind in Acapulco?" Margo fired off without waiting for an answer.
Usually Margo was a level-headed individual, but she was very protective of those she cared about, and since she saw the world as a dangerous place that was full of baddies who were out to get good people, she worried whenever things didn't follow familiar patterns.
"None of the above."
What the hell was she going to tell her? That they had buried the body parts of cartel monsters and were going back to burn them?
Margo would immediately build a conspiracy theory around it, but even she couldn't guess the truth.
"Then what happened?" Margo was practically shrieking in her ear.
"I can't tell you. It has something to do with Tom's mystery partners and some vicious competitors of theirs."
"Ugh, Frankie. Really? Stop with the bullshit and tell me what's going on, or I will imagine the worst."
Frankie doubted that. The worst had happened, and not even Margo could have imagined that. She'd been raised Catholic, but she'd never really believed in heaven and hell until now. Those monsters must have been hell-spawned to do what they did, and what had been done to them had not only been well-deserved but not enough.
"It's nothing the people here cannot handle. That's all I can say without violating my nondisclosure agreement, and all you need to know is that I'm not in any danger."
"Fine." Margo let out a breath. "I'll get it out of you when you finally get here."
If Toven compelled Margo to silence, then maybe she would be allowed to tell her friend the truth.
"Are you going to be okay staying there for two more days? How are Lynda and the other bridesmaids treating you?"
"They are done posturing and trying to make me feel inferior. Now they are just partying like there is no tomorrow and flirting with all the cute waiters."
"That sounds like fun."
"Nah, I'm bored, and I want out of here, but I'll survive two more days." Margo sighed. "I'll download a couple of books, sit by the pool, and read while sipping on margaritas."
"That actually sounds like even more fun than getting drunk and flirting with the staff, but I still feel bad about leaving you stranded."
"It's not your fault. Besides, Lynda is going to be so happy that I'm not bailing early after all, and that will save me a lot of grief down the line. She won't have anything to hold over me because I'm staying to the end of her lame bachelorette party."
"Yeah, there is that." Frankie took a sip from her strawberry daiquiri. "So, no cute guys in Cabo? What about the other guests? Any single guys?"
"There is a bachelor party with at least thirty guys here, but you know how men get when there are no women to tame their behavior. They are gross and spit out the most cringe-worthy pick-up lines. I turned my ring around so it looked like a wedding ring, and I told everyone who showed interest in me that I was married, but even that failed to deter some of them. Enough about me, though. I want to hear about you and Doug."
A smile lifted the corners of Frankie's lips. "I know that you are going to call me crazy, but I'm in love with him, and he loves me back. Our future together is still unclear, but we are working on a solution that will be acceptable to both of us."
There was a long moment of stunned silence on the other end. "You have known the guy for how long?"
"Three days, but when you know, you know, right? It's not like I fall in love with every guy I meet. Dagor is the first one that I actually care about. The others were just placeholders until my knight showed up."