Page 93 of What Burns Between
Digger nods. “It’s been discussed between the officers already, and the vote was unanimous. The shit going down outside these walls centers around you, Rae, so it’s only fair for your well-being and safety that you’re aware of the gravity of the situation.”
“With all due respect,” she offers quietly, “I already know how serious the threat from Terry is.”
“We ain’t just talkin’ about that,” I say. “Terry is part of a greater network. How much do you know about the Big Three?”
As predicted, our dark angel frowns. “Is this some name for people like Terry?” Her brow twitches before she adds, “Like you?”
The question hits me like a sucker punch to the heart. I rub the heel of my hand into my chest before I answer. “Yeah.” Nobody’s ever lumped me in with those fuckers before, but she ain’t wrong. I’m no better. I run the same circles, and I do the questionable shit. Maybe I don’t pedal the same drugs or provide the weapons that do the damage, but I fucking enable it all.
“I never saw much when I was with Connor, but I heard one guy’s name enough to figure out he was someone Terry didn’t like.”
“Who?” Dig questions.
“Volkov.” Rae glances at Maddie before adding. “I don’t know who the other one is unless—” She returns her gaze to mine, unknowingly passing judgment in that one little statement. “—it’s you.”
“It’s not,” I say, setting her straight. “Marco Villari is the third. Mafia tie-ins and my ex-wife’s new husband.”
The corners of her eyes wrinkle a beat. “So, you’re on good terms with him?”
“We have a love/hate relationship. Sure.” I sigh, leaning against the seat and extending my arms over the back. “The roots of the diseased tree run deeper, but for now, the only other name you need to know is Atticus Crow.”
“I heard that name earlier,” Rae affirms. “From Kane.”
“Until now, he’s been nothin’ more than a pesky fly around Terry’s shit pile. Imports cheap, dangerously cut drugs into the country through a network of desperate people who rotate in and out of prison for the deed. Fucker has eyes on the prize, though; he wants tobeTerry. And hearin’ you may be the key to unseating the asshole has made him very, very interested in you.”
“Shit.” Maddie grips Rae’s hand tighter. “She’s like some fucked up Rapunzel in the tower, and they’re all the sinister princes clambering to get to her first, ain’t they?”
I nod.
“Who are?” Rae glances between Maddie, Digger, and myself. “Terry and Atticus?”
“And Volkov,” Dig fills in. “For now, Marco is on side with us.” He punctuates his statement with a pointed glare my way.
He’s pissed I went to talk to the fucker alone. Without telling him first. I get it.
“Won’t be long until there’s more maggots coming outta the woodwork,” Digger gripes. “We need to keep Rae low. Keep her safe.”
“Agreed. But we ride out next week,” I remind him. “Five hundred miles over two days,” I add for Rae’s benefit.
“You’re worried they’ll target her while you’re away,” Maddie says, wide-eyed. “Aren’t you?”
I nod. “Which is why she comes with.”
“The fuck?” My daughter exclaims, scooting to the front of her seat and losing her pal’s hand in the process. “Bitches don’t ride,” she snaps, reciting the bullshit she’s no doubt heard uttered time and again over the years.
“And yet, here you are, on your goddamn bike almost every day,” I growl. “Don’t fuckin’ lecture me on the rules I choose to bend.”
“The officers are on board,” Digger affirms. “Rae might be out in the open if we take her on the road, but she’s safer with us than here with a skeleton crew.”
“Fuck’s sake.” Maddie slides back onto the seat, sparing a glance at Rae.
“The club can’t miss representation at this rally,” I explain. “I need men on side if I’m goin’ to pull off what I wanna do when we get back.”
“And what is that?” Digger’s tone brooks no argument. It questions why I didn’t bring this up earlier. Why I haven’t said a thing to the officers about my ideas.
My goals.
“Look. We could keep Rae here, safe, for a fucking lifetime, and it wouldn’t end the barndance that is her threat to his position. So, I say we fuckin’ end it for them.” I meet Digger’s critical glare. “I want to safeguard everyone. And I want to do that by takin’ Terry’s business before anyone else does.”