Page 7 of What Burns Between
Maddie rolls her pretty eyes. “Only, like, a lot.”
Really need to switch on more.My girl shares a drink every fucking Friday night, telling me her hopes and dreams. Guess I should stay focused long enough to hear her troubles, too. I remember the woman’s face from the diner, but a man would have to be damn blind and stupid to forget features the likes of what she’s got.
Big eyes, lined in black, accented by sloping cheekbones that draw your eye to her full lips and dainty little mouth. She seemsperpetually critical of the world around her whilst maintaining the pretense that all she needs is somebody to show her how to be loved.
Regardless—she’s a civ, and I’ve got more pressing issues to take care of than ones that don’t relate to the club.
“Don’t need stragglers, baby girl.” I spin on my heel and head for the clubhouse. “Send her home.”
“I can’t.” The slap of Maddie’s boots echoes behind me. “She’s in real trouble, Daddy.”
“Not our problem.”
“Why the hell not?”
I spin about and come face-to-face with both my daughterandmy brother, holding a distressed young woman at a safe distance further back.Fuck, I’m an asshole.“Club’s got business at the moment,” I say, frowning at Maddie. “None of us have got time to iron out a civ’s problems for them.”
“You makin’ it a them and us situation, huh?” She stamps a hand to her hip, one eyebrow cocked.
Goddamn girl gets that attitude from me. “It always is.” No other way to keep the club safe.
“You want to tell Rae to her face, then?” She lifts an arm and ushers over the woman. “Rae. My daddy’s got somethin’ he wants to say to you.”
“Don’t be a bitch about it, darlin’.”
Digger smirks. Fucker loves watching me suffer at the hands of my goddamn offspring.
“I’m a bitch,Daddy,” she snaps, “because that’s what you taught me to be.”
The raven-haired beauty at her hip looks as though she wishes she could melt into the blacktop. “I can go, Maddie.”
Motherfucker.Her voice. Rounds out that bombshell persona perfect.
“Nope.” I toss my arms wide. “Let’s hear it then.” The sooner I play out this fucking pantomime, the better. “What’s troublin’ you, girl?”
Her gaze flicks between Maddie and me, long lashes hiding the true color of her eyes. “My ex?—”
I groan, rolling my head back. It’s always about a man. Always.
“Don’t worry about it.” The woman shrugs a backpack higher that I hadn’t noticed before. “Thanks for trying, Mads.”
“No.” My spitfire daughter grabs a firm hold of her friend’s upper arm. “You stay put.” To me, she snarls, “Daddy. You goddamn listen, and you listen good, so help me…”
“What?” I widen my eyes. “So help you, what, baby girl? Because last I checked, it’s me who holds all the cards. You want that bike of yours? Your room here? Money in your checking account?”
Digger steps forward. “Bossman.”
I force my throat to swallow the tirade poised on my tongue. For my brother to step in must mean itisserious enough to warrant a listen. “Fine.” I lock gazes with the timid girl and narrow my eyes. “What were you sayin’ about your ex?”
“He, um…” She swallows. Hard. “He wants to either hold me captive or kill me.”
I snort a disgruntled laugh. “You sure know how to pick ‘em, then.”
“It’s Connor Creed,” Digger dutifully adds.
My eyes drift closed, and I count to three while drawing a deep breath. “What happened just now?”
“Knocked the kid out.” My brother. Ever the man of few words.