Page 112 of What Burns Between
I collect my heart off the floor and follow her into the garage, hoping I haven't already done too much damage.
I weathered losing my family's respect but, for some reason, I feel as though losing hers would hurt twice as much.
After the year I've had, I'm not sure I could take the hit.
"You best keepyour shit in line, boy." Digger utters the warning, face inches from Connor's. “No need to upset the ladies.” Fucker’s thin rein on his temper let loose the minute Rae waltzed into the yard. Don't blame him. Her presence burned awareness down my back like an open flame as well.
Our guest glances toward where Rae and Maddie were in the yard until a minute ago, concern etched in the worry lines on their faces. The damn girls looked too alike, arms hooked in one another. Like sisters. A thought I didn't need when the memory of Rae’s glistening cunt still stalks my idle thoughts.
“You gonna be civil about this, or what?” I ask the kid, returning my gaze his way.
Barker stands in the background, hands placed on his hips while he waits for the three of us to resolve this bullshit.
Kidnapping. The delusional fucker eyeballing us from the wrong side of the goddamn gates figured he’d send the cops around to get Rae when he couldn’t.Fucking joke.And they wonder where the budget for police resources goes.
“I’ll tell you again,” I grit through a stiff jaw, “loud enough for Barker to hear as well. Rae is here because she wants to be. Sheasked for our help, and we obliged. Ain’t nobody around here holdin’ her against her will except you.”
“To be fair,” Barker pipes up, chest puffed out like the cock he is, “her place of work says she’s missed two shifts with no contact.”
“Because she was so fuckin’ messed up by this asshole,” Digger snaps, jerking his head at Connor, “that she forgot to call in.”
“I’d feel better if I heard it from her direct,” he presses.
Connor steps back, arms folded and a smug smile on his face. I note the lack of blades strapped to his ribs today, ever the perfect citizen. Bet Deputy Barker wouldn’t think that if he knew what the young gun to his right did with his daughter final year of high school.
“Girl’s got a fragile state of mind right now, officer,” I state, as level as I can, when fury pumps a hot path through my veins. “Prefer you didn’t go pushin’ her over the edge. ‘Specially after all the hard work my girl’s put in to help her come right.”
“Get that,” he grits, clearly battling with his composure also. “But procedure is procedure, and a welfare check means checking in with the person in question, not some self-appointed spokesperson.”
I take a second, just stare at the fucker real good and imagine how perfect it would look to have a bullet sail straight through the center of his skull. Shift my gaze left a little and place that same imaginary wound in the middle of Connor’s brow. “What then?” I ask.
“Pardon?” Barker frowns.
“After you’ve talked with her. I got assurances you’ll leave her the fuck alone?”
The deputy sighs. “Tyke. You know as good as I do, she’s of interest to the state.” He rolls his lips, seemingly warring withhis loyalty to the badge and his history with the club. “I could book her for being here with you as it is.”
“You got no evidence she’s done anything illegal,” Digger argues.
“It’s the association that’s the clincher.” Barker tosses his hands, ending with them folded over his chest. “Nobody wants to see that, okay? I like Rae, too. She’s a great girl, works hard, and treats everyone fairly when she’s on shift at the diner. But you keep pushing back, Tyke, you’re gonna force my hand.”
“You mean, force the weight of what he puts in your pocket.” I nod toward the smug shit on his right.
Connor’s face falls, nose wrinkling. “Glass houses, Tyke. Better put those stones down, don’t you think?”
“Just let me talk to the girl,” Barker sighs.
"Kane!" I holler, keeping eye contact with the cop as I do. "Find Rae, would you?"
My boy nods in my periphery, surprising me by starting toward the garage.
“Funds may not be as forthcoming,” I remind him, “but you know what help we offer around here. You sure you want to lose that?” I ask. “Sure your officers want to lose that protection?”
“You giving me a threat, Tyke?” Barker steps forward. Close enough that I could count the sunspots on his overworked brow.