Page 10 of Hefty
They weren’t what I was expecting.
She seemed almost sad about the second two rules, but that doesn’t make any sense. There is no way in hell she’d want the school knowing about us hooking up. They would laugh at Jill for picking me, the hulking linebacker, when she could literally have any guy she wants. And I won’t have her laughed at. I refuse to be the reason for that.
Jill picked me to explore her urges because she trusts me. No other reason.
As the guy she trusts, I’ll protect her the best way I know how.
And I’ll try not to think of the fact that she wanted to fuck me.
Yeah right. It’s all I can think about.
Jesus. I sit down on the edge of my bed and spear my fingers through my hair. She wants me to put my cock inside of her? Take her virginity? It’s everything I’ve been fantasizing about for years, but…guys like me don’t end up with girls like Jill. If we have sex, I don’t think I’ll be able to stand seeing her with anyone else. I know I won’t. I’ll have to move to Spain after graduation and never return.
She’d regret it, too.
Once she’s more sexually confident and is ready to go date guys in her league, she’ll wish she didn’t give it up to the bulky giant who just happened to be convenient.
The knock on the window has my thoughts evaporating like invisible ink.
There’s only Jill, outlined in the sunset, smiling at me from the backyard.
I get to my feet and go open the window, reaching a hand down to help her climb in, which she does gracefully, like she does everything else. And then she’s in my room for the first time. And for once, she’s not a fantasy I’ve conjured in my head. She’s really here.
“How did you make your escape?”
Her interested gaze dances around the room, landing on everything in seconds. “I told them I forgot my toothbrush and I’m running home to grab it. That should give us…an hour tops. If I tell them I got sidetracked at home.”
“An hour,” I rasp, uselessly. “That’s good.”
A little giggle sneaks out of her. “Yeah.”
Jill starts to continue, but something on my desk catches her attention. “Oh, are those your college applications?” She steps around me and pauses. Everything inside me pauses, too. Fuck. Why didn’t I put them in my closet with everything else? There they are, lined up carefully, the colorful college logos on display. “Those are the the same three schools I applied to, Zach.”
I close my eyes. “They are?”
Of course they are. Because I’m a glutton for punishment. I will absolutely follow Jill to college and protect her from the shadows, even if it means watching her meet other guys. I don’t have any other way of existing. I exist to guard her and love her. That’s what I do.
She turns to face me again and I brace myself. She’s figured out that I’m obsessed with her and she’s about to freak. “But…you could go to a better school. You’re so smart.” She sputters a little. “You’re an honors student. A star athlete. You could go to Harvard or Yale if you want.”
With a frown, I point at the applications. “Those are good schools, too.”
“They’re decent at best. They’re for people like me.”
Suddenly, this belief that I know everything about Jill is no longer true and it panics me. I’m supposed to know her, inside and out. “People like you. What does that mean?”
She waves it off. “Nothing.”
“Tell me.”
“Mediocre. Okay?” She laughs a little too brightly. “Like my mom always says, college is just a formality for the head cheerleader. She’ll eventually just move home and marry the prom king and have babies.”
There’s a sharp jab and twist in my chest. “That’s some bullshit, Jillian Harding.”
Her mouth drops open at my use of her full name.
“You get to decide what your future looks like. People who don’t do amazing in high school go on to do great things. All the damn time. And so will you.” I storm toward her, pissed as hell about the garbage she’s been fed without me knowing. Without me fixing it. “You are kind and intelligent and sweet and creative. The fact that you’re hot and men will fall all over themselves to lock you down…that is not the most important thing about you.”
Jill blinks up at me. Sucks in a stuttered breath.
And launches herself at me.
When her soft, sexy body presses to mine, my thoughts swerve and spill out onto the road. We should keep talking, keep fixing this problem, but her wrists lock behind my neck and she presses up, up onto her toes, locking our mouths together—and I’m fucked. My hands go to her hips automatically, tracing their shape, replacing reality with my endless well of fantasies. She lets me put my tongue in her mouth, she even whimpers at the smooth friction of them rubbing together, her little tits pushing up against my chest.