Page 63 of Bikers & Bars
“When do we get out of here?” I asked, all of us turning to Romeo. My poor beta had dark circles and his clothes were crumpled enough that I knew that he’d slept here since we arrived. He was already taking care of us all.
“She said probably a few days for you guys. Eliza will be out tomorrow if we’re lucky,” he admitted.
“No,” I said, panic rising at the thought of leaving them behind.
“Don’t worry, I’ll discharge you together, don’t go into a panic attack,” the nurse said as she burst back into the room, catching the last bit of our conversation.
“Thank you,” I said as I took a deep, shaking breath. My poor heart couldn’t take any more stress. At least not for a long while.
“Move her bed in here,” Loki demanded, already glaring at her.
“We’ll see,” she countered, raising an eyebrow. “If you take your meds and rest, I’ll have the nurses help me before night shift arrives.”
“Fine,” he bit out as he fought off a yawn. She pushed meds into both of their hands and they took them without argument.
“You’ve got your work cut out for you,” she told Romeo as she moved in behind me and hip checked him out of the way.
“I’m always up for a challenge,” he said with a chuckle.
“You get rest, too,” she reminded him gently. “Now say your goodbyes, she needs rest and the doc will be up here soon. You all need his clearance if I’m going to shuffle you around.”
“Fine,” I sighed before giving each of their hands a squeeze. “Be good, we’ll be together before you know it.”
“Love you, sunshine. Don’t scare me like that again,” Loki said as he gave me a weak smile.
“No promises,” I teased. Bane chuckled at my words but shook his head.
“I love you, too, even if you give me gray hair,” he managed before coughing again.
“Love you, too,” I told them, letting the nurse wheel me away. She just settled me into bed but my eyes were already heavy.
We may all be in bad shape and recovering, but we were all alive.
That was the thought that helped me drift off to sleep, knowing in a few days we’d be in each others’ arms where we belonged.
“Don’t you dare get out of bed, you bumbling oaf!” Romeo yelled out and it took every bit of self control not to laugh.
“I need to take a piss. Is that okay with you or do you need to hold my dick for me?”
“I don’t think I have a magnifying glass to be able to find it to assist you with that,” Romeo shot back, dodging the book Loki threw at him. “Is everyone else good or is my favorite cousin the stubborn alpha today?”
“I’m good,” I told him with a smile, happily tucked into blankets with an iPad to work on recipes for the food truck. “Thanks for taking care of us.”
“At least someone appreciates me,” he mock-grumbled before leaning down to kiss me.
Damien and Bane also said they were good as Romeo followed my stubborn alpha who was unsuccessfully trying to make his way to the bathroom.
We’d all settled into our shared pack room for recovery. I wanted to be near all of them while we healed and thankfully not one person uttered a single protest.
The room had been a surprise the guys were working on in secret and it was the best thing ever. They picked a large room with enough space for all of us and painted the walls a warm cream color. They picked a huge dark-gray sofa that was big enough to fit all of us comfortably. Warm, shaggy carpets were placed throughout the space to create a cozy feeling along with piles of blankets and pillows everywhere.
If I had had a nest before then it would have been something like this. Once we were better, I was going to grab a few more lamps to put in here randomly but honestly, they did an amazing job. Random pops of colors with the pillows and blankets made it perfect.