Page 24 of Bikers & Bars
Eliza’s eyes widened but she remained silent, not getting herself involved with club business. But from her reaction, I could tell she knew the power of Damien’s declaration. Now we just had to see what his chapter would say. If I had to guess they aren’t going to just take him leaving easily. Omega or not.
“But before we do, we have a few things to clear up.” My gaze darted to Damien. She knew I was fine with her not having kids. He needed to give her that last reassurance and put this to rest.
“I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you, Eliza. I’ve wanted you since the moment I claimed you. That didn’t stop because you decided to leave. I’m here, I know your shit and youknow mine. I’m still all in. Are you?” Damien declared evenly, his voice calm but full of deep emotion.
“You already know we are in as well,” I tacked on to make it clear this wasn’t only about her and Viper’s past, but all of us as a whole. “That hasn’t changed.”
She blinked from me to Viper, then back again, as if her brain couldn’t quite process what we were saying. It might take a while for her to let that sink in and I knew we would remind her anytime she needed.
We weren’t going to be able to fix this mess overnight. Our entire lives had changed the moment they met again. If he made her happy I wouldn’t deny her that.
For now… we had business to deal with.
“Sunshine, I’m going to get Romeo to take you to his place. Grab some stuff and take a shower there. Stay with him while we get this sorted here.”
“Okay,” she replied softly.
She got up and grabbed some stuff from Bane’s dresser, noting that all of the clothing wasn’t hers. As I selected my cousin’s name to call him I watched Damien walk up behind Eliza and wrap his arms around her.
He leaned down to whisper in her ear and a watery laugh escaped her at whatever he said. My heart clenched at the sight. Even if she was a bit broken and hurt right now, my Sunshine would be okay.
“Loki?” Romeo answered, confusion and concern bright in his voice. “Did Eliza—?”
“She didn’t run again,” I replied with dry amusement as Eliza let out a long sigh. “Are you still here?”
“Yeah,” he replied slowly, I heard Bane in the background asking what was going on.
“You and Bane need to come here. Some club business came up.”
Romeo hung up and a minute later the two betas joined us. Romeo ran his hand through his black hair, relief clear when he saw for himself Eliza was still here.
“What’s going on?” Bane rumbled.
“We need to wrap things up with the other chapter,” I told him evenly.
“And what about you, Viper?” Bane asked, directing this question at Damien.
“Where Eliza is, so am I,” he replied firmly. “I lost four years already, I’m not losing any more. Don’t worry about any competition, I don’t give one shit about titles.”
“They probably won’t take that well,” Bane responded but he looked pleased by the other man’s answer all the same.
“No, they won’t,” he replied and let go of Eliza.
“We are handling this shit and then we are all sitting down to figure this out,” I leveled a stare at Eliza. “If you even think—”
“I’ll make sure she’s here,” Romeo told me, wrapping an arm around Eliza. “Let’s let them handle their club stuff and we can have some fun.”
“I need a shower,” Eliza told him as they headed for the door and Romeo laughed.
“I can help you with that and then I know just what you need.”
“If you say dick—”
“Well, that’s a given, but not what I was going to suggest…” Romeo’s voice trailed off as they left.
Bane and I shook our heads as Damien stared after them before focusing on us.
“What’s our game plan for this?”