Page 15 of Bikers & Bars
The entire place smelled of them and sex. My anger that had been simmering and festering finally reached a crescendo at that. I gently laid Eliza on the bed then went outside. It was taking every bit of self control to not lose my shit and being inside there any longer I knew I’d snap. Loki followed me out but didn’t ask questions I wouldn’t answer.
“Stop,” he demanded. I turned, fists clenched and jaw tense, glaring at him. “We can spar.”
“No,” I growled. “Killing you won’t help.”
He chuckled and raised his own fists, taking the first swing. I dodged it and swung back. He let the hit connect, grunting atthe force of it slamming into his stomach. Satisfaction joined the fury at the sight of him huffing for air.
We circled each other like lions ready to strike. Eyes locked, defensive stances matching, waiting for an opening. I let him make the first move, bending just as he would have slammed into me, using my shoulder to launch him onto his back.
Loki hit the ground with a thud and blinked up at the sky. Sweat had my shirt sticking to my skin, the sun beating down on us.
He was on his feet again, ready to keep going. As the minutes passed and blows exchanged, the anger slowly calmed to manageable levels.
When my fists dropped and I let out a breath, he looked relieved.
“Fuck, asshole,” he groaned, clutching his side from my last hit. Adrenaline had the pain down to only a small ache at this point. It might hurt later but for now, I just glanced at him.
I turned and a grin spread across my face. Somehow the girls were always nearby and it didn’t surprise me that they hadn’t changed at all. Part of me wanted to yell at them for taking her but we all know that decision was hers, they just kept her safe for me in the meantime.
Sienna was the first to reach me, the fiery redhead adorable as ever. She crushed me in a hug and I hugged her back. Teagan was next, giving me a smug grin before squeezing me. Her blonde hair and mischievous eyes hit me with another wave of nostalgia. I hadn't realized that I’d missed them, too.
“She’ll be happy once she gets over the shock,” she whispered.
“How do you—?”
“Bane texted us,” Sienna answered as Teagan stepped back.
“Hey there, asshole. Good to see you,” Hazel added. She’d leaned into her gothic style, all the black and dark makeup suited her. More than that, she looked downright happy. She lacked the fear that used to linger. Good.
Behind the girls was an array of men, half looking dangerous, the others confused.
Welcome to the fucking club.
Eliza wasn’t going to escape this time, she had a whole group and me to explain herself to. I didn’t care if it made her uncomfortable. She owed me this much.
Four fucking years was a long time to wait for a fucking explanation.
“Is she okay?” Sienna asked, studying me.
I shrugged but Bane had joined us and answered her.
“She’s in shock but alright,” he explained.
“Thanks for taking care of her, big bro,” Sienna said, hooking her arm in his and letting him lead her inside.
“Big bro?” I questioned Hazel who was closest.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about, Damien,” she said with a sad smile. “Just... hear her out, okay? You can be mad, you deserve to feel what you feel, but don’t push her away too hard or you might lose her for good this time.”
“I have no plans of losing her,” I said in a deadly serious voice. “She’s mine. Always has been.”
“She’s not the same omega,” Teagan said. “Four years is a long time, as you know. You’ve changed, too, I’m sure.”
“I have,” I agreed. Losing your mate with no explanation hardened you in a way nothing else could. I wasn’t stupid, though. They were right. If I wanted this, wanted a chance with her again, I’d have to remind her just why she fell for me in the first place.
Challenge accepted.