Page 11 of Artfully Bred
“I don’t think she’s in contact with him, but I do wonder if she’s delaying. But evenNonnawants me to wait.”
“Yeah, butNonnawants you to be happy too.” She’s right.Nonnagave up the fight after Dario told her that Spencer marrying me was extremely important. “Maybe you and Spencer should elope like Dario and I did.”
I look over to see my fiancé watching me. His look of desire and possession turns me on. I can’t stop myself from rising up and moving toward him.
“You told me earlier you had a surprise for me.”
“Come.” He pulls me along with him, and the others stay back. I turn to see my mama watching us, and I question her motives.
We move through the formal living room to the front of the house. He pulls me into his office, and I take it all in. It’s all dark leathers and deep colors. I can smell his cologne in here and it causes my body to react with an unfurling in my belly. He guides me to a door that I assume leads outside. When he opens it, I’m shocked. It leads to a conservatory that is full of easels and my supplies. I see some of my paintings I had at Dario and Luna’s.
I spin around, taking it all in. “This is amazing.”
“The glass is bulletproof. You’ll be perfectly safe here. This was originally a second garage, but I had it completely redesigned. The floor is heated so you’ll be warm in the cooler months. Also, you’ll be right by me.”
I jump at him and wrap around him. “I love it. I love you.” I kiss him all over his face.
He reaches behind him and pushes the door closed before he locks it. His long legs then move across the room to a small seating area, where he lays me out on the sofa and makes loveto me fast and hard. When we finally come out, Dario and Luna are getting ready to head back to their house. They don’t want to risk one of Mustafa’s or my father’s men following them, so they don’t want to come here often, but I’ll be able to talk to Luna on the phone. Even though our properties are next to each other, there are acres between us.
chapter six
It’s been over a month since Spencer came and got us. I’m looking at my current painting, staring at it. I know what I want it to say, but I can’t get it out of my system. I just took a test this morning and found out I was pregnant, but I haven’t told Spencer yet.
My mama has stuck to her guns and not allowed us to get married. She’s gone so far as to say she won’t give the wedding her blessing if we don’t wait. My papà still has guards on the priest. Mustafa has upped the rewards and bounty. We stick close to the property, but today Spencer had to go to his office in Milan due to something happening there. He wanted me to go with him, but I knew I had to take that test, and I also knew we’d be safer on the property.
My mother steps in through the side door off the large garden. She walks out there every day. We don’t have a greenhouse like she had atNonna’s place, but we have the garden close to the house. Instead of vineyards, our propertyhas olive, pear, fig, and cherry trees. I love them all. We have several pears from last month’s harvest. Dario sent some pickers over that he trusted. Before they got on the property, he sent my mama andnonnato his place, and Spencer and I went on a week-long trip to Monaco.
“Nonnajust got the call that Luna went into labor. They are asking for us to meet them at the hospital,” my mama says in a soft voice. I look at my cell and don’t see any missed calls.
Spencer left strict instructions that I wasn’t to leave the property. I’m not sure what to do. I pull up his number and dial him when something sharp presses into my side. I look down at the knife and then up into the face of one of my father’s men. The knife is too close to my abdomen. Too close to where if I was stabbed, it could hurt my baby.
“Come with me, Miss Carbone. Leave the phone,” he orders in Italian. I set the phone facedown so they don’t know I made the call. “Thank you, Mrs. Carbone, your husband is out waiting in the car.”
“Mama, how could you?” I turn to look at her, but her head is bowed.
“He’s all I have,” she mumbles, and we are led from the house to the driveway.
A car sits idling, and I see guards lying on the ground where they’ve been shot. One starts to rise and aims toward us, but Papà gets out and shoots him.
“Get in. Now.” He grips my arm tight and pushes me into the back. I turn in time to see him slap my mother across the face. “I’ll deal with you when we get home. You’re lucky I don’t go in there and kill your mother now.” My mama climbs in and sits across from me. Her hands are folded in her lap, and she won’t look up at me.
I thought she had been making headway in getting all of his programming out of her head. He’s beat her down emotionallyfor so many years, I knew it would take longer than a month. Still, for her to do this, hurts me so much. She’s betrayed me and Spencer both.
The car speeds away from the property. Instead of heading toward Vincenza, where the Revello estate is, the car heads south. I don’t know how Spencer will find me. I look out the window as my father talks to someone on the phone. Whomever it is keeps yelling at him. The voice is heavily accented, and that’s when I realize who it is. He’s talking to Mustafa.
“Where are we going?” I demand, but my father ignores me.
Almost two hours later, we are pulling up to an estate outside of Bologna to the south side of the city. The gates are massive with guards walking the perimeter. I look around in worry, pulling the side of my lip into my mouth and nibbling on it, trying to figure out how I can get myself out of this. I’m not worried about my mama, just worried for me and my baby.
As soon as the car comes to a stop, my father is out of the vehicle. He helps my mama out before he reaches back in and grabs my arm to yank me out. I fight him, and a guard comes up and grabs a hold of me. I’m dragged toward the door.
“Let me go. Let me go right now,” I yell and scream, but there is no one around except other Nigerian soldiers.
As soon as the phone rang, I knew something was wrong. When I heard the man demanding to take my princess, I almost yelled for her, but I kept quiet and listened. Her mother betrayed us.