Page 5 of Drawing Dead
“How long has she been unconscious?” he asks me.
I look down at the bed and watch as her eyelids flutter open.
“I’m not anymore,” she says quietly and sits up. I watch her cringe in pain, and I move to the other side of the bed, where I gently sit down next to her. My hands itch to hold her. “My father is mad at me, isn’t he?” She looks up at me through her lashes with her wide-set deep-brown eyes. I’m lost in them for a moment until they glisten with tears.
“No one is mad at you. Andrei will want to speak to you, but he knows you didn’t plan for Brett to attack you. You protected your sister when that asshole touched her.”
“Are you sure? Because my father left really fast. Normally he doesn’t like men being around me.” She pauses and looks down before she looks up at me again. “What’s your name?”
I almost smack my forehead at the realization that I never gave her my name. I just told her she was mine and then I took her.
“I’m Dmitri Volkov.”
“I’m Lennon Bronwyn, but you know that, don’t you?”
I nod.
“Let the doctor check you over and then we can talk.” I tip my head toward the physician standing next to the bed.
“Can I have you lie back down so I can check you over? Then I’ll need to have you stand up,” he tells her.
Lennon does as he asks, but her hand slides across the bed and takes a hold of mine. I lace my fingers with hers and watch as he palpates her body. I try not to pound my chest in pride that she’s seeking me out for comfort. She knows already that she is mine, but her body knows it too.
She winces when he reaches her shoulder and ribs. “They forced our car off the road. Then they grabbed me.” She releases my hand to show the doctor the bruises on her arm.
The doctor helps her up from the bed next and watches as she moves around. I stand back and watch. Her body is bruised and dirty. I’ll help her shower here in a moment, but I notice as the time drags on, she’s getting more upset. The doctor waves me over to the door, where he signals for me to lean down. My six-foot-five height puts me a good six or more inches above him.
“Clean her up. I’ll give her a mild sedative for the pain and to help her sleep. If the pain persists, bring her in for X-rays. Seat belts help save lives, but they can also hurt you.” He hands me a bottle containing a couple of pills and then turns back to the bed, where she’s now silently crying. Her body is shaking from the sobs.
I’ve never been good with crying women, but something inside me wants to obliterate the world for her. To make her feel better.
I open the door and let the doctor out. I notice her father isn’t standing there waiting, and I wonder if she’s correct and he’s upset with her. He didn’t seem that way. I close the door and move back to the bed. I take off my suit jacket and drop it on the chair before I slip off my boots. Next to go are my tie and vest, followed by my shoulder rig and the long holster down the middle of my back that holds my long blade. I keep the pancake holster at my back and my ankle one for now. I untuck my shirt and start to unbutton it, trying to get comfortable before I slip onto the bed behind Lennon and pull her into my body. She jolts for only a moment before she sinks into me.
“What did you mean by I’m yours and you are mine?” she asks so softly I barely hear her.
“From the moment I saw the security footage of you defending your sister, I knew it was time. I saw you weeks ago when I was watching Sparrow, and I knew you were mine then. But I didn’t think you were ready until I saw you this evening. I’ve watched you over the last few weeks with Sparrow. I’ve tried to keep my distance, but I couldn’t after tonight. You need me.”
“Why me?” She turns in my arms and tilts her head back to look up at me.
“Because you make me feel. I haven’t felt like this ever.” I want to tell her that I am her Master, but I’m not sure she’s ready to hear that yet. “Now let’s go take a shower before your father tries to bust in here again.” It’s an order, but I camouflage it as direction.
“Brett said I was sold to someone already.” Lennon bites her lip as she looks down and then back up to me.
“I’ll protect you. We already told the Triad tonight that you were both spoken for.”
Iwatch Dmitri as he moves from the bed. His blond hair is cropped close to his scalp. He has an overly long five-o’clock shadow, but his facial features are defined by a hard, distinct nose. He even has a sexy cleft in his chin. His piercing sky-blue eyes watch me like a hawk when he’s looking at me. He’s so big but moves like a jungle cat. All smooth lines and small movements. He pulls off his shirt, and I watch as he removes another gun. He’s completely shirtless in front of me. I shouldn’t want him. I just met him after all. I should be worried about Sparrow and not thinking about taking this hunky man up on his offer. An offer that I worry isn’t just for tonight. He makes me want things and crave things I’ve never done before. I like how he tells me what to do, even if he’s trying not to. I like that he says I need him.
His chest and arms are covered in tattoos. A lot of them represent the life he’s led and his standing in the organization with Andrei. His muscles ripple under his skin. The slabs of his pectorals show he spends a lot of time in the gym and working on himself. He turns and offers me his hand. I look at it for a moment before I carefully slide mine into his. I want to give myself to him.
Something in me trusts him. I know he won’t hurt me. He helps me up and then lifts me into his arms, where he proceeds to carry me into the bathroom. When he sets me down in front of the mirror, I finally get a look at myself. I’m dirty and bruised, and my hair is in a wild mess around my shoulders. I huff and brush my hands through my hair in an attempt to straighten it up. My eye makeup hasn’t run down my face because it’s waterproof, but it’s smeared along with my other makeup. I see the bruise on my chest where the seat belt locked up on me. Dmitri releases my zipper and the dress falls down my body to the floor. I slip off my heels, surprised they’re still on.
Tonight is proof that I can’t trust myself or the others. They hired Daron to help me. He wasn’t supposed to have a gun. He was a pervert who copped a feel on Sparrow after he tasered her. Then he forced me up against the car and tried to kiss me, insinuating my body would be his payment. I tremble as the memories wash over me.
“Don’t worry,kukla. I do want you, but I need to take care of you first. Clean you up.” Dmitri’s voice is gruffer than it was before.
“It’s not that.” I don’t know how to tell him what I went through and what I fear. So I go with the truth. “I’m still scared. Daron tried to force himself on me and then Brett kept telling me I was already sold to someone else.” I look up at him in the mirror. His bright sky-blue eyes watch my reflection. His gaze roams down my body. I feel his reaction against my butt through his slacks as his cock gets hard. I continue to watch him as I step closer to the counter. I slip my thong down my hips, bending slightly, and let it fall to the floor. His eyes flare wide when I stand completely naked in front of him. He steps back and adjusts himself. My core throbs with desire for him.