Page 19 of Drawing Dead
“No.” I shake my head. “We are just dating.”
“Yeah, okay, sure.” She turns back to the movie, and we continue watching.
* * *
My cock is rock hard, and I’m distracted in the meeting we are having in Andrei’s home office. I only got a small taste and I want so much more of her. I’m trying to figure out how to talk her into staying with me for the night.
“Dima,” Andrei barks, and I shake my head and look at him. He’s got a stern look on his face, but it falls into a smile when Mikhail starts laughing. “Distracted?”
“Sorry, Andrei,” I apologize before I try to figure out what was said.
“I asked you if your hacker has come up with anything?”
“Some. She was in the elevator to her suite at the Bellagio with two other women. Here.” I slide my cell phone across the desk and Andrei’s body stills. “What?”
I look from him to Mikhail. Mikhail takes the phone and immediately starts typing on his laptop. “We need to find out more information. I’ll have Alek also help your hacker. This is taking too long,” he says, and I look between them again.
“What am I missing?”
“Well,” Andrei says and runs his hand through his long hair, pulling the tie from it so it falls around his ears. He has the sides of his head shaved close but the top long. “Don’t get mad,” he says, and this time I see more of the nerves he’s trying to hide. “When you were at the warehouse with that asshole today, I went to see Lennon.” My body locks up and I stare him down. My brows dropping.
“I’m not going to stop seeing her.”
“No. It wasn’t that. I wanted to build a bridge and find out if she would come here to see Sparrow.” He pauses, and I know there is more. “This woman”—he points at the phone—“was at the cafe too.” I look and see that he’s pointing to the woman with the brown hair.
“What?” I come up out of my chair and start to pace. My body is full of energy, and I keep trying to think of what I am missing.
“She was at the table behind her. When I got there, Lennon was talking on her phone. But when she hung it up, both she and this woman got off the phone at the same time.”
“It could have been a coincidence.” As the words leave my lips, I know that it’s not.
“She left shortly afterward. There was a note left at her table that Lennon intercepted before I could. I had a soldier sift through the trash when we left.”
“And?” I can’t wait to know. I’m about to go get her and find out what she’s hiding from me.
“It was pretty much destroyed. We could only make out part of it.” This time when he pauses, I slam a hand on his desk and his eyebrow raises. I’ve never lost my temper with him, not even when we were young. “Protect you.”
“Did you see this?” Mikhail says as he looks up from his laptop. He’s the hacker of the two of us. I’m the muscle, but he’s the brains. I look over his shoulder and see the picture from my phone on his laptop. There is an image of Lennon next to it, but it’s out in front of Clare’s House.
“What the fuck is that?” I demand, and Mikhail turns the laptop to show Andrei.
“It’s a message board. I need to decrypt it. Give me a few hours and I’ll let you know.”
“That’s the outfit she was wearing earlier,” Andrei says, and everything in my body goes cold.
Mikhail looks up from his laptop. “That’s not the only one. There are several.” He again turns the laptop, and I see images over the last week that I know of from my security detail on her. One is also from the night of the kidnapping, and one from before it.
“Whomever this is, they are good at encrypting the words but not the images. They need some training.”
“I need to talk to her.”
I turn to leave the room.
“Dima, give her time with her sister. As long as she is here in the house, she is safe.”
I nod and move back to him. We work on more business things before I’ve finally had enough, and I’m guessing Andrei is wanting his woman too. We both make our way downstairs to the theater room. I open the door and only see Sparrow. Andrei walks down to where she is cleaning up and takes her in his arms. I look around the room and step out to the bathroom where I kissed her earlier. She isn’t there.