Page 43 of Thoroughly Pucked
More solemnly than I expect, Ledger offers a fist for knocking. “You will, bro. You will.”
“I will,” Dev seconds, and his faith in himself is admirable too. I imagine you need that steely faith to strap on skates for eighty-two games a year, to train every day, to keep your body in tip-top shape.
The moment remains solemn until Ledger yawns. An unstoppable yawn that has me laughing, and Dev rolling his eyes. “C’mon, old man. Let’s get you to bed.”
“Fuck you. Not old,” Ledger grumbles.
“But it is late,” I add gently. “So let’s go.”
Ledger doesn’t protest as we leave. We walk back along Main Street. I take a certain amount of personal pleasure in the fact that neither man glances twice atone of the pie shops Aiden wanted to check out forcompetitive intel.
At the corner, Dev’s attention snaps to the local convenience store we passed on the way here, the one with a wooden sign on its door advertisingMcDoodle Goods and Stuff. He stops right in front of a postcard rack by the door, like he’s helpless to the lure of the brightly colored pieces of cardboard. “Guys, go ahead. I’ll catch up,” he says, then heads inside the shop. As we keep walking, I reach into my pocket for my lip gloss, my room key slipping out too, then falling to the ground. “Shoot.”
I bend to grab it from the sidewalk, but Ledger’s faster, kneeling to grab it and handing it to me in no time.
“Thanks,” I say.
“Welcome,” he says, but he winces as he rises.
After I slick on some gloss, I swear I see him favoring one leg over the other for a few steps. I furrow my brow. “Is your knee injury acting up?”
“It’s nothing,” he says, shutting that down.
But is it? I rack my brain, trying to replay his recent career history. He didn’t have an injury that I’m aware of. I’m pretty sure he played regularly on the Sea Dogs last season, but a couple years ago he had a slight tear that took him out for a few weeks. Garrett mentioned it when he took me to a game that Ledger didn’t play in.
Maybe the knee still barks now and then? I’m about to suggest he use the hot tub when he snaps his gaze to me, saying quickly, in a surprisingly cheery tone, “You said on the way to the ferry that you want to hike, visit aghost town, go grape stomping. You up for hiking tomorrow? That’d be a fun start.”
“Sure,” I say, going with his one-eighty.
“Let’s do it,” he says, upbeat once more.
“Okay. Sounds fun.” It also sounds decidedly friendly, and I suppose that’s for the best. What’s sexy about a hike, after all? It’ll be the perfect platonic honeymoon activity.
He spends the rest of the walk to the hotel chatting about hiking trails.
One thing is clear—this is the end of the knee conversation.
We’re back in the suite a little after eleven. The stars wink in the night sky, the quiet of the Pacific Northwest surrounding us. One by one, we take turns getting ready for bed.
The men insist on ladies first, so once I brush my teeth and slip into my sleep shirt and shorts, I return to the room while Ledger roots around in his suitcase and Dev heads to the bathroom.
I slide into bed. Adjust myself under the crisp covers. Paddle my feet to loosen the tight sheets some more. Arrange the pillows. Tug up the duvet.
What now? Do I read like I do at home? I don’t need the light on since I brought my Kindle, but will it bug them if I’m lying in the middle of the big bed reading the latest book club pick? I do want to know what happens next inThe UnGentleman.
Dev emerges from the bathroom, but he hasn’t changed into sleep clothes yet. Maybe he just brushed his teeth. He trades with Ledger, then grabs some clothes and toiletries from his suitcase, along with a Kindle.
He sets it on the nightstand on top of the postcards he picked up at the store. “Gotta read before bed. Hope you don’t mind.”
I don’t even try to hide my smile. “I insist on it,” I say, then I hop out of bed and grab my Kindle from my purse.
I’m back under the covers as Ledger returns from the bathroom, wearing basketball shorts and a gray T-shirt. With a nod, Dev heads back into the bathroom, and the sound of the shower turning on reaches me.