Page 118 of Thoroughly Pucked
I take slow steps out of my car, like I’m seeing things. This feels like a mirage. Or a very good dream. Dev with his light brown hair and winning smile. His beard is thicker, and that makes me happy and sad. Happy because I like it. Sad because the fact that I can see the change reminds me I haven’t seen him in eight days.
Ledger’s all Ledger-y, in a black polo that hugs his muscles and shows off his ink. His expression is intense, borderline glower-y. He’s the storm to Dev’s sunshine.
But my heart flutters wildly since I want the storm and the sunshine.
Dev’s holding a postcard, Ledger a plant.
“Hi,” I say tentatively as I reach them. It comes out breathy, full of hope. I shouldn’t want to see them so badly and yet I do.
Ledger closes the distance between us, his stern expression locking with mine. “No.”
What? That’s what he’s saying to me? That’s his first word? I jerk my gaze back. “No what?”
Dev straightens his shoulders and steps closer too. “No. This isn’t ending now.”
A laugh bursts from me. I’m shocked. Speechless. Still, I manage to say, “Um, it’s not?”
Ledger’s eyes turn more serious. “We respect the hell out of what you said eight days, nine hours, and thirty-five minutes ago. But we’re also not letting you go.”
Way to tell time.
But still, since these guys aren’t mafia bosses, I’m a little lost as to thiswe’re not letting you godeclaration. I am damn curious. “Are you kidnapping me?”
Dev smiles, his eyes glinting with mischief but also with hope. “No. Because here’s the thing, Aubrey.” His smile burns off. “I get where you’re coming from. We both do,” he says, gesturing from Ledger to himself and back. “I get that you’re hurt. I get that you’re questioning everything. I get that there’s all sorts of stuff we need to sort out and put on the table. But you’re…” He draws a big breath, his eyes all swoony. “…fucking amazing.”
Oh. Wow. Is this how two men tag team telling you they’re into you? My heart thunders, but my head is warning me to be careful. I don’t want to tell them I need time a second time. That feels mean.
Ledger jumps in. “Exactly. So we want you to take your time. To do what you need to do. But I’m justsaying this.” He pins me with a smoldering, important stare. “We’ll wait for you.”
Oh, my.
They’re giving me time. They’re giving me all the time. Is this happening?
“You’re saying…?” It’s almost too much to breathe aloud.
“We’ll wait for you,” Ledger repeats. “We’re not going anywhere. You said you’d want to go out, but you need time. So how’s this?” Ledger says, then a small smile shifts his lips as he hands off to Dev.
“We came over here to ask you on a date,” Dev says.
“For a year from now,” Ledger adds.
My eyes pop. I swallow in pure surprise.
“You are?” I can barely speak I’m so amazed.
“Same time. Next year,” Ledger says, strong and certain. “Will that work for you, honey?”
My hand flies to my chest. “You’ll really…wait for me?”
“Yes,” Dev answers with a smile that’s like the sun in the morning. You see a hint of it at first, then it rises, all at once. “We will.”
I’m overwhelmed. Overjoyed. And flabbergasted. They must know that sometimes you just have to leave on a high note, since they start backing down the steps.