Page 55 of Kate & Hudson
Oh, my god. I’m going to need clarity because I’m not sure what she’s trying to tell me. Is she ready for dinner? Ready for wine? Ready for my bed? What? “Great. For what, exactly?”
Kate looks around the room, her eyes narrowing on my bed, and then starts back peddling. “Oh, my god. No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean… well… I mean to say… um. Gah! Can I get that wine now?” She looks horrified, and it makes me laugh.
“Of course. I think I could use some, too. Follow me.” I take her hand and pull us both out of my bedroom, down the hall, and to the kitchen, where we are safer. I grab two wine glasses, open the wine Kate brought with her, and pour us each a hefty glass. “Here you go.”
“Thank you.” She takes the glass and a rather large sip.
“Let’s sit out on the back deck.” I open the French doors to the covered back patio and pull out a chair for Kate to sit. Pulling my chair closer to hers, I sit down and take her hand. “Now, tell me… what are you ready for?”
Taking another sip, I suspect for some liquid courage; she sets her glass down on the table in front of us and turns more towards me. “I’m ready to try this… this thing…” she waves a finger between us, “whatever this is… if you want to, of course. I don’t want to assume anything. I mean, I’d like to, you know, I don’t know… um, date… or whatever… you know… go out… no, not that we’re kids or anything… I mean, you’re not old… wait, how old are you… no, don’t answer that, I shouldn’t have asked. That was rude of me, sorry.” She sighs as she realizes I’m smiling at her. “Can you please either shoot me now or bail me out of this hole I’m digging for myself?”
With one finger, I tip her chin towards me and lean in. “I’m glad you’re ready for this relationship. I think is the word you were looking for, Kate. Because I sure the hell am ready.” Our eyes meet and we stare at each other, and I can feel the calmness come over me. Like I’m home with her. Really home.
She leans up and kisses me softly. “Good. I have some rules.”
I break the intimate moment with my raucous laughter. “Rules?”
“Rules.” She confirms.
I swiftly kiss her lips and then release her. Sitting back, I grab my wine and take a sip. “Okay. Rules. Hit me.”
Like she’s about to negotiate a peace treaty with a foreign nation, Kate takes a sip of her wine and sits back in her chair and crosses her hands in her lap. “Okay. I’m monogamous to a fault. I can’t accept anything less.”
I can see the hurt in her eyes from someone long before me. I get it; I’ve been hurt, too. Taking both her hands in mine, I look her directly in the eyes, making sure she understands what I’m about to say. “Kate. If we agree to be with each other, then it would only be you in my thoughts, in my bed, and in my heart. But also know that I would expect the same of you, too. No exceptions.”
“You’ve been hurt, too.” It’s a statement; not a question.
Nodding, “Yes. Deeply hurt. And I never want to experience that again. If you’re unhappy, you need to talk to me, and we can work it out.” Renee’s face flashes in my mind’s eye. “Kate, please don’t cheat on me and I promise to never cheat on you. Deal?”
She cups my cheek, “Deal.” Her thumb traces my bottom lip. “So… does this mean you’re my boyfriend?”
“It definitely means I’m your boyfriend. And you’re my girl.”
The smile on Kate’s face brightens up the darkening patio. “I like that.”
I kiss her lips. “Good. I’m glad we got that all out of the way.” Just then, Kate’s stomach growls. “What kind of boyfriend am I, letting you starve? Let’s get dinner going.” I pull her up and into my arms. “I’m going to love this boyfriend girlfriend thing.” I kiss her again and then pull her into the kitchen. “I’m assuming steaks, potatoes, and Caesar salads are good. Right? You’re not a vegetarian or a vegan, are you? Because that may kill the whole deal.” Even I can hear the nervousness in my voice.
Shaking her head, “Nope. Complete carnivore over here.”
“Whew. That was close.” I wipe the fake sweat off my forehead. “How about you do the salads while I put the steaks on the grill? The baked potatoes should be done shortly.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Kate goes to the fridge and starts pulling salad stuff out and I bring the steaks to the grill on the patio.
As I stand at the grill grilling our steaks, I notice a feeling of excitement come over me for the possibilities ahead of us. I don’t remember that feeling with Renee, but I don’t want to think about Renee any longer. Kate is all I want to think about.
“That was delicious, but I’m so stuffed right now!” Kate grabs her stomach as she leans back in her chair.
“So, no ice cream or pie, then?” I ask as I grab our plates off of the dining room table. It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten here. Usually, I’m sitting in front of the television eating off a TV tray or eating over the kitchen sink. I think the last time I ate at this table was when Mom came over and cooked a small Thanksgiving dinner for the two of us.
“Oh no. Not now, at least. Maybe later.” Kate stands up. “Let me help.”
“All done. I’ve been putting the dishes in the dishwasher as I cooked.” Another thing in my house that almost never gets used. I turn on the dishwasher and wipe down the counters. “Want another glass of wine? If not, I’ve got beer.” I smirk at my inside joke.
“Beer? I’m never drinking another beer around you for as long as I live.” Kate laughs, remembering our first night together.
“You’ll like this beer. I guarantee it.”
With her puzzled look, I reach into the refrigerator and pull out a brown bottle and place it on the counter, and Kate roars with laughter. “See? I told you you’d like it.” I pull the top off of the diet root beer that Kate had told me once was her most favorite drink in the world. After that conversation, I bought an entire case of it to make sure I had it on hand for whenever she came over. Like today.