Page 34 of Kate & Hudson
“Something about needing your actual signature for liability reasons. I don’t know. Just fill it out.” She grabs some mealworms for Wilbur as he waddles in through the backdoor. "Hey buddy."
"Honk." He gladly takes the treats.
As I’m filling out the forms, something occurs to me, and I look up at Grace.
“Do you remember the last time you played kickball?”
Grace hands the rest of the mealworms to Wilbur, who happily takes them all, then wipes her hands on the dishtowel, all while looking into space. “Gosh, it has got to be in elementary school, right?”
Nodding, “That’s what I’m coming up with. Mrs. Rachelle’s PE class.” Grace jumps up, “Oh. Remember Billy, or was it Bobby… maybe it was Brian? I don’t know, but remember that kid that got the ball to the nose, and he bled all over and he wouldn’t stop crying? They finally had to call his mom to come get him and the next day he had two black eyes? What a weenie he was!” Grace laughs.
I laugh with her, “His name was Brent, and he’s with the police department now. If you ever run into him, you might not want to bring that up. He’s definitely not a weenie now. Trust me.”
Her eyes perk up, “Really? Is he single?”
I shake my head and go back to filling out the last of the forms. “You are incorrigible, you know that, right?”
She ignores me, “Ugh. I can still hear the ping of the red kickball off of his face!”
“Here’s my form. Let me get my checkbook and I’ll write the check for the league fees. I can’t believe we’re going to play kickball. Who would have thought that adult kickball would be a thing?”
“Right? I’m glad we’re doing this. Gets us out of the house, meet some new people, get some exercise, and have some fun. I’m excited!”
I tear the check out of my checkbook and hand it and the forms to her. “Me too, although I’m not sure about meeting new people. Hibiscus Harbor isn’t a big town. Chances are, if we don’t know everyone on the league, we’ve probably at least seen them around.”
“True, but this team isn’t just for Hibiscus Harbor. We’ll be playing teams from around Florida. So, that’ll be fun.”
“Good point.”
“And we’re playing in an all-female team. I think there are all-men teams, too. Maybe we’ll play them, as well.” Grace wiggles her eyebrows.
“Honestly, what is wrong with you? Have you checked with your doctor? Maybe you should call and make an appointment. No one is as horny as you are, I swear.”
Grace heads to the front door, “Actually, no one is as celibate as you are. Maybe you should call and make an appointment with your doctor. It’s not natural.”
“Touche. Let’s agree to disagree.”
“Yohoo, Kate! Are you ready to come walking?” Gladys yells from across the street. She has her octogenarian girl gang with her. Today she’s wearing all green. Like broccoli.
I wave back at them. “Let me put my shoes on and I’ll be right out.”
“Well, don’t take too long. We’re closer to death than you are!” She laughs at her own joke, but the others agree with her.
I look at Grace, “I gotta go. When is the first practice?”
“Wednesday at five at the sports park off Tulip Street. Have fun on your walk and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye.” Grace waves to the girl gang. “Have fun ladies.”
“We will. Bye Grace.”
I make quick work putting my shoes on and throwing my hair up in a bun and make it out to Gladys, Betty, Joan, and Florence. “Hi ladies. Ready?”