Page 21 of Kate & Hudson
She giggles, “I’m not ready for that quite yet, but we’re getting there.” She changes the subject quickly. “I have everything here under control, boss. This entire weekend is handled. Don’t you worry about a thing. Josh and I have things today and Grace and I will have a great time tomorrow working together. You just relax. Okay?”
Chloe knows about what this weekend means to me. I take it off every year. Grace works at my shop on every anniversary for me. It’s her way of helping me and I cannot be more grateful for her friendship.
Some of my customers know about my history, too. It’s not a secret or anything, it’s just not something I talk about too much with people. They all give me a pitiful look and I can’t stand that.
Yes, my parents died, and I lived. But my grandmother took great care of me until she passed away after I graduated from college.
Although, I’d have preferred my parents had lived, I had a good childhood living with my grandma in this neighborhood. All these elderly people were extra grandparents to me. Few of my friends could say they had an army of grandmas and grandpas at their beck and call.
“Thanks, Chloe. And thank Josh for me, too.”
“Will do. Talk to you Monday. Bye.”
“Bye, Chloe.”
No sooner did I hang up with Chloe, than I hear Grace’s car in the driveway.
“I hear her. Please, no honking today.” My head is hurting again.
Grace lets herself in, “No honking today, Wilbur, or you’re going outside.”
“Okay, out you go.” Grace shoos him outside and he gladly leaves.
Raising two bags, “I’ve brought my stuff. I’m staying the night. No arguments. I’m not leaving you alone tonight. Besides, I need you to make sure I get up in time to work at the shop tomorrow morning. Also, I’ve got red sports drinks, aspirin, and chocolate. Which one do you want first?”
“Thank fuck. Aspirin, drink, then chocolate, please.” I decide not to argue about her sleeping over. To be honest, I’m not looking forward to being home alone all day tomorrow on the twentieth anniversary of the fire. So, Grace’s company tonight will help.
“Here you go. You look worse than I do.”
“Thank you. I was wondering about that.” I answer sardonically while taking my medicine.
“It must be because you never drink. I shouldn’t have ordered the tequila last night.”
I decide to change the subject because the mention of tequila makes me want to vomit again and I don’t think I have anything left to vomit. "What happened to you last night?"
“Ugh. Girl, I got dissed. Badly.” She plops down on the couch and crawls under the blanket with me.
“Oh boy. What happened? How’d you get home?”
“So, remember that guy I was dancing with?”
I nod. Ugh, I can’t move my head like that again.
“His name is Kane. What a cool name, right?” She doesn’t wait for my answer and just keeps talking. “We’re dancing and he pulls me aside and tells me you’re too drunk so his partner, and instantly I’m thinking he’s gay and I’ve wasted my time, is taking you home.”
“So, your first thought was of your wasted time and not that your best friend for the last million years is being kidnapped? Great.”
She shoves my shoulder. “No, I asked Kane what he meant by partner, and he tells me they are partners at the fire station and part owners of Hooplas. So, I was thinking you were safe.”
I smirk, “Okay. You have been redeemed. He still could have been a serial killer, but so could anyone. Continue.”
“He then says that he wants to take me home, too. And of course, I’m thinking ‘Hell yeah, buddy. Let’s go!’ right? His butt is super tight, and his jaw is so square.” She groans. “I could so see the top of his head between my legs.” She looks dreamily into the air.