Page 15 of Kate & Hudson
I try to see what he’s looking at when I notice a package with a picture of a goose on it. “Is this what you want?” Reading the package, it says ‘Mealworms’. Disgusting.
“Ok. It’s your life.” I pull out a handful of them and hold my hand out. The goose eats every single one of them then walks around the corner and I hear it drinking. I check the bowl and there’s plenty of water. I watch him finish drinking and then plod back to his bed in the bedroom.
Looking around the small house, I notice it’s cozy. It’s too small for me and my English Mastiff. “Shit. Pepper.” Pulling out my phone, I go to dial my mother’s number and see a text message from Kane.
Taking this girl home. You good?
I text him back.
Yeah. I took her friend home. You good?
Yep. See ya.
I pull open the phone app and hit my mother’s picture to call her.
“Hello? Hudson. Is everything okay?” My mother’s groggily voice answers after the first ring.
“Yeah, mom. Everything’s okay, but I’m not going to make it back tonight to pick up Pepper. You okay if she stays there for the night?”
“Hudson, she’s fine. She’s sleeping next to me and wondering why you’re calling us so late about such nonsense. Go be with your lady friend or whomever and don’t worry about us.”
“It’s not like that, mom.”
“Huh, sure.” She doesn’t sound convinced.
“No, really. I drove a woman home from the bar because she drank too much, and she passed out in my truck. I want to stay to make sure she’s okay. That’s all.”
“Was she drinking alone?”
“She was with a friend, but there’s more to that story, I’m sure. Kane’s with her friend now.”
“You’re both good boys, Hudson. She’ll be sorry in the morning, but thankful you found her first before someone else did with bad intentions.”
I silently nod.
“Don’t worry about Pepper. We’re perfectly happy. Go do what you need to do and don’t worry about us.”
“Love you Mom.”
“Love you, too.”
I hang up and look around again at the little living room, kitchen, and dining room. With my two feet, I’m standing in all three rooms. I take in the couch and realize there’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep on that thing. It’s a micro couch. I’m not a micro man at six-two. Only one other place in this shed to lie down.
I step into the bedroom and see the goose is fast asleep and Kate is in the same position I put her. I kick off my boots and undo my belt and button on my jeans and lay down on top of the comforter that Kate is currently sleeping under.
Suddenly, the goose flaps his wings and ends up on the bed at Kate’s feet. He closes his eyes and falls asleep.
This is a first for me.