Page 99 of Ruthless Alpha
“Your intuition,” Mom muses, tilting her head in contemplation. “Maybe it was trying to warn you of what was going to happen.”
“But is that possible if it was an accident?” I rush out.
Her lips curl up in a small smile and she leans over, setting a hand on my arm. “Absolutely. Intuition isn’t necessarily about intent. Sometimes it’s just a tip-off. Like, for example…” she trails off as a commotion from inside draws our attention, both of us turning to look through the glass doors to see Alpha Reid trying to diffuse whatever argument has sprung up between his boys.
Archer typically keeps his cool, but Ares has him fired up about something, and I’m glad I’m out here right now instead of in there. I’ll bet the testosterone inside is suffocating.
Shaking her head, my mom turns back to me with a sigh. “So, as I was saying, sometimes it’s not what you think. You know Cal Conway, Chase’s beta?”
I nod.
“The first time I saw him, I got this feeling of darkness within him, permeating everything around him. I thought it meant he was dangerous,” she finishes.
My brows shoot up in surprise. “Cal? Really?”
It’s difficult to imagine ‘Uncle Cal’ as anything other than the doting father and brilliant artist he is.
She nods before going on. “Turns out, he was fighting some serious inner demons from his past, but that didn’t mean he was a bad guy. Far from it. What I’m trying to say is that sometimes, those feelings I get as an intuitive mean something totally different than what I think they do. So, if you had that feeling about Luke, maybe it was your intuition giving you a heads-up that he was connected to something that was going to happen rather than him as a person.”
I draw a deep breath. “Do you think I’m… an intuitive, like you?”
She shrugs a shoulder. “I think you could be. You’ve already got the visions. If you get those feelings, you should listen to them. The universe might be trying to tell you something.”
I drop my head to stare down at my hands in my lap, mulling over her words. “I had another one today,” I say quietly before glancing back up at her again. “It’s what made me think back to Luke. When we met that alpha, Javi, I got thisfeeling. It was different than with Luke, but similar enough that I made the connection.”
“What did you feel?”
I sink my teeth into my lower lip, tilting my head as I consider how to explain. “It was just this knowing feeling tickling the back of my mind, this tightness in my gut…” I shake my head as I trail off. “I don’t know. I’m trying not to read into it, but I’m also kinda freaking out about it because this is totally new to me and I don’t know what it means…”
“Was it a bad feeling?” she asks, interrupting my rambling.
“No,” I say, surprising myself with how easily that answer comes to me. “Well, I don’t think so. I felt like maybe he was hiding something, but there was also this weird sense of familiarity, like he… belonged with us somehow? Does that make sense?” I groan, burying my face in my hands. “Oh my gosh, I sound like a lunatic, don’t I?”
Mom chuckles softly, reaching out to take my hands and lowering them from my face. “No, you don’t,” she replies, staring into my eyes sincerely. “I completely understand. It’s confusing trying to pick apart what the feelings mean, especially at first, but you just have to trust your gut and listen to them as best you can.”
“But what does it mean?”
“Maybe that you should try to sway the others to give him a chance,” she suggests. “Have you told Madd?”
“Told me what?”
I startle at the sound of his voice, whipping around to see him peeking his head out from the sliding glass door.
Mom pats my thigh, pushing up from the sectional. “I’m gonna head in, give you two a few minutes to chat.”
I shoot her a grateful smile as she heads for the patio door, skirting around Madd’s broad form as he steps outside to join me. Rising to my feet, I stride toward him, meeting him halfway and stepping into his waiting arms. They fold around me and I drag in a deep breath through my nose, his intoxicating scent delivering an instant sense of comfort.
These are the moments when I’m most thankful for our history. Without a word, Madd knows exactly what I need- even if it’s just to be held for a moment to calm my inner chaos. After a beat, I pull back, tipping my head up to look into his blue eyes.
“My mom thinks I’m an intuitive, like her,” I say, just coming right out with it. “I had a feeling about that Javi guy, and she helped me make sense of it a little bit.”
Madd arches a brow, his interest piqued. “What kind of feeling?”
“I think we should give him a chance.”
He shakes his head with a scowl. “Absolutely not. It’s a safety risk. The more I think about it, the less on board I am with even considering letting them in.”
I furrow my brow. “That’s not the Madd I used to know,” I murmur, pressing a hand to his chest, over his heart. “The Madd I used to know would always help someone in need.”