Page 91 of The Denver Alpha
“Well get on it, girl!” Shay laughs, elbowing me playfully. “Time’s ticking till the next full moon!”
I roll my eyes, waving her off as I feel Cole’s arm slip around my waist, tugging me into his side. He leans down, his warm breath tickling my ear. “Should we get some food now?”
“Sure,” I say, allowing him to steer me toward the buffet spread. We’re intercepted no fewer than four times in the short distance it takes to get there by Cole’s advisors and a couple of the pack warriors coming over to personally congratulate the two of us. It’s all a little overwhelming, but I try not to let it show.
After we load up our plates full of eggs, bacon, and fruit, we join Sam and Shay at the small table across from the coffee where Cole always has his breakfast. He sets down our plates, pulls out his usual chair, and I’m about to take the one beside him when he throws out an arm and drags me onto his lap instead.
“What are you doing?” I giggle, fighting against the arm locked against my lap.
“Staking my claim, showing everyone that you’re the only girl I want,” Cole replies coolly. He plucks a strawberry off his plate, bringing it up to my mouth.
I arch a skeptical brow. “You’re going to feed me now, too?”
“Open up, baby.” The low, growly intonation in his voice sends a shiver skittering down my spine.
Cole presses the tip of the strawberry to the seam of my lips and I part them, taking the fruit into my mouth and biting down. His gaze is smoldering as he holds eye contact the entire time, watching me chew and swallow, catching a drip of juice with the pad of his thumb before it dribbles down my chin. He brings his thumb to his own lips, sucking the juice off, and the sight of it sends a flood of heat straight to my core.
“Okay, if this is what we’re going to be subjected to every morning, I’m gonna find a new place to sit for breakfast,” Sam grumbles, aiming a smirk our way.
“Speak for yourself,” Shay chuckles, intently focused on Cole and me. “I’m here for the action. I swear, only you two could make eating look like the start of a porno.”
I snort a laugh, peeling Cole’s arm away from my body and sliding off his lap. “I think you’ve made your point, Sarge,” I tease, dropping down onto the seat beside him. I reach over for my plate, sliding it closer and plucking up a grape, popping it in my mouth.
I can still feel everybody watching us. They’re curious, maybe even a little surprised at how comfortable we are together when we only just revealed we’re an item. That’s never been the problem with Cole and me, though- being around him has always felt natural. It’s our differences of opinion that cause friction.
For someone who’s usually stoic and understated, Cole sure knows how to make a scene. His hands lock around the wooden seat of my chair, dragging it closer until it’s right up against his own. The loud scrape of the chair legs against the floor draws everyone’s stare back to us and I laugh, shaking my head. “Is that really necessary?”
He shrugs, a smirk curling his lips as he slings an arm over the back of my chair.
I roll my eyes. “Psycho.”
I glare at him as I pick up a piece of bacon and sink my teeth into it, tearing at the meat like an animal.
His gaze drops to my mouth, then slowly returns to my own, so much heat building behind it that I know exactly what he intends to do after breakfast.
Well, at least Ithoughthe’d wait until after breakfast.
Cole suddenly shoots to his feet, grabbing onto the back of my chair and pulling it away from the table sharply. The legs scrape loudly against the floor again, but I don’t have time to register the attention it draws because then Cole’s leaning down, scooping me up into his arms like I weigh nothing. I shriek as my world turns upside-down, Cole slinging my body over his shoulder in a fireman carry.
“Cole!” I protest, kicking my legs and pounding my fists against his back.
He just chuckles darkly, his arm locked around the backs of my thighs in an iron grip as he strides out of the kitchen and takes me right back to his bedroom.
Life has a funny way of working out. When I look back on how things were when Juliet first arrived in Denver, it’s crazy to think how far we’ve come. Back then, I wanted nothing more than for her to turn around, go home, and stop disrupting my life. Now, I can’t imagine it without her.
A grin spreads across my face as I watch Juliet from where I’m parked at the curb on Denver U’s campus. She’s chatting with a few other students, including Tobias, as they exit one of the school buildings and start down the walkway. My possessive side flares as she laughs at something Tobias says, but I try to tamp it down quickly, not wanting to put a damper on her first day because I can’t control my own jealousy.
I shouldn’t be jealous. Juliet’smine, and Tobias wouldn’t step a toe out of line with her unless he had a death wish. Still, I can’t help but want to be the only one who makes her laugh like that. The only one who captures her attention.
As if she can read my thoughts, her gaze lifts, ice-blue eyes meeting mine. Pride swells in my chest at the radiant smile that spreads across her lips when she sees me and suddenly, she’s waving over her shoulder to her peers, rushing toward the Camaro with palpable excitement.
“How was your first day?” I ask as she tosses her backpack in the footwell of the passenger seat, climbing into the Camaro and pulling the door closed behind her.