Page 5 of The Denver Alpha
I grunt in response, unable to string words together until I’ve had my morning coffee fix. I reach for the cup in front of me eagerly, swallowing down a scalding gulp before relaxing back into my chair, breathing a contented sigh.
“Morning,” I finally reply.
Sam picks at a piece of bacon on his breakfast plate as he glances around, leaning in a little closer and dropping his voice low. “So what did Jax want to talk about at the end of the night?”
The corner of my mouth kicks up in amusement. Sam is too curious for his own good, and I saw the look on his face when Jax pulled me aside late last night for a private conversation. I’m sure it’s been killing Sam to be left in the dark, and he’s probably been impatiently waiting for me to come to breakfast this morning just so he could ask about it.
“It was nothing,” I shrug, swallowing down another gulp of coffee and pushing out my chair. I leave Sam hanging while I head over to the buffet table to load up a plate with bacon, eggs, and breakfast potatoes, and when I return to retake my seat a few minutes later, the guy is practically crawling out of his skin.
“C’mon, man,” Sam groans in exasperation. “Seriously?”
I chuckle to myself as I pick up a strip of bacon and bite off a piece, enjoying prolonging Sam’s agony over something so trivial. His eyes are fixated on me while I chew and swallow, and only then do I finally indulge him. “He just asked me to look after Juliet,” I say before shoving the rest of the piece of bacon into my mouth. “As if that’ll be hard,” I grumble around it as I chew, then roll my eyes as I swallow. “She’s as naïve and sheltered as they come. I doubt she’ll be any trouble.”
“Eh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. She’s a good-looking girl, and the guys that live here aren’t blind. I’ll bet she has a fan club before lunch time.” Sam leans closer, a smirk creasing his lips. “Couldn’t help but notice that she’s also your type,” he remarks, helpfully pointing out the obvious.
“So?” I play it off. I’m still embarrassed about how I reacted when we met yesterday, so I just fucking deflect. “Plenty of girls are. I’m not gonna be an asshole and go for some guy’s little sister.” I shoot Sam a pointed look and from his expression, I know my barb landed. Sam dated Astrid once upon a time, and though I came around to being okay with it, I’ll still never let him live it down.
“Aw, c’mon, man,” he laments. “Isn’t that water under the bridge by now?”
I smirk as I lift my coffee mug, taking a sip. The chatter in the kitchen dies down suddenly, and I realize that all the guys congregated around the tables for breakfast on the other side of the room are looking my way for some reason. No, notatme…pastme. I swivel in my seat, turning to glance over my shoulder to see what all the fuss is about, and I nearly spit out my damn coffee at what I find.
That naïve, sheltered girl I was just talking about? Yeah, she’s standing in the doorway to the kitchen wearing nothing but a little blue bikini, dripping water all over the floor beneath her. My brain fucking short-circuits at the sight of her scantily clad body, becauseholy fuck, the girl is perfection. She’s got legs for days, long and shapely and perfectly toned, every inch of her skin golden without a tan line in sight. She must be a runner or something, and all I can think of is how those legs would feel wrapped around my waist. Or my face. The flare of her hips and the snatch of her waist gives her curves a subtle hourglass shape, and her flat belly and prominent hipbones have me practically salivating to lick a path down them to the apex of her thighs. And let’s not even talk about her tits, because fucking hell, they’re gorgeous. Perfectly symmetrical and round and perky, her hard nipples pebbling up beneath the thin fabric of her swimsuit. My dick instantly springs to attention, and I’m sure every other hot-blooded guy in here is already sporting a semi thanks to her.
I’m instantly agitated, balling my fists and gritting my teeth. I’m not sure if it’s because she has the audacity to strut in here and put herself on display like this for all to see, disrupting the natural order of things at the packhouse, or because every other male in the vicinity is currently mesmerized by the sight of her and mentally storing images for their personal spank-banks. I’m not exaggerating- every single warrior seated across the kitchen is fucking gawking at her, but she’s acting like she doesn’t even notice. She just scans the room, spots the coffee pot, and pads toward it with so much nonchalance that I practically grind my molars to dust in my mouth.
“Someone get her a towel.” I bark out the order to nobody in particular, rising to my feet and eyeing the trail of water Juliet has left behind beneath where she’s treaded. Sam springs to action, hustling out of the kitchen, while I stomp toward the seemingly oblivious blonde, freezing in my tracks when she spins around, putting her back to me and reaching up to open the cupboard above the coffee pot.
I raise a fist to my mouth, biting down on my knuckles to stifle a groan. Her ass is like a juicy fucking peach- round and tight and fucking begging for me to sink my teeth into it. Or grab it while she’s riding me. Or slap it when she’s bent over in front of me. Or fuck it…
“A little help?” Juliet interrupts my filthy train of thought, glancing back at me over her shoulder as she struggles to reach for the coffee mugs on the top shelf. She’s up on her tiptoes, but they remain just out of reach, her fingertips barely brushing against the ceramic cups.
If she’d come for coffee earlier, there would still be plenty of mugs left on the lower shelf. I consider saying as much, but I refrain- it’s her first morning here, after all. She hasn’t got the lay of the land yet. I’m being too harsh on her; she’s sweet and innocent and it’s not like she’s doing any of this on purpose, right?
Or maybe I’m just blinded by that gorgeous fucking ass.
I step up behind Juliet, reaching over her head to retrieve a mug from the cabinet, but it nearly slips from my fingers when she suddenly rocks back into me, aforementioned bikini-clad ass pushing into my crotch.
There’s no way it’s a fucking accident. My body tenses and I flinch back like she’s a fucking leper, a low growl emanating from my chest as I stumble backwards a step and she whirls around to face me.
“Thanks,” she sing-songs as she plucks the mug from my hand, smiling sweetly in gratitude before turning to fill it up with coffee from the pot. As if she didn’t just grind her ass on my dick.
What the hell is this girl playing at?
I watch her for a moment with morbid fascination, remaining rooted in place to shield her body from the prying eyes across the room. “Go for a swim?” I murmur.
She darts me a sly glance over her shoulder as she pours coffee into her mug. “What gave me away?”
My fist clenches in response to her sarcasm, and it’s at that moment that Sam reappears with a fluffy white towel in hand. I snatch it from him as soon as he’s within reaching distance, shoving it toward Juliet. “Here.”
Maybe I’ll be less agitated once she covers herself up.
She sets the coffee pot and mug back down on the counter, turning toward me to take the towel from my hands. “Thank you,” she breathes, wiping at her wet swimsuit and dripping body as I try- and fail- not to track her every movement with my wandering eyes.
I’m not the only one. Sam turns away politely, but every other fucker in the kitchen is practically salivating as they watch her dry off, despite my best attempts to block their view.
Once she’s finished, I expect her to wrap the towel around her body and cover herself up, but no. Instead, she bends over at the waist in a move so sexy that I nearly lose it, wrapping the towel around her hair instead before slowly rolling back up and flashing me a wide smile.