Page 6 of Obsess
My loud gulp can be heard through the room as I look around. Most of the men have these weird half-smiles on their faces, but they’re not amused. There’s something hiding behind their masks.
“Now!” Nick shouts and slams a fist on the desk. I notice I’m not the only one to jump. Some of the men do, too, their gazes suddenly diverted from me.
Mickey gets angry again. Ripping from my hold, he jumps on the desk and faces off with Nick. Teeth bared, neither makes a sound nor movement, but I gasp when I see the man who is always with Nick move closer, a knife in each hand. The tears I tried to withhold slide down my cheeks, and plump drops of moisture land on Minnie’s head.
“Back. Off. Marco,” Nick snaps at the man, who never takes his eyes off Mickey. I click my tongue to get the feline to back off, but again, he doesn’t. His tail flicks back and forth, knocking everything in its path off the desk as it moves.
“Little girl, if I have to tell you to get your sweet ass over here again, you will not like the consequences.”
Cocking my head, I try to assess his meaning, but nothing comes. I don’t recognize that word…the definition. I can’t put it into context, so I stay where I am when Nick’s gaze finally snags mine.
He watches me for a minute, gauging my reaction before finally asking, “Do you know what that means?”
I’m afraid to tell him no. I don’t want him to see me as dumb. I’m not. Or I don’t think I am. I typically can remember everything I’m taught, but I haven’t had any formal teaching since before I got my cats. It’s limited my knowledge of a lot of things, I guess.
“Little girl?” he prompts, his tone softer. Finally, I shake my head no. Before he can respond, the man Mickey attacked groans and rolls over, stealing a look at me before cursing up a storm with a ferociousness I’ve never witnessed.
Slowly, he gets to his feet. “Fucking goddamned cat.” Before I can move, he’s got a gun pulled from his side, pointing it at Mickey.
“NO!” I scream and jump in front of my fierce protector. My throat is raw from the intensity; I don’t talk often because it’s just me and my babies. My eyes squeeze shut, waiting for the explosion of pain, but nothing comes.
“Little girl,” Nick growls again. “Come on over here now.”
Peeking my eyes open, I stare down the hole in the gun as blood drips from the owner’s hand, plopping soundlessly to the ground. When I get a look at everyone else, I see they also have weapons out, all trained on this man in front of me.
Minnie tugs on me, so I follow on as she moves, but I don’t turn around. Not until I feel Nick’s hand gripping the shirt I’m wearing and dragging me into him. Without hesitation, I spin around and bury my face in his chest, searching out the whomp whomp of his thudding heart.
Everything fades away as I absorb the security of having him close. My eyes drift shut, and my arms wrap around his waist. I want to climb into his lap again, but he’s standing, so this will have to do for now.
I feel the rumble of his voice as he speaks, but I don’t register a word he says. As the tension leaves his body, I move my hands to undo his belt and pants, the same as he did on the ride here, freeing his member and pressing closer into his body. Pushing his shirt up, I burrow underneath so that when he sits down, my legs immediately open to cradle him as I rest in his lap. His shirt stretches around me, and suddenly, I’m enveloped in the warmth and comfort I’ve been craving my whole life.
Clenching my jaw, I do everything I can not to act on what I want most right now. To bury my cock as deep inside her virgin cunt as I can until neither of us can breathe right. But I don’t. There are too many men here that I’ll have to kill if I allow them to witness that.
The cat on my desk finally relaxes a bit, spinning to curl up on the mess he made, not giving two shits that he knocked everything off in our stare-off. His back is to me as he lays down, but he watches the other men in the room with a ruthlessness I can admire.
All Jamison did was touch my little girl, and he attacked. That’s the kind of protection she deserves. Up until the fucker jumped on my desk and challenged me, I was growing to like him. In my haste to have my girl in my arms again, to secure her to my side, I’d yelled at her. So his confrontation was my own fault.
“Take Jamison downstairs,” I instruct as she begins opening my pants. I freeze, mid-orders, curious about what she’s doing, until she buries herself inside my shirt; then I understand. She wants what we had in the car.
I’d only opened my pants then because my dick was so hard that I was afraid it would snap in half from the confines of the material. Now, it seems she’s seeking comfort in it, so I sit down and wait until she’s contented.
Marco comes forward and leans down to whisper in my ear, “Need me to clear the room?” From his position behind me, he could see what she was doing.
“No. Bring her parents here, though. One at a time.” Wes had chained them in the basement when we got home, and with me tightening up security around the property, I hadn’t been able to question them…to find out her fucking name. I really need that—more than my next breath.
“She’s a warrior,” he says next, and I glance up to see he’s got a smirk on his lips. “Wouldn’t want to get on her bad side once she realizes it.” He’s right.
The way she flung her body in front of the cat with no care for the gun aimed at her…I’d seen red. My vision zeroed in on nothing but Jamison and all the ways I’d kill him for not dropping his arm once she’d moved. If he had, I would have just punished him and dropped him to low man on the totem pole, but he hadn’t. Now, he’s dead, and he knows it.
“I suppose I should make this clear. Little girl here is my fucking queen. That means she’s your queen. Anyone pulls any shit like Jamison just did, and the felines will finish you off for me.” Some of my soldiers shift nervously on their feet, others bow their heads in confirmation of understanding.
“Go.” I wave my hand at my men. “Do as I asked, and don’t come back until it’s finished.” Staring at the cat in front of me, my gaze shifts to the other one prowling around the room, growling when the men don’t move fast enough. “Tyler.” He comes forward. “I want trackers on the cats’ collars and their leashes.” Eventually, I’ll have tracking devices implanted under their skin.
These are the only things my girl has had for comfort in years. They’re precious to her. Invaluable. Which means they are to me, as well. Despite the fact they remind you of miniature leopards and can fend for themselves, I’ll do for them what I’ll do for the girl sweetly snoring in my lap.