Page 31 of Obsess
“He and Ty came up with the idea together. He says he’ll help get the guns across the border by boat,” Marco explains.
“Another fucking favor,” I hiss. Mickey stands, hackles high, and I sense he’s reacting off my own anger.
“Likely,” Marco agrees.
Before I can make a decision, there’s a familiar whistling sound just before the front of the house explodes, knocking every man in the room, myself included, on their asses. Dust, debris, and shrapnel paint every surface.
“Rue!” I yell as I hear the sounds of footsteps. “Where the fuck is Rue?” My shouting sounds muffled, and I know it’s because the explosion has my head ringing. “Ty, Wes, find Rue!” She was near the front of the house, off to the side, but I can’t survey the damage yet.
I can only imagine Brock and Bruno took the brunt of the impact. If they’re alive, it’ll be a fucking miracle. Glancing around at the men surrounding me, I watch some get to their feet quicker than others. Glocks in hand, I give them an okay as Marco approaches me.
“You fucking kill him, Marco. Send a fucking message.” A sick grin crosses my friend’s face as he pulls out his knives and whistles for Mickey. The cat crouches low and follows along stealthily. I hope to fuck Minnie is keeping my girl safe because, from the sounds of the gunfire, I’m going to have to join the fray before I can go searching for her, and that pisses me the fuck off.
Spotting Winston and George both in the kitchen, shocked and covered in plaster dust, they nod that they’re okay and for me to continue on. With a gun in each hand and more ammo in my pockets, I move along the wall of the hallway to find a gaping hole where my front door once was.
Brock is on the ground, unconscious, with a gushing wound in his leg. “Shit.” Shoving a gun into my waistband, I grip the back of his shirt and drag him away from the melee outside. Removing my belt, I make quick work of creating a tourniquet.
“We’ve got him,” George says, dragging the man out of my grip.
“Sarge! Kane!” They were right with her. They have to have her.
“Here!” It’s the doctor’s voice. “It’s okay.”
“Where’s Rue?” Wiping at my eyes, they’re not as clear as I’d like, but when I register a shadow approaching the house, I wait for a head to pop out and fire a shot. Brain matter explodes all over the front steps.
“She’s here. I’m taking care of her.” Grinding my teeth, I must trust that the woman knows what she’s doing because the idea of Rue being hurt is more than I can fucking bear.
“Gambino!” I ignore the malicious call of my name. Meeting the eyes of Granger, Wes, Ty, and Marshall, they are ready for battle. Granger gives me a vest to put on, and Wes hands me an AR15. Checking the mag, I accept the extra clips and pocket them, as well as a couple of grenades.
“Ready to have some fun?” They each grin; it’s been a while since we’ve been in a gun battle. The cartel has brought some heavy artillery, but they’ve never been up against a man like me, with everything on the line.
“Nick.” Kane coughs behind me. He’s got a gash on his cheek that needs some stitching, but he’s ready to fight. “Sarge and Bruno are with Rue. Let me help.”
“Is she okay?” What little color is in his face drains, and my fury runs cold. “You kill every son of a bitch you run into,” I growl.
Cursing can be heard outside, followed by screams of terror, and I know Mickey has found a target or two.
“Adonis will be here in thirty minutes,” Ty lets me know as he puts his phone away. “Just in time for clean up.”
“Go get ‘em, boys.” One by one, they head out from different points within the house. I stay in the front with Wes.
“He’s going to pick you off as soon as he sees you,” he warns.
“Don’t I know it.” Pulling the pin from a grenade, I take a quick look outside before tossing it. We wait for it to explode; strangled screams are cut short. With the men out front stunned, Wes and I rush forward and slam into the side of the SUVs sitting in the driveway for cover.
Mickey sprints to my side, blood dripping from his jaw, a piece of flesh stuck between his teeth. Lying down, he pants as Wes and I pop up with a burst of gunfire. “Marco’s on the east by the trees.” A trail of bodies lies behind him.
“Shall I join him?” Wes has a bloodlust worse than Marco.
“Whatever you want, man.” He grins, and I cover him as he makes his way over to my friend, climbing the tree and scaling over the wall to attack on the other side. “Just you and me, now. Let’s gut some of these fuckers, shall we?” Mickey’s eyes light up, and I swear he understands because he runs in a tight circle before taking off to the west and following behind Ty and Granger as they begin an attack from their side.
“Gambino, where are you?” Tarallo calls out for me again.
“Right here!” Motherfucker.
“Come out and play. Your men aren’t doing well.” I know that’s bullshit. My men are standing strong because they move with calculation instead of emotion. Each one of them trains for scenarios like this. In our line of work, it’s an eventuality.
“I think they’re doing just fine.” Seeing Minnie’s head pop out of the house, I whistle for her, and she comes running. Blood soaks her fur, and I’m livid. She doesn’t let anyone but Rue touch her, so I know it has to be Rue’s. “Is she hurt, girl?” Her head cocks, looking at me like I’m nuts thinking a feline is going to answer me. She’s probably right.