Page 28 of Obsess
Theias’ eyes move around the room. I hadn’t asked these men in here, and I certainly don’t want this to come off as an intimidation tactic, but when it comes to Rue, I’ll use every advantage I can.
“How familiar are you with the Tarallo Cartel?” I tense instantly, and every man in the room goes on high alert. The Baja men are some of the cruelest on the continent, and I know that Cato Daire has had many altercations with them.
Marco gets to his feet, with the phone plastered to his ear as he walks out. I know he’ll be calling Cato. “Are you telling me he paid a price for her?”
“And the man won’t be as easily appeased as I am.” I was prepared to go to war for her, but it’s going to be a bloodier battle than I anticipated. “If you survive this challenge, I’ll expect a girl within sixty days.” Theias gets to his feet.
“When,” I correct him. “And if you help, I’ll get her to you in thirty.” I’m making a promise I’m not sure I can keep.
Theias eyes me for a minute. “Only if you get Adonis to help, as well. Things have been strained between us lately.” He leaves after I agree.
“Marco!” I holler. “Little girl, Daddy needs to work now. I need you upstairs.” She sits up to look at me, her hips rolling. How the hell I forgot I was still buried ten inches in her tight sheath is beyond me.
“I need you,” she whines, popping out her bottom lip to pout.
Growling, I nip the plump flesh, making her gasp and squirm some more. “I’ll be upstairs,” I tell Tyler. “I want security tripled. Get rid of the men in the basement. Have Marco come up once he’s got details from Cato.”
“Mmmm,” she whimpers in my hold as I carry her to our room. I don’t hesitate to fall forward on the bed, not taking the time to shuck my pants or lift her shirt. I hook her legs in my arms, pressing as deeply as I can into her perfect little hole, brace my knees on either side of her hips, and fuck her so hard, she screams non-stop. Crying for more, crying for less. Crying because the emotions are overpowering.
Grabbing her hands, I pin her wrists on the other side of my knees. She’s completely at my mercy as I fuck her like the animal I feel like.
“Come for Daddy now, little girl, cream my cock up nice and good.” Biting into her neck, I rut, fuck, thrust, without thought for her comfort.
An enemy is coming for her, and I need myself imprinted on her body so she feels me long past my death—whether that’s in a week or a lifetime. I need her to feel me inside her body until her dying breath.
Everything is different. The peacefulness I’d grown used to in the house has vanished over the last couple of days since Theias Lorde was here. There are men in every room, strapped with weapons and looking deadlier than ever.
I’m sore between my legs and hips as I walk the halls with Mickey and Minnie on a tight leash. They don’t like all the men around, especially the ones they haven’t had a chance to sniff out yet. I see how some of them look at me, eyeing up the snug way my black baby doll dress fits around my chest and hips.
“Nick?” I call out, feeling inundated with the amount of people around me.
“This way.” Kane, one of the few men I consider a friend, leads me to where Nick is working with Marco and his most trusted men in the den. It’s larger than his office.
He glances up, his eyes roving over me appreciatively before gesturing to a spot right behind him. Mickey and Minnie growl at everyone they pass, swiping at a couple more. When I reach Nick, he clasps my neck in his hand and draws me closer.
“You look good enough to eat, little girl.” I know he must feel when I swallow because he grins. Purely predatory. “Later,” he promises, brushing his hand down my body before reaching for a hand and helping me onto the oversized bean bag chair he had set up.
Draping a blanket across my lap, he hands me an iPad, and Kane kneels down to help me figure out how to maneuver from the games to the movies and just generally explore it.
I don’t listen very attentively to what Nick and his men are saying. I know none of it will make sense to me, and I’ll only wind up getting stressed over it. Instead, I play a letter game, helping me learn to spell more complex words now that I’ve managed the easier ones—something I’m deeply ashamed of.
Not knowing the basics of life is hard for me. I know but a few things, and only because Nick has shown me. Now he wants to introduce me to even more, and I’m determined to impress him with how quickly I can pick up on things.
I was told when I first arrived that I have a photographic memory, which is supposed to mean I’m smart. But when I’m handed things or told to look at something, I never feel that way. The only reason I could even read what was on the shirt from the mall was because I’d begged Nick and Kane to help me. Those words were so important between us that I needed to know how to read and spell them.
Nick has told me what he agreed to with Theias so that the man would not fight about him claiming me. Stealing me from under the other man’s thumb, he’d said with a proud smile. And having some knowledge will help me with making friends for that. Though I don’t know the where, when, or how of it yet.
Tiring of the letter game, I stand up and stretch before walking out of the room. I can feel Nick’s eyes on me, so I put an extra sway in my step as the cats follow me. They’ve hardly left my side since Theias appeared, so I know they also feel the danger in the air.
“Little girl?” Nick calls out.
Turning, I place my hands behind my back and smile sweetly at him. “Yes, Daddy?” His spine straightens, his eyes darken, and I see his manhood grow painfully erect behind his zipper.
“Playing with fire,” he growls. The room grows charged with a current of electricity that can be trailed back to Nick and me. “Where are you going?”