Page 7 of The Huntress
Little shots of frustration that he’s at a distance go off in me, raising my temperature. I can’t feel the wind stroking my cheek anymore and I don’t pay attention to the luxurious shop windows around me. Any other girl would’ve been staring with glee, imagining herself with all those hats and faux-leather bags but all I feel is a sudden dullness.
I need to be sharpened. By a certain dutchman, clearly.
Wringing my hands, I shift and I don’t know what’s happening to me. It’s like I’m going through a transformation because of the man. It scares me a little. I don’t feel like myself anymore.
Is this what having a crush feels like? It grates on me and yet my skin feels more sensitive than usual. I pinch my lip, resting my eyes on Hendryk’s gorgeousness.
Somehow I’m going to have to stop, somewhere I have to draw the line. But not just yet, and I have to do something about this or I’ll perish. A wave of panic goes to my head.
I need to get closer. It’s not enough to just watch. Not anymore.
Paying for my tea, I grab my things and leave. I smile at the other customers as I pass and they stare at my towering height. Peoples reactions to me never cease to amuse but in my twenty-seven years on the planet, I’ve gotten used to it by now.
Out on the street, I pull up the collar of my coat and go left. I’m planning to spend a couple of hours at gym before crashing in my bed.
My boys asked me to go clubbing tonight but I’m not up for it. Besides, I have an early morning tomorrow. I round a corner but let out a sound of surprise when I body slam a girl and everything goes blurry. Instinctively, I grab her shoulders to stop her from falling on her butt.
But then I recognize the big, vibrant hair and the fragrance. Frowning, I look down at her and she stares up at me with a slacked jaw.
”You?” I say, slowly breaking a smile. ”I remember you.”
Something flickers in her eyes, soothed desperation maybe and she licks her thick lips. ”You do?” she croaks and I nod, realizing I’m still clutching her.
I let her go and take a step back to let her breathe. I’m a little amused by how short she is compared to me. This time she’s not in heels, and she’s small enough for me to pick up and toss in the air a thousand times or so without getting tired.
”What are you doing here?” I ask, and her cheeks turn a shade that reminds me of the inside of a dragonfruit.
”Running errands.” She clears her throat. ”Like I always do.”
Nodding, I say, ”Funny how we ran into each other again.” I peer down at her, lowering my voice conspiratorially. ”You’re not stalking me, are you?”
She lets out a sound that reminds me of a mouse getting squeezed in a mousetrap and takes a step back. ”Of course n…not,” she stammers. ”I would never do that. Look, I even have a shopping list.”
The girl holds up the list but I give it only a quick glance.
”I’m just messing with you,” I grin. ”I’m happy we met again.”
Her slender throat bobs when she swallows. ”You are?”
”I’ve been wondering about your little ankle all week. Is it better now?”
The girl’s lids flutter and she lowers her gaze. ”Yes, much better. Thanks.”
”And I hope you didn’t get in trouble over the laundry?”
”No.” A weak smile tugs at her lips and she shakes her head. ”I just blamed you for what happened,” she breathes and the grin on my face widens.
”Atta girl,” I say but it makes her even more fidgety than last time. She keeps tugging at her purse and pulling down the sleeves of her coat. And she’s holding the shopping list so hard she’s creasing it.
”Well, goodbye,” she then blurts, her eyes nervously darting when she tries to pass but I forget my manners and clasp her elbow.
”Are you just going to leave without even giving me your name? I might need it, in case we keep bumping into each other.”
Her eyes don’t meet mine and there’s a flicker of embarrassment in them.