Page 4 of The Huntress
”He spoke to you?” she says with a calculated frown. ”How unusual. I’ve been bending over backward to get his attention…” She trails off, realizing she’s said too much and is about to embarrass herself.
Grabbing my arm, she yanks me back inside the foyer. Apparently I’m not fired anymore. Instead I’m questioned about Hendryk, what he looked like, what he wore. She wants to know everything but I skim over the details.
I don’t want Frau Falther to know everything. Our meeting felt special and I want it to be just ours.
”Hendryk’s a darling, isn’t he?” Frau Falther sighs. ”I’m actually planning to introduce him to my niece when she visits over the summer. If they marry, they’ll have the most beautiful babies.”
My heart sinks. I’ve seen photos of the niece. She has that cool, ice princess look going. On top of it she’s a swimsuit model. My heart sinks even further. They really would make beautiful babies.
”Yes, he’s a real darling,” I agree, trying to hide how bummed I feel.
”That’s the only reason he talked to you,” Frau Falther continues, running her big mouth. ”People on his level rarely acknowledge people onyourlevel.”
Thanks for confirming my suspicions…
”He’s also an aristocrat?” I ask, feeling my light grow dimmer and dimmer and Frau Falther nods.
”From Europe originally. He came to the states ten years ago. But rumor says he’s not entirely comfortable with his riches.”
Frau Falther shakes her head. ”He’s drowning in gold, doesn’t have to lift a finger for a day in his life but he insists on having a normal job.”
”What does he do?”
”He paints pictures of people on trial,” she grimaces as if that’s lowly of him.
”He’s a courtroom artist?” I say with raised brows. That explains the dots of coal on his fingertips.
Frau Falther nods. ”But I don’t know why I’m telling you all this,” she frowns then sneers. ”Stop prying Elasha (she always calls me Elasha because it’s too much effort to say Ella-Ashley) and go back to work. I want my Choo’s color coordinated.”
”Yes, Frau Falther,” I curtsy, ”I’m on it immediately.”
I turn on my heels, march into her walk-in closet then stop to drag a breath. Leaning my body weight against the wall, I squeeze my eyes. She didn’t have to do me dirty like that. For a moment there, I looked forward to imagining a future with Hendryk.
I’m aware that it’s stupid, because I only spoke to him for ten minutes or so. I know it makes me come across as fatalistic but I just can’t help it. Something sparked in me when we met.
I reach out and stroke Frau Falther’s clothes.
If only I was one of them. Then Hendryk would see me as an equal, and I wouldn’t perceive Frau Falther’s niece as such a threat. My only solace is that Frau Falther said it’s difficult to get Hendryk’s attention, but he was more than willing to give it to me.
Biting my lip, I shake my head and start sorting out the shoes. I should forget about him, but I want nothing more than to bump into him one more time and I feel something stirring in my chest. It’s a little pushy.Needy. I really do wish I could see him again.
Ella-Ashley-One week later
Sitting at the table of Frau Falther’s jarringly colorful kitchen, I try focusing on the shopping list I’m writing but my mind is elsewhere.
Hendryk. Hendryk. Hendryk.
I can’t stop thinking about the man. Morning, noon and night, I think about him. It’s not healthy, or productive but my thoughts wander to him as if there’s nowhere else for them to go. I stab my fingers through my hair, staring at the letters in front of me.
A PassionPlay erotic novel, heartburn meds, dandruff shampoo…
A sigh exhales from my lips. What am I even doing here? This feels so bland and pointless, when I know someone like Hendryk is out there. He brightened my world with that impressive demeanor of his. I should be with him right now, hear words come out of his mouth, rub his back, rest my head in his lap. Kiss him, touch him,feelhim,knowhim.
Rattled, I get up and snatch the list. I better get out of here before I implode. Frau Falther’s not home, so I don’t have to explain where I’m going. I lock the door and once I’m out on the busy street, I drag such a deep breath that I cough from all the nasty fumes.