Page 23 of The Huntress
”You don’t want Hendryk Jr. growing in your womb?”
”Do you?” The thought is a little daunting. A babe when his father isthatsize? Then again, I guess I’ll break the record as the world’s first human air balloon.
”If it happens, it happens,” Hendryk grins, ”and I’d rather have you castrate me than use protection now…” He says the last with a growl, then splits my thighs and thrusts with an outdrawn moan. I pant from the impact but it doesn’t faze Hendryk.
”Feel that big cock? You have to clap your hands and cry from joy whenever I whip it out, to make up for stalking me.”
I’m about to protest at the shameless suggestion but he shuts me up with a kiss. He chuckles, groans and grunts. His body crashes into mine, and my heart sinks to my stomach where it starts jumping around from exhilaration. He’s rough and unapologetic, his confidence in me huge and it brings tears to my eyes.
”Didn’t dare hope,” he pants, his voice cracking, ”didn’t dare hope it would be like this…you make me so damn happy.”
I mewl, knowing exactly what he means and he scrutinizes my insides with his cock, taking what’s his while he rains praise over me. I grind my hips against him, happy to be turned inside out as long as he’s there to protect both sides.
He responds by pinning me down even more, growling behind his teeth and his sweet sweat mixes with mine, our tongues entwining, our legs and arms crisscrossing. We turn into something that even we can’t straighten out and neither of us wants to.
I’m forked for him, my legs split in two and he strikes the center by launching himself at me over and over, until I can see the whites of his eyes. My tongue gets stuck in my throat from his aggressive rhythm and I cup the back of his neck.
”Don’t hold back,” I pant, even though I feel like I’ve been tossed into a demented merry-go-round. I’m crazy for telling him this. ”Don’t…”
”Are you sure?” he hisses, the veins on his neck straining and his muscles have turned into punching-bag looking thingy’s.
”Yes…,” I gasp, actually meaning no but he enters me with newfound energy that he must’ve summoned from some dark hellhole.
Stupid, stupid…I never should’ve urged him on.
I gag on my own scream, holding on to him because I’m terrified of what will happen if I let go. I squeeze around him, adopting him, working him into me until it takes my breath away.
”You’re going to hospitalize us both…,” I whine. My neck snaps, back nearly cracking from how hard I convulse and the entire room begins to spin.
”Too much?” he groans. ”Can’t stop. You asked for it,” he plunges, pulverizing me down to the bones. ”You asked for it from the moment I saw you in that room…”
I don’t comprehend anything. I don’t understand what room he’s talking about and I don’t care. I’m too busy climaxing and Hendryk chases it with his own, leaving us both shaken from the need we have between us.
Breathing raggedly, he pulls me against him, his eyes hooded and he’s going to fall asleep soon. I’m about to do the same but then I hear him murmur those same words.
You asked for it.
”So there I was,” Hendryk grins later that evening, ”at this skanky nightclub in the middle of nowhere when this little guy tries to fight me.”
”He must’ve been crazy for coming at you,” I blurt and Hendryk laps up the compliment.
”I handled it. I picked him up and threw him across the room. He landed on the stage with a bunch of strippers. Before I knew it, he’d shed his clothes and started working that pole as if he just found his calling.”
I burst into laughter and Hendryk nods.
”Legend has it he’s still twerking.” Then he grows a little bit serious. ”What aboutyourcalling? You know you can’t keep working for Frau Fake It Til You Make It.”
Looking down at my hands, I nod.
”You should quit. Call her this evening and tell her you’re done.”
”I can’t. Where will I go?”
”You’re staying here with me. I’ll send over someone now to grab your stuff,” he says as if it’s obvious. ”There’s no way I’ll let you sleep another night in that cupboard.” He grits his teeth in determination. ”But seriously, what would you like to do now that you’re free?”
”Don’t know…,” I whisper. Nobody has ever asked me that question in my life. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever asked it myself. ”Maybe you have colleagues who need my services? I wouldn’t mind working as an assistant for any of the lawyers or judges.”