Page 11 of The Huntress
It gives me a strange taste in my mouth. I don’t want to think about Ella-Ashley curled up in a corner, chewing on the ends of her hair while she spends half a day, inserting herself in the female characters shoes.
Worst of all, she’d imagine herself getting fucked by a fictional character. But fictional or not, I still don’t appreciate it. Trying not to pout like a damn toddler, I creep up on her from behind.
”Have you ever tried Identity X?” I rasp over her shoulder. ”It’s a fascinating series.”
And there’s no fucking. Just pure action.
Ella-Ashely jumps in the air and whirls around so fast that the dirty book falls on the red carpet. I bend down to get it for her.
”You know, I can pick up my own stuff…,” she begins, trailing off when she catches me frowning. A small whimper escapes her.
”Is this what you like to read?” I say, because it seems pretty hardcore. ”Not that it’s any of my business. I’m just curious.”
”Give me that,” Ella-Ashley breathes, taking the book back. ”And it’s not for me. It’s for Frau.”
”There’s no need to put the blame on an innocent woman,” I say softly, attempting to shrug, attempting to act like I’m not bothered.
”But I promise it’s not mine,” she pants and her eyes are full of panic as if she’s worried about getting lectured by me. ”Hendryk, I promise.”
The corners of my lips twitch because I believe her. And because she looked so innocent just now. She’s too distraught to be lying and I like believing her. It takes that weight off my chest and I never thought I’d be the kind of man, concerned with a girl’s reading material.
”Your boss likes that stuff?” I ask, even though I don’t care about the old bat but Ella-Ashley nods.
”Actually, she prefers even worse ones that you can’t buy in the shops. This is pretty tame.” Twirling her hair, she adds, ”She kinda freaks me out sometimes with this.”
”What would high-society say, right?” I grin. ”Then again, Frau Fraud isn’t really high-society.”
”Are you being facetious?” Ella-Ashley pants, but I shake my head.
”She’s a complete poseur. We all know it, but we entertain the lies to not hurt her feelings.”
Clasping a hand over her mouth, Ella-Ashley snorts. Then apologizes. And then she snorts again, before bursting into giggles. I stand there, watching her and pride floods my chest as if I just accomplished something important.
”I’ll remember that next time when she’s being mean to me,” she smiles but I stiffen, my muscles turning denser than platinum.
”Mean?” I frown. ”What do you mean she’s mean to you?” Bossy, I can understand. Obnoxious, I can understand. But mean?
Only someone with no heart would be cruel to this girl.
Ella-Ashley takes a step back, biting her lip. ”She sometimes makes me feel so small. I grew up churning milk and selling wheat-crackers. I don’t really belong in this city. And she never misses a chance to remind me how lucky I am to be in the presence of the elite.”
Well, guess there’s a first time for anything. I’ve never wanted to strangle an old lady before, but now I do.
”She just makes me feel like I can’t hold my head up,” Ella-Ashley shrugs, ”but I’ve worked hard to fit in. I used to have an accent, but you can barely hear it anymore.”
Her eyes watch me hopefully.
”You sound like a native.” I cup her chin, raising it. ”And you should always keep your head up.”
”With you I guess I have to,” she says with a pale smile, craning her neck again. Something gutsy flickers in her gaze and suddenly I get a feeling that deep down she’s a firecracker.
If a man tore down that fretful exterior, he’d probably find a cherry bomb. The thought of being the one to peel off her layers makes my throat snare from the thrill.
We smile at each other before walking to the counter simultaneously to pay for our things. My eyes narrow when the salesclerk grabs Ella-Ashley’s book, and grunts to himself while she squirms.
Something opportunistic floods his features. He’s thinking about asking her out, no doubt, probably thinking she’s an easy lay and I bore my eyes into his.
Say it. I fucking dare you, to say it.