Page 65 of Square to the Puck
“Right. Which brings me to my next piece of advice. Read that contract I sent you and talk to Sanhover about it.”
I snort, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose between thumb and pointer finger. “He’ll tell me to sign it.”
“I know.” Jack sounds vindicated. “Because he’s in the same business you are, and he knows how the game is played.”
Lawson is heading my way, arms loaded down with a massive box he pulled from his trunk. I don’t think my legs can hold me just yet, so I stay seated and watch him approach. “I need to go, Jack.”
“Talk to Sanhover and call me back. You’ve got two days.”
I hang up, fingers tight on my phone as I resist the urge to chuck it against the side of the house. Lawson stops in front of me, peering around the box and squinting at my face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He asks, and I laugh, despite myself.
He stares at me and I stare back, silently willing him to step around me and go inside. I just need a moment alone, before I rejoin the others. But of course, because today is not my day, he turns to the side and sets down his load before coming and sitting beside me. The step is barely wide enough for the both of us and our shoulders and arms are pressed together. Annoyed, I try to scoot away.
“So, tell me what’s up.”
“I just told you nothing is up.”
“Right. Because nobody ever lied when someone asked them what was wrong.” He looks over at me, mouth twisted into an expression that clearly saystry again.
“I just got off the phone with my agent.” I admit, balancing my forearms on my knees and staring straight ahead. Lawson is still looking at me, but I studiously avoid his gaze. “No offers from South Carolina.”
“Which isn’t surprising, since they would have offered an extension months ago if they were going to do it.” He tells me, honestly. “So, what’s the other option?”
“L.A.” I respond, shortly, still not looking at him. He lets out a low whistle. “Not ideal.”
“No wonder you look like someone sucker-punched you. So, is today the day I have to kick your ass for breaking my best friend’s heart? I’m supposed to be taking it easy on my shoulder, but I could make an exception.”
Annoyed, I look over at him and find him grinning at me. “Fuck you.”
“So, you’re not going to break up with him. And I doubt he’ll break up with you since, for whatever reason, he actually seems to like you. Glad we got that covered. What’s the problem?”
“Theproblemis I don’t want to leave. In fact, I can’t imagine anything I’d rather do less than leave.” Antsy, I stand up and walk a few paces forward before spinning around. “I can’t go, Lawson. I have a bad feeling about leaving him.”
“Alright, then don’t go.”
I narrow my eyes at him, frustrated. If he’s looking for a fight, he’s doing a good job getting me annoyed enough to start one. “Great, thanks, I’m so glad I have you here to solve all my problems.”
“You want to know what I think?” I open my mouth to tell him exactly where he can put his opinions, when he raises his voice and talks over me. “You’re looking at three, four,maybefive more years in the NHL, if you’re lucky. That’s a long time, sure. Now, how long do you think you’ll be with Corwin?”
I stare at him, shocked. He waits, perfectly at ease. When I answer him, I have to speak around clenched teeth. “The rest of my life. As long as he’ll have me.”
“Cor won’t ask you to stay, I can tell you that right now. He’d never ask you to give up your career, not when we all know how hard you’ve worked for it. But he’s not going to do well if you leave.”
Turning away, I pace a few steps away before turning back. Lawson stands, dusting off the back of his pants. He’s not telling me anything I don’t already know, but hearing it spoken aloud makes me feel ill.
“I don’t think I’d do well, either.” I admit.
“You could make it work—the long-distance thing. But if you’re both only going to be miserable, is it really worth it?” He holds up his hands, shrugging. “Just a few things to think about.”
Behind Lawson, the front door opens and Corwin looks out at us, quizzically.
“Hey, Lawson, I thought I heard you arrive. Everything alright?”
“Are the guests of honor out back?” Lawson bends to pick up his box, evading Corwin’s question.