Page 45 of Square to the Puck
“Yes.” He says, and I suck in a sharp breath. “I’ve got the apartment paid through for a full year, but…yes. I’d rather be here, with you.”
Smiling, I reach out to run a hand over the smooth brown skin of his cheekbone. He lets me for a moment, before closing the distance between us and kissing me.Now I can do this any time I want,I think, as joy bubbles in my stomach.
“Maybe we should drive over to your apartment right now, clean it out.” I suggest, and he laughs.
“I’ll just go after practice, while you talk to Troy. I didn’t come here with a lot of stuff. Are you bringing him here?”
I think about that for a second, unsure. I can’t just have the conversation in the parking lot of the practice rink; I’d rather avoid a public place if possible. Which leaves either my house or his.
“Yeah.” I say. “Probably here. Shit, unless I should talk to both Sam and Troy at the same time?”
“Didn’t you already come out to Sam?”
I hold a hand up, flat in midair, and wave it from side-to-side. “Sort of? Not explicitly. It was more of a fact-gathering mission. And I definitely didn’t insinuate anything about you specifically.”
“Will he be working today, since it’s a weekend?”
“No, probably not. Maybe I’ll go over to Troy’s—see if I can catch them both, together. And you can get all your stuff and come back here?” My stomach does a little somersault; by the end of the day, Nigel will be living here. He’ll be sleeping in my bed next to me, every night.Where he fucking belongs.
“Sure. Unless you’d rather I come with you?” Nigel offers.
“No, I think I need to talk to him alone.”
Nigel leans forward to kiss me once more, lips sliding over mine in a soothing caress. When he pulls back, he steps fully away. His hand slips out of my shirt, leaving my skin cold. I check the time on the oven clock; it’s time to get ready for practice. It’s time to talk to Troy.
Lawson’s booming laugh echoes across the ice, distracting me. I look over to see my friend talking with an animated Monroe. Both their faces are red and sweaty, hair plastered to their heads. Both are wearing twin shit-eating grins. Shaking my head, I continue skating around the rink, snatching up stray cones as I go.
When I make it back to the locker room, Troy is at his stall and already half-undressed. I stop next to him, still fully-dressed and towering over him in my skates. He looks up at me, dimples automatically popping into place as he smiles at me.
“Hey, Cor. What’s up?” I wait for him to lift his chest protector over his head; he comes out of it looking like a sea urchin, sweaty black hair spiked up in all directions.
“Hey, I’d like to talk to you and Sam today, if you’ve got some time to spare.”
The smile slides off his face quickly, his grey eyes widening in alarm. “Are you okay?” He asks.
“I’m fine. Actually, I’m really great.” Troy’s shoulders relax. “I just need to talk to you, touch base on a couple things. But if today doesn’t work, I can—.”
“No today is good. We’ve always got time for you.” Troy smiles again, thumping a hand lightly against my chest pad. “Come over whenever you want. Maybe we’ll cook foryoufor a change.”
I return his smile. “I’d like that. I’ll head your way from here, okay?”
“Okay. I’ll text Sam now, let him know you’re coming.”
By the time I get my gear off and head into the showers, Troy is already changing into his street clothes. He calls out to me, sending a cheery wave my direction before he leaves. Lawson’s eyes watch Troy’s retreat out the door, before they track across the room and find mine. He smiles, softly. I’m not moving slow on purpose, per say, but I’m in no hurry either. I’m trying to map out what I want to say, and how I want to say it. Blurting the truth out might have worked fine with Lawson, but it won’t fly with Troy.
I’m so caught up in my own head, thoughts ticking down my mental five-second timer in-between possible “I’m gay” speeches, when Lawson sits down next to me. There are only a few stragglers left in the locker room, and some of the younger players are making plans to go to Top Golf. I pause from lacing up my shoes, sitting up to look at him.
“Saint going with you? To talk to Nicky?” He asks, quietly.
“No, just me.” Lawson nods, dark eyes trained on my face though I maintain a cool, unbothered expression. I’m practically shitting myself with nerves, but there’s no need for him to know that. “Nigel is actually going to pack up his clothes and stuff, and bring it all over to my place.”
Lawson’s eyebrows wing upward. Suddenly, he bursts out laughing, rubbing a hand over the stubbled lower half of his face. “I would have dropped dead of shock last season, if someone had told me my best friend would be dating Nigel fucking St. James.Livingwith him.”
“I’m a little shocked, as well. I didn’t think he’d say yes, when I asked him to move in.” I admit.
“Oh, no,thatpart doesn’t surprise me. It’s the St. James part that threw me.” He leans to the side and bumps his shoulder lightly against mine. “You’ve been happier these last couple months. I noticed, and Troy did too.”