Page 97 of Tuck & Roll
“Got your voicemail.”
“Thank God. Get your ass to the clubhouse.”
“On my way.”
Darren came out of his bathroom to find Lynette pulling her clothes on. After Tuck left, he’d pulled the sweetbutt back to his room and rode her hard, figuring he’d have a couple of hours before the old ladies would be ready to come home. He hoped fucking Lynette would relieve the urgent need to get off after seeing Tuck with his face buried between Kylie’s legs. Just remembering how she looked when she came had him breaking out in a sweat all over again.
“That was fun, Darren. We’ve missed having your around here.”
“Thanks, Lynette. I’ve been a little busy. Things will get back to normal soon.” He hoped. The more time he spent with Kylie, the more attached he was becoming. The last thing he needed was to be mooning over another brother’s woman. Especially, when anyone with eyes could clearly see how into each other Tuck and Kylie were. He was happy for them. They deserved an easy life together after all the shit Taylor had been putting them through.
He followed Lynette out the door and back to the common area. He spotted Race and some of the brothers still sitting around the same table they’d been at when he’d went to go relieve the pressure building in his balls. He pulled out an empty chair and took a seat. Lynette quickly appeared at his side with a cold beer and a satisfied smile.
“Thanks.” She gave his shoulder a squeeze then sauntered off in search of more fun.
“What the fuck?” Race drew everyone’s attention with his growled question. He was looking at his phone, a fierce scowl on his face.
“What’s up?” Dagger tipped his bottle back.
“Bottoms Up is getting raided.”
“Are you serious?” Maverick leaned forward, resting his arms on the table.
“Yeah. Cutter just sent me a text saying Redemption PD was there and he didn’t know what was going on.”
Trick pulled his phone from his pocket, probably trying to get a hold of Lindsey. “Fuck. No answer.”
Race tried Bellamy and got the same thing. No answer.
The same with Jackson trying to reach out to Calliope.
Darren pulled his phone out and tried to get a hold of Kylie. With Tuck dealing with Taylor at the hospital, it was up to him to make sure everything was good with her. “Fuck. Kylie’s not answering either.” Shit. Why would the RPD be raiding Bottoms Up? Why tonight?
Race’s phone dinged again. “Shit. Another text. This one from John, the bartender. His text is saying the same thing.”
Trick started to stand when Jed asked where he was going. “I’m heading to Bottoms Up to find out what’s going on.”
“I’m coming, too.” Jackson headed for the door, quickly followed by every brother at the table.
Chris noticed them all getting up and heading for the door. “What’s up? Where is everyone going?”
“Bottoms Up is getting raided.”
“Do you want us to come, too?” He was including Tulsa and Lance with his question.
“No. You guys hold down the fort until we get back just in case RPD decides to show up here next,” Race told him.
“Got it.”
“Jed, go get the spare keys for the Suburban out of my office. Trick, did you drive your SUV?”
“We’ll all pile in there and head to Bottoms Up. The rest of you can ride your bikes.”
Everyone made it outside and either piled in Trick’s vehicle or hopped on a bike. The fit in the backseat was tight considering Darren and Jackson were smashing Jed between them.
“Jeez, you fuckers take up a lot of room.” Jed tried to wiggle his shoulders to get a little more room. It didn’t work. He ended up leaning forward, his elbows on his knees for the short drive.