Page 92 of Tuck & Roll
“Fifteen minutes.”
He made it halfway there before he was forced to stop at a traffic light as it turned from yellow to red. Damn it. With nothing to do but wait for a green light, he took the time to look over at Taylor to check on how she was holding up. She was breathing in through her nose and out her mouth, her hands rubbing her belly.
The light turned green at the same time Taylor was hit with another contraction. “Grrrr!” She doubled over as far as she could go with her belly being in the way and groaned through it.
He punched the gas a little harder and managed to get to the hospital in time for another contraction to hit.
“Hang on. I’m going to get some help.” He hopped out after she nodded her head.
“Someone with drugs!” he heard her shout right before the door of his truck closed.
He ran in, explained what was going on and was happy to see a group of people in scrubs round the desk and follow him back to the truck. He picked her up and placed her on her feet so the nurses could help her into the wheelchair. Luckily, Taylor had pre-registered and all they needed to do was stop at the nurses’ station to find out what room to take her to and they were set.
They told him to take a seat in the waiting room down the hall while they got Taylor situated in her room. Someone would come get him as soon as they were finished. With nothing to do but wait, he dropped into a chair and pulled out his phone. He dialed Taylor’s parents’ number.
“Hello?” Martin Green’s sleepy voice answered.
“Martin. This is Tuck. Got Taylor at the hospital. She’s having the baby.”
“Thank you for calling. We’ll be there shortly.”
“Let me know when you get here.”
“Okay. Be there soon.”
The morning after Kylie was attacked by Chet at Darren’s house, Tuck had made the time to finally get in touch with the Greens. He’d always had a hard time believing that they would turn their backs on their daughter, especially if she were pregnant. The image Taylor tried to sell didn’t jive with the memories he had of her parents.
He’d shown up on their doorstep unannounced, but was greeted with a warm smile by Carol. “Tuck! It’s so good to see you!” She’d stepped out of the house and hugged him on the porch.
“Carol. It’s good to see you, too,” he hugged her back. He’d forgotten Taylor’s mom was a hugger.
“Carol? Who’s at the door?” Martin’s tall frame filled the doorway. Upon seeing Tuck on the doorstep, he broke into a wide grin, happy to see him as well.
“Oh my God. Tuck. It’s been a while.” He stepped out and offered a hand. Tuck took it and shook his hand. He’d always liked Taylor’s parents. They’d never treated him any differently after he’d begun prospecting for the Sons of Redemption as they did when he was in high school.
“Martin. Yeah, it’s been a while.”
“Why don’t you come inside?” Carol led the way inside, taking a seat on the couch, Martin sitting next to her. Tuck took a seat on the loveseat across from them, a coffee table between the two.
“So what brings you around?” Martin asked.
Tuck took a deep breath and released it. He hated that he’d been put in the position that required him to ask some tough questions regarding Taylor. “Well, I’m actually here about Taylor.”
The Greens exchanged a look, clearly used to her less than stellar behavior. How these two loving, devoted people ended up with a selfish, self-absorbed daughter like Taylor escaped him.
“Okay,” Martin said.
“This is going to be awkward, but can I ask why you turned Taylor away when she told you she was pregnant?” He watched their faces closely.
“What?” Carol’s stricken expression told him his suspicions had been right. Taylor never told her parents that she was pregnant.
“What are you talking about? Taylor’s pregnant?” Martin was as confused as his wife.
“Yes. She showed up on my doorstep saying she was pregnant and that you guys wouldn’t have anything to do with her. And not to be cruel or cause offense, but she’s saying the baby’s mine, and I’m just not buying it.”
“Taylor’s in town?” Tuck hated the hurt look on Carol’s face. She didn’t deserve the blindside he’d just delivered. Knowing it was Taylor’s duplicitous actions didn’t help matters.
“You didn’t know?” he asked.