Page 86 of Tuck & Roll
“No, baby. It’s not bad that you got off on Darren watching.” He stood and started to tuck his hard cock back in his jeans.
“Don’t you want me to take care of that?” She cupped his dick through his jeans.
“Of course, but your ride his here. You can make it up to me later after you’re done hanging with the old ladies.” He offered her a hand up and stepped back so she could right her jeans and pull on her heels.
He followed her out to the living room and watched as she walked right up to Darren. He stood in the middle of the room, his hands shoved in his front pockets. “This isn’t going to make things weird between us, is it?”
His girl was seriously worried things with Darren would change.
Darren pulled a hand free and brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “No, babe. Nothing’s going to be weird between us.” He dropped his hand and told her, “Get out there. Cutter is waiting for you at Race’s. He’s taking Race’s truck tonight.”
Kylie’s smile was shy as she popped up on her toes and kissed Darren’s cheek. She hurried over to Tuck to kiss him goodbye, too. He made sure to put everything he was feeling into their kiss before he told her to have a good time.
He watched her load into the backseat of Race’s truck and waved as Cutter backed the truck out of the drive. He waved at Race and turned to face Darren. The man rubbed a hand down his face and sighed heavily. “Are you all right?”
Darren’s brows dipped in a “V” as he frowned. “Am I all right? You’re not mad that I walked in on that?” He motioned with a hand toward the bedroom.
Tuck thought about it for a moment then said, “No. I didn’t mind since it was you. Anyone else? I don’t think so.”
Darren’s frown deepened, obviously thinking Tuck wasn’t thinking clearly.
“The only way it will be a problem is if you let things get weird with you and Kylie. It would hurt her if she lost you as a friend.” He walked over to Darren and settled a hand on his shoulder. “Promise you won’t let things get weird.”
“I promise I won’t let things get weird.”
It was an hour later and Tuck found himself at the clubhouse for Lance’s patch party. For the first time in his life, he wasn’t enjoying it. All he could think about was Kylie and if she was safe. He’d been nursing his third beer, deep in thought.
“What has you so quiet tonight?” Jackson asked from across the table. “You look awfully deep in thought. Not having a good time?”
“Yeah, but I’m worried about Kylie.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“She’ll be fine. She’s got Cutter and Miles with her and they’re at Bottoms Up. No one in their right mind is going to go after her at a Sons bar,” Dagger tried to assure him.
“Yeah. I know.” He absently watched as Lance got a blowjob from one of the sweetbutts. He really seemed to be enjoying his patch party. Chris and Tulsa were fucking their own women. Jed had grabbed onto Tori as soon as she walked through the door and disappeared to his room. Could be hours before they saw him again.
“Something else is on your mind.” Race, always the astute one, always had his finger on the pulse of every brother. He knew when one of the brothers was working through something. “What is it?”
“Have you guys ever heard about other clubs choosing a third from their ranks to be a sort of guardian or protector for their old lady?” Tuck watched the group of men at the table to see if their expressions gave anything away.
“So what did I miss?” Jed surprised him as he plopped into a vacant chair at the table. His hair was a wild mess, he had no shirt or shoes on and lipstick prints leading from his neck, fading in color as they disappeared into his jeans. He smiled at Tori as she handed him a cold one. He smacked her ass as she started to walk away. Tipping his bottle, he took a long chug. “Well?”
“Tuck was just asking if any of us had heard of other clubs that pick from their ranks a brother to be a guardian or protector to their old lady,” Race filled him in.
“Yeah. I’ve heard of that.” Jed nodded, then elaborated when several blank looks faced him. “They choose a brother to see to his old lady in the event that something happens to him.”
“See to them how?” Trick asked.
“However they need.” Jed took another drink.
“Is sex involved?” Jackson asked.
Jed shrugged his shoulder. “If that’s what the brother and his old lady want.”
“Is that what you’re talking about, Tuck? Is that something you would do?” Dagger asked.
Tuck glanced toward Darren who had been quietly listening to everything going on. In other words, his usual self. It seemed the only time he was an equal opportunity conversationalist was when Kylie was around.
“If you would have asked me a few weeks ago, no. After someone almost got to Kylie twice? Yeah, maybe.” Darren met his gaze, giving nothing about what he was thinking or feeling away.