Page 75 of Tuck & Roll
“Yes,” she giggled at his disgruntled expression.
“And why do they call that dude Little Finger? Is it a euphemism for he’s got a little dick?”
“No,” she’d laughed at that and had to explain it was because of where he grew up and because he was so short. He’d grunted and despite the incestuous affairs, continued to watch four more episodes with her before she’d had to call it quits because she could barely keep her eyes open. The next night they’d finished season one and whether Darren wanted to admit it or not, he was hooked.
Tonight they’d gotten through the first three episodes of season two before she’d fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder. He woke her up and turned off the T.V. “Let’s head to bed. You can’t stay awake and I’m not much better.”
She yawned loud and long as she stretched her arms above her head. “What time is it?”
“Around 11:00,” he told her as he double checked to make sure the doors were locked.
“Okay. Goodnight, Darren.”
“Goodnight, darlin’.”
She used the bathroom, changed into her pajamas and crawled under the covers. Despite all the emotional upheaval she’d been through today, she passed out pretty quickly. She dreamed about her, Tuck and the baby. No matter how hard she tried to see what the baby looked like, she couldn’t get a clear image. She supposed that was to be expected since she couldn’t come up with a version that was a mix of the two of them.
She didn’t know how long she’d been dreaming when she was roused from sleep. She thought she heard a noise off to her right. As she turned to investigate, the weight of a heavy body landing on top of her and straddling her hips had her eyes flying wide open in shock. A dark figure dressed in black loomed over her, his gloved hand at her throat. “Where’s the money, bitch?” he growled.
Her natural reaction was to scream for help. Before she could take a deep breath, the hand around her throat tightened painfully, cutting off any chance of her yelling for help. Oh God. The inability to breathe sent her into a panic. She began struggling beneath his weight. She pulled desperately at his hands while bucking her hips, trying to dislodge him.
“Don’t. Scream. Or I’ll slit your throat. You get me?” He emphasized his point by holding the knife in front of her face. What little moonlight penetrated the room glinted off the steel edge.
She nodded her understanding frantically. As the pressure on her throat was released, she pulled in great gulps of air.
“I’m going to ask you one more time and you better answer me. Quietly. Got it?” He applied enough pressure to force her to nod her head.
Kylie couldn’t see the man’s face clearly in the near absence of light, but she thought his voice sounded familiar. It sounded a lot like Chet.
He pushed the knife against her neck, nicking the skin. She felt a drop of blood run down her neck and it freaked her out. Holy shit! Was he going to kill her, right here, right now, with Darren only feet away?
“What money?” she tried to stall him, hoping Darren would hear something and come check on her.
“You know what money, you fucking cunt. You found the duplicate set of books and figured out I stole the Sons’ money. What did you do with it? I want it back,” he pushed through clenched teeth. She knew it! It was Chet. He squeezed her throat again, smiling as she started to flail around in bed again. The asshole was getting off on torturing her. The more she fought him, the more she noticed his dick getting hard against her leg. Eww!
He released her throat again, allowing her to answer. “I can’t talk if you keep strangling me,” she growled back at him. “And I don’t have your money.”
Whack! Kylie gasped as her cheek exploded in pain. She hadn’t seen it coming and was unprepared for when Chet backhanded her across the face. The shock of it caused tears of anger to well in her eyes and instant rage spread through her like a fire. If she could kill him with her stare alone, the man would be toast.
“Figured you say that. Been checking up on you and found out you’re quite the little computer genius. Guess I’ll have to take you with me so you can put the money back in my account.”
Oh shit! She could not let him take her. If he took her away from here, she was dead.
Rising to his knees, he kept the knife against her throat and scooted down so that he was sitting across her knees, effectively pinning her to the bed. “No reason I can’t have a little fun before we go,” he laughed. He pulled the covers back, revealing the t-shirt and panties she was sleeping in. Grabbing the hem of the t-shirt, he raised it above her breasts. “What have we here?” He roamed his gloved hand over one breast, then the other, squeezing each one roughly. Using his teeth, he pulled the glove off his hand so he could touch her skin to skin.
“Nice. So soft and smooth. Always knew you’d feel like a smooth peach.” His gaze followed his hands as he groped her boobs again, squeezing hard enough that she’d probably have bruises tomorrow.
“Ow! Stop it!” She swatted at his hand, trying to keep his hand off of her at the same time remaining cognizant of the knife still at her throat. She was able to scratch her nails down one side of his face before he backhanded her again, jarring her head to the side. Son of a bitch, that hurt. She tasted blood where he’d busted her lip and dark spots danced before her eyes as she fought to stay conscious.
The feel of his ungloved hand shoving into her panties shocked her. With all the strength she could muster, she shoved at the hand holding the knife to her neck and screamed, “Darren!”
“Goddamn it!” Chet’s head jerked toward the closed door. “Stupid bitch!” He forcefully shoved her into the mattress before scrambling off.
“Kylie!” Darren shouted as she heard him running down the hall.
Out of time, Chet ran to the open window he must have climbed through. She sucked in great gulps of air while shoving her shirt back down to cover herself as she watched him disappear. Darren crashed through her bedroom door, hitting the light switch and lighting up the room, allowing him to see her attacker’s feet slip through the window. “You okay?” he asked her.
She nodded her head and waved him off so he could chase after Chet.