Page 49 of Tuck & Roll
“What the fuck!” Tuck roared. He spun around, took a couple of steps away and came back. “Where is she? Where’s Kylie?” He was so far gone, he missed the way Dagger was fighting not to smile.
“Calm down. She’s fine. Darren took her home.”
Home? With Darren? Kylie should be at Tuck’s house with him so he could watch over her and keep her safe. Instead, he was stuck with Taylor and as long as she was there, Kylie wouldn’t come near his place.
“After he got her cleaned up,” Race added with a sly grin.
Tuck ran a hand through his hair and tugged hard. “I know you’re fucking with me because you want me to claim Kylie, but I can’t. Not with Taylor’s shit up in the air. It wouldn’t be fair to Kylie to force my problems on her.” He paced away again, then asked, “How bad was she hurt?”
“Scrapes on her hands and knees. Darren said her face won’t scar,” Race began to list her injuries.
Tuck took off before he could finish. Fuck it. He might not be able to claim her yet, but he could go to Darren’s and see how she was doing. He ignored whoever shouted, “Where you goin’? We need help with clean up!” By the accent, it had to be Tulsa. Fucker.
He wasn’t sure how he did it, but the next thing he knew, he was parking his bike in Darren’s drive. He had no recollection of the drive here. He’d been so engrossed with running what he’d been told happened and what could have possibly happened through his head, it was a wonder he hadn’t caused an accident or been run over himself. It was both stupid and dangerous. He was damn lucky he made it here in one piece.
He leaped over Darren’s two steps, landing on the front porch. He banged on the door and waited for someone to open up. Darren opened the door with a scowl on his bearded face. “Are you trying to break my door down?”
“Maybe, if it gets me to Kylie faster.” He tried looking around the large man, but his body filled the doorway, blocking his view inside.
“Guess you heard?” Darren stepped back and let Tuck come in.
“Yeah. Race just filled everyone in on what went down and what Kylie found.” He didn’t see her anywhere in the living room. “Where is she?”
“Soaking in the tub and you’re going to leave her alone. She’ll come out when she’s ready.” He closed the door, then asked, “You wanna beer?”
“Yeah, a beer sounds good.”
“Park your ass before you put a hole in my carpet.” Darren disappeared into the kitchen, coming back with a bottle of beer for each of them. He took a seat at the opposite end of the couch from Tuck.
“Fuck. Was it really as bad as they’re saying?” Tuck was silently praying it wasn’t.
“She has scrapes on her hands, knees and cheek. This prick, Kitowski…”
Again with that fucker’s name.
“From the sheriff’s office…”
At least he knew where to start looking now.
“He was rough on Kylie, but she didn’t cry or complain.” Darren took a drink. “She’s brave and she’s tough. I’m going to see to it that he gets his. After things die down, I’m going to pay Kitowski a visit.”
“Not without me,” Tuck told him.
Darren smiled. “Thought you’d say that. Race called dibs on the guy who patted her down.”
Race might’ve called dibs, but he wasn’t going without Tuck. It was his woman that had been wronged, and he was going to get retribution for her.
Setting his bottle on the coffee table, he scrubbed both hands over his face. He should have been there. She had to have been so scared.
“You gonna finally claim her?” Darren’s direct gaze had Tuck wondering if the man could see straight through him.
“I can’t. Not until I’m done dealing with Taylor.” Tuck sat on the edge of the couch, his elbows on his knees with his hands dangling loosely between them.
Darren frowned and sighed heavily, clearly disappointed with his answer. “What’re you going to do with Taylor?”
“I’m taking her to see a doctor tomorrow. I’m hoping to have some answers before we leave.”
“You know Taylor’s yankin’ your chain, right?”