Page 40 of Tuck & Roll
“I don’t know. This all sounds so hard. Being together shouldn’t be this hard.” She rubbed at her forehead as she sat at the edge of the couch, her eyes closed and sick to her stomach.
“So, you’re saying you don’t want to try?” Tuck sounded like he was starting to get a little pissed that she didn’t sound like she wanted to try.
“I’m saying you have your hands full right now. Figure things out with Taylor, then we’ll see where that leaves us.”
There was no way Taylor was going to let Tuck go. Especially since she saw that there was something between Kylie and Tuck. Taylor never had been a good loser. She was raised as a spoiled brat and continued to be one now by the looks of things.
Neither one made a move to say more, both lost in their own thoughts. Finally, she ended the silence. “Tuck, I’ve gotta go. Take care of yourself.”
“Yeah, Kylie, you, too.”
She hung up and refused to cry again. She’d cried all the tears she was going to for now. It was time to reinforce the walls around her heart and quit dreaming of a future that was never meant to be. Hadn’t Taylor said all along that a guy like Tuck could never be with a geek like her?
In desperate need of something to replenish all the fluids she’d lost crying, she went in search of a bottle of water. She turned the corner and stumbled across a kitchen. Seemed like as good a place as any to find a bottle of water. She took one out of the refrigerator, closed the door and continued to stand there, staring absently at the thing. She kept playing what happened this morning and the phone call she’d just had with Tuck over and over.
The sound of Race’s voice behind her caused her to jump.
“Oh my gosh,” she spun around, a hand to her chest. “You scared the crap out of me.”
A smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. “I tried getting your attention, but you were pretty lost in thought. Had to try three times.”
Her face immediately flushed, embarrassed at having been caught staring off into space. That, on top of everything else, probably had him regretting hiring her. “Race, about earlier, when I fell apart and cried all over you, I’m so sorry. I normally don’t fall apart like that. I’m not really sure what came over me.”
“I’ve been married twice and have two daughters. I get it. Between the fire and what’s going on with Tuck, it’s no wonder you needed a good cry.” She didn’t know how old he was to have been married twice and have two daughters, but she had to admit he was an attractive man with raven black hair and denim blue eyes. He had a little gray coming in at the temples, but that only made him hotter. A gold band on his left hand confirmed that he was currently married to wife number two.
“You know about what’s going on with Tuck?” She twisted her hands around the water bottle nervously. What would he think?
“Yeah, he called earlier while you were sleeping and filled me in. I’m sorry Taylor showed up.” He scratched at his scruff. “We were all happy to see him get shot of her. Hoped that was the end of their time together.”
She shrugged a shoulder, not knowing what to say.
“With everything going on with you, I thought maybe talking with the old ladies might help. Why don’t you come out and I’ll introduce them to you?”
“What? How much do they know? Do they know someone tried to kill me?” Her eyes rounded and her heart raced in her chest.
“They know you were involved in a fire and that you lost everything. They know you’re not safe because of something you’re doing for the club and that’s it. Whatever else they need to know is up to you. Tell them as little or as much as you want.” He pushed off the doorjamb. “Come on.” He started off, expecting her to follow.
He stopped at a table where five women were sitting and talking. Kylie approached, not sure what she was supposed to do. Race helped her out by introducing the women. “This woman here is my old lady, Bellamy.” He squeezed her shoulder and treated her to one of the sexiest smiles she’d ever seen. “This one is Jane, Maverick’s old lady. Ginnie is Dagger’s old lady. Calliope is with Jackson and Lindsey is with Trick. She’s the one you helped us find before she could be shipped off to parts unknown.”
“Hello. It’s nice to meet you all.” She nodded her head and tried to match their warm smiles, but was afraid she fell short. She found it difficult to deal with anything more at this point, but she owed it to Race to try.
“Have a seat. We don’t bite.” Bellamy pulled out the chair next to her.
“I’ll be in my office, babe.” He leaned down and touched his lips to hers, waved to the others and disappeared down the hall.
“Race said you recently suffered a house fire and lost everything?” Bellamy asked.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Were you home at the time?” She thought Jane was the name of the woman asking.
“Yes. I was asleep when it started. I was able to get out through the bathroom window.”
“Oh my gosh! That’s terrible. You had to have been terrified,” the one with red hair, Lindsey, commented.
“At the time all I thought about was getting out, but when Tuck took me back by my house yesterday, I realized how lucky I was to escape.” Seeing what little of her house remained had been eye opening. All that stood was the back half of the house’s outer walls, which would have been her bedroom and master bathroom. It had been a miracle she made it out at all.