Page 34 of Tuck & Roll
“More,” she begged.
“Give me a minute. I’m trying not to hurt you.” Sweat started beading on his brow as he forced himself not to give in and rut on her like an animal. No one had ever provoked that kind of reaction from him. It both thrilled him and terrified him that Kylie had such an effect on him.
Kylie was having none of it. She was ready to take his cock and nothing was going to stop her from getting it. She hooked her heels behind his ass and pulled him forward at the same time she tilted her hips up, taking all of him in one swift motion. He gasped, afraid he’d hurt her, until he heard her moan. His eyes shot from where his dick was buried inside her to her face, his heart skipping a beat at the way she was smiling at him. Like she’d never felt anything better in her life. He felt the same way. Why hadn’t they done this before now? My God, what had he been missing?
He started off slow, but let himself off the leash when she demanded, “Give it to me, Garrett. I can take it. Fuck me harder. Fucking give it to me. I won’t break.”
Her words added fuel to the fire. It ignited something inside him that gave him no choice but to be consumed by the flames, making him fuck her hard enough to scoot her across the blanket. Rising above her, he planted his knees to stop their sliding and gripped her hips tight enough to thrust harder and deeper until she screamed his name.
“Shhh,” he laughed. “The neighbors will hear you and call the cops.”
Kylie clamped her mouth shut and moaned deep, her body quaking as she continued to ride out her orgasm. The death grip her pussy had on his cock was too much for Tuck. No longer needing to hold back, he threw his head back and clenched his teeth, groaning as his orgasm exploded out of his dick. He’d never come so hard or so long. Only with Kylie. He settled on top of her with his weight on his arms, both of them trying to catch their breath.
When he could finally breathe again, he slid to the side, slipped her shirt down to cover most of her, then pulled his condom off and set it to the side to dispose of later.
“That’s what I wanted to do that night I gave you your first kiss.”
“Holy shit. I don’t think I could have handled that at fourteen.”
They both turned on their sides facing each other. After a moment, they laughed out loud at her ridiculous statement.
“Come on. Let’s get you inside so you can get some sleep. I’m sure you didn’t get much last night.” He got to his feet and offered her a hand up. He gathered the underwear he’d slipped off her, his clothes, the blanket and the used condom then escorted her inside and to his bedroom. He dropped everything on his bedroom floor, except for the condom, he took that to the bathroom to dispose of, then climbed in bed beside her. He pulled her into his side, his arm wrapped around her and resting on her hip. She snuggled in deeper, her hand curled up on his chest and one of her legs hiked over his.
The last thing he thought before sleep claimed him was how much he loved the way she felt in his arms. How right it felt. He couldn’t remember ever feeling, well, anything when he’d slept with other women in his bed. Sure, he’d felt the obvious physical release, but never any feelings. When he was with Kylie, she wasn’t just someone he fucked and walked away from. He enjoyed spending time with her. He enjoyed talking to her about the past and random shit. He enjoyed watching her as she dug in deep while she worked on her computer. He fucking loved to watch her come apart on his cock.
Could he have a relationship with Kylie? He didn’t know. He did know that she wasn’t a one-night stand kind of woman and he didn’t want her to be. Seeing the fire damage to her house today and knowing how close he’d been to losing her forever woke something up inside him. He wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but it told him not to let her go and to hang on with both hands.
Never in a million years did she think she would ever find herself waking up next to Tuck in his bed after having had sex beneath the stars the night before. Maybe she should pinch herself and see if she was dreaming?
Tuck traced a finger along the side of her neck to her collar bone. His eyes followed the path his finger was taking, as though he were completely fascinated with the feel of her skin.
“What are you doing?” She hid her yawn behind her hand. Tuck’s touch was worth waking up for. It was gentle and easy and made that fire he’d stoked last night spark to life.
“Reminding myself you’re real.”
“What?” She studied him closer, trying to get a read on what he was thinking.
“Reminding myself that I didn’t lose you in that fire. That you’re still alive and breathing and lying in my bed.” His eyes drifted up to hers.
What she saw there caused her breath to catch in her chest. He’d never looked at her like that before. Last night his eyes were full of hunger and need. This morning, it was different. Was the look because he cared about her? Not because she was a woman he’d had sex with or a friend he almost lost forever, but like someone he deeply cared about?
She didn’t know what to say.
Tuck’s fingers continued their exploration, trailing a path down the side of her neck, down to her chest and circling around her nipple, making it painfully hard. His gentle touch was hypnotizing.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said. His finger drifted over to her other nipple and teased it into a hard peak as well.
“About what?” she asked breathlessly.
“We’ve always been very good friends, but after last night things have changed.”
Her heart skipped a beat. What did he mean? Now that he’d had her sexually, he was through with her? They could no longer be friends because he’d gotten out of her what he got from every woman? Was this going to be a repeat of the first time that they’d slept together, only this time he would remember it and give her the “this can never happen again” speech?
“What do you mean?” She was pretty proud of the way she’d been able to keep her voice strong so he wouldn’t know she was freaking out inside.
“I mean, I’ve gotten a taste of you and once isn’t going to be nearly enough.” He dipped his head and nipped her lower lip, then playfully licked the sting out of it. “I can see by the look on your face you’re confused so I’ll spell it out. I want us to ride this thing out until one or both of us feel it’s run its course.” He rolled so that he was lying between her legs, his hard cock teasing at her entrance.
Her eyes shot to his mocha-colored eyes. What was he saying? That he wanted to be fuck buddies until he got bored with her? Could she live with that? With only having part of him? She supposed it was better than what she’d had before, which was nothing.