Page 3 of Tuck & Roll
“Hi. I’m Tulsa. My friend here forgets his manners a lot of the time.” Tulsa turned on his good old boy charm.
“Hi. I’m Kylie.” She accepted the hand he offered in greeting.
“Anyone ever tell you that when you’re not hidin’ behind those big glasses of yours, you’ve got the most stunning blue eyes?” Tulsa continued, much to Tuck’s annoyance. Kylie Jo’s eyes were a stunning glacial blue. Sometimes he swore they almost glowed in the dark. And what the fuck was Tulsa doing? He specifically told him not to go there.
Kylie Jo’s face flushed red. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome and I remember you from when you helped us out with Lindsey. Thanks, by the way. If we didn’t have your help, she would have been gone for sure.”
“Not a problem. Glad I could help.” Tuck watched, fascinated, as she tipped her bottle to her lips and the way her throat worked as she swallowed. Damn, he must be drunker than he thought if he was imagining his cock slipping down that same throat. He tried to subtly move around on his chair to find a position that allowed his semi-hard cock a little breathing room. From the way Tulsa was grinning, he hadn’t missed what he was doing.
Beth’s sister and her friends showed up at the table before anymore could be said. “Hey, Tuck.”
“Beth.” He nodded her way. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks. Appreciate it.” She turned to Kylie. “You ready? I need to get home so Alan can get a few hours of sleep before he has to get up for work in the morning.”
“Oh. Yeah. Sure.” She started to stand. “Thanks for the beer, Garrett.”
He reached out and caught her hand. “Do you have to go? Can’t you hang around for a little while?”
The merest hint of uncertainty flicked across her face before her eyes narrowed and one side of her lips kicked up. “I’d like to but we all rode together.”
Did she think he was playing her? That was the farthest thing from his mind. He wanted to play with her. They were both grown adults now and he wanted nothing more than to watch her face as he made her come.
“I’ll take you home if you want to stay.” The way Kylie chewed on her bottom lip, debating on whether or not to take him up on his offer, made his mind go to places it really shouldn’t. “Haven’t seen you in a while. It’d be fun to catch up.” That explanation seemed to work for her.
“Beth. Go ahead. Garrett says he’ll give me a ride home.”
Her sister held his gaze for a moment. “Are you too drunk to drive her home?”
Tuck thought he might be offended that she had to ask such a thing. “If I was too drunk to drive, Beth, I sure as fuck wouldn’t be offering to give Kylie Jo a ride home.”
“Are you sure about this?” she asked her sister. It wasn’t lost on him that she wasn’t completely on board with the idea of Kylie leaving with him. She saw his cut and had heard the stories floating around out there about the drinking and women that went hand in hand with his club. Any big sister worth her salt would have reservations. Whether or not they shared a past was irrelevant.
“Yes.” She nodded her head and gave her a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine.”
“Okay. Call me tomorrow.”
“Sure thing. Bye.” She hugged her sister. “Love ya and happy birthday.”
“Thanks. Love you, too.”
Tuck didn’t dare breathe until Kylie Jo settled back into her seat. What the fuck was that about? His reaction to her confused him. Most of the time, as they were growing up, he was giving her shit for being a nerd and treating her like a little sister. Then one year she’d gotten boobs overnight and he started looking at her differently. That had been a very confusing time for him then, too. But tonight, seeing her like this, all he could think about was fucking her.
“The last time I saw you, you were wearing a hoodie and sweats. Tonight,” he shook his head. He had no words. “Gotta say, I’ve never seen you like this.”
Her brows shot up. “Like this?”
“What he’s tryin’ to say is, girl, you are sexy as fuck in that dress. Who knew what you had hidden under all those clothes,” Tulsa butted in. While Tuck agreed with his friend’s assessment, he didn’t appreciate the leering way he was checking Kylie out.
A smile split her face as her cheeks blushed. “Thank you, Tulsa.”
“You’re welcome.” He snagged the back pocket of a woman who’d been flirting with him from two tables over since they’d gotten here, pulling her to a stop. It looked like he was tired of playing games. He whispered something in her ear that earned him a sultry grin. He slapped her on the ass, told her to go grab her purse, and turned back to their table. Tulsa wasn’t going home emptyhanded tonight, either.
They exchanged a look that said he was done with Big Shots for the night. It was time to get to the fuckin’ as he liked to put it. “Be seein’ ya.” He got to his feet and took the woman by the hand and led her toward the front door. Tuck chuckled and shook his head at his friend’s retreating back.
The band returned from their break and settled into a slow song. For some reason, Tuck had a sudden urge to dance with Kylie. “Dance with me.” It was more of a command than a question.