Page 20 of Tuck & Roll
With everything they’d just been talking about it made her wonder, if he had remembered having sex with her, would they still be sitting here right now having dinner? Or would he be avoiding her at every turn? The man was confusing and she didn’t know how she should feel.
“Why wouldn’t I want to spend time with you? You’re fun to be around. I enjoy your company. You’re funny when you’re not pissed at me and I miss hanging out with you,” Tuck explained as if it all made perfect sense.
Kylie dipped a piece of calamari in the horseradish sauce then popped it in her mouth. “Mmmm. That’s so good.” She looked up to find Tuck staring at her mouth. Was that hunger in his eyes? Hunger for her? Uncomfortable under his scrutiny, she asked, “I’m guessing life in your club is everything you wanted it to be?” She pointed toward the patch on his cut.
“Yeah. Actually, it’s more than I thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong, there are some bad things that come along but the good things make it all worth it.” He took a bite of his salad.
“Like the endless supply of women?” She told herself she was only teasing, then had to grudgingly admit she was also jealous.
“You’ve heard the stories.” One side of his mouth hitched up as he shook his head. He had to know tales of wild sex parties at the Sons of Redemption club house ran rampant throughout the area.
“Yes.” She tipped her head to the side, started to open her mouth to say something, then thought better of it.
“What?” When she didn’t immediately reply, he pushed. “Go on. Ask what you’re wanting to know.”
She placed her fork on her plate and settled her hands in her lap as she leaned forward to softly ask, “Is it true you guys have threesomes and sex out in the open?”
At the sound of his laughing at her, she could feel the heat of her blush creeping over her face. She knew she shouldn’t have asked. Did she really need his confirmation considering she’d seen him with her own eyes participating in one?
“What if I told you it was true?” The gleam in his eyes freaked her out and she had the irrational fear he could read her mind.
She leaned back, silently watching him, unable to speak. What had she done? Why did she even bring up threesomes? She’d stuck her foot in her mouth and could think of no way to get it out.
Tuck’s mouth fell open and his eyes rounded. “Oh my God! Is this your way of saying you’re interested in a threesome?”
She sputtered and her face turned a deeper shade of red. She thought it was highly possible she might go up in flames. Before she could come up with some kind of reasonable excuse for asking what she did, the waitress returned to clear the salad plates away and drop off their entrees. She must have gotten the hint that Tuck wasn’t interested because she didn’t linger.
“I’m game if you are, Kylie.” Her head jerked in surprise at the sound of Gavin Turner standing at the end of their table. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked from Kylie to Tuck and back again. Oh, shit. How much of their conversation did he here? Or the waitress? “Gavin! Hi! How have you been? Haven’t seen you in a while,” she rushed to say.
She shot a quick glance at Tuck. He had his jaw clenched tight and the way he was staring at Gavin was none too friendly. Her eyes squinted. Was he growling?
Crap. Did her voice sound as strained and freaked out to Gavin and Tuck as it did to her? FML.
“Things are going pretty good.” The way his lips clamped together and the mischievous glint in his eye had her wondering if he had heard their conversation and was volunteering to be a third for her and Tuck or if he was teasing. If he was serious, this was a side of Gavin she’d never seen. Why did the image of the three of them together just shoot through her brain? Why did it cause her heart to race so fast? Was it hot in here?
Gavin was at least six feet tall, dark hair, green eyes, sexy black-framed glasses and dimples. He wore medium-washed jeans that did amazing things for his nicely muscled thighs, a black t-shirt that fit his well-defined chest and arms perfectly and those damn worn cowboy boots that never failed to turn her on. There was this one time when he’d entered the kitchen in nothing but his boots and a smile with his hard cock pointing her direction. Yeah, that had been a really good night. She reached for her soda and took several large gulps.
Gavin used to be a bull rider but retired early after a bull stomped on his leg, breaking it in three places. He’d required pins, rods and screws to put it together. After that, he’d decided that was all he was willing to risk and went back to his second love, computer programming.
They’d met not long after he’d finished rehab. They’d run into each other at a coffee shop of all places. They’d found a table, started talking and discovered they enjoyed each other’s company. They’d enjoyed it so much, they’d started dating and continued to see each other for over a year before they decided despite the hot sex they had, they were better off being friends. They’d been apart for two years now and they still kept in touch.
Tuck cleared his throat to get her attention.
“Oh! I’m sorry. Gavin, this is Tuck. Tuck, this is Gavin.” Turning to Gavin she added, “He’s an old friend. We grew up next door to each other. We used to hang out until he graduated and joined the Sons of Redemption motorcycle club.”
Gavin confidently offered his hand to Tuck. He wasn’t the least bit intimidated by the fact that Tuck was a biker in the local MC. He smiled and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Tuck. I’ve heard some stories about you.”
“Really? I haven’t heard anything about you.” He pointedly eyed Kylie.
Tuck’s stiff smile was her cue to move things along. She returned her attention to Gavin and in an effort to make small talk, she asked, “Are you in town for long?”
“Another couple of days. I’m here working on a security project for one of the banks.” Gavin shoved his fingers in his front pockets and smiled down at her. “If you’re not busy,” he glanced back at Tuck, “we should get together and catch up.”
“That sounds like fun. Give me a call if you have any free time and we’ll see if we can make it happen.” Kylie really missed Gavin. They’d hung out a lot together after the breakup and before he moved to Denver. Even before he moved, it wasn’t unusual for them to take hikes or go swimming at the lake. He said it was his way of exercising and staying in shape since giving up bull riding.
“I’ll do that.” He glanced between herself and Tuck one more time, before announcing, “I should probably take off and let you finish your dinner.” Kylie stood and gave him a hug. He gave her a squeeze, then pulled back but didn’t let her go. “It’s really good seeing you, girl.”
“It’s really good seeing you, too, Gavin.” He kissed her cheek and let her go.