Page 116 of Tuck & Roll
Finally finding something worth watching, he clicked on the new Justified: City Primeval series. He’d been a big fan of the original Justified series and the way the main character, Raylan Givens, a U.S. Marshall, dealt with his job. While he always tried to follow the letter of the law, the way he did it sometimes got him into trouble.
“Okay. Come on. I have your bath ready.” Kylie stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room dressed in another of those damn short shorts and tank top pajama sets she seemed partial to.
“Come again? Did you say you have my bath ready?” Darren’s brows had to be in his hairline at her announcement. He couldn’t have possibly heard what he thought he heard.
“Yeah. Come on before it gets cold.” She motioned for him to follow her.
Tuck chose that moment to return to the living room, squeezing by Kylie and dropping a kiss on her lips when she turned her face up to him.
Darren looked from Kylie to Tuck and back. “You know I’m a grown ass man and can get my own bath ready, right?”
“Yes. I am aware you can get your own bath ready. The instructions they sent home with you said that you could get a shower after forty-eight hours and it’s been over forty-eight hours. Since you have the waterproof bandages on, you should be fine to take a bath. Now move it, mister.”
Darren turned his scowl to Tuck as he placed a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of him. He shot his friend a look that clearly conveyed “Are you hearing this?” and “What is wrong with your woman?”
Tuck was fighting not to laugh. “You heard her. Move it, mister.”
“Why the fuck I thought I could count on you I’ll never know,” he grumbled under his breath all the while getting up and heading to the bathroom.
He entered the already muggy space and thanked the Good Lord above that she hadn’t made him a bubble bath. It was bad enough he was allowing her to boss him around, but his self-esteem couldn’t handle a bubble bath. He started to push the door closed only to have Kylie slip in behind him. What was she doing?
She pushed the door partially closed. “Let me help you get your shirt off.” It was a button-up shirt that he was more than capable of getting off by himself. There was no need for her to help. Did that stop her from pushing his hands away from the buttons? No. Starting at the top, she slowly unfastened each button one by one. Her tongue slipped out and swiped her bottom lip as more and more of his chest was revealed. Was he imagining the way she was staring at his chest or the way her pupils dilated? His gaze dropped to her tits and saw her nipples were hard and her breathing shallow. What the fuck was going on?
“Go ahead and get in and I’ll go get you a pain pill.” She dropped his shirt in the floor and eyed his shorts. “Do you need help with your shorts?”
“Uh, no. I got this.”
“Okay. I’ll be right back.” The breathless tone of her voice reached out grabbed him by the balls. That had to be why by the time he found his voice to call out to her that he didn’t need a damn pain pill, she was already gone.
He stripped the rest of his clothes and stepped into the bathtub, using his left arm to lower himself down into the hot, steamy water. Oh God, it felt so good it was almost orgasmic. Leaning back against the tub, he closed his eyes and sank a little lower in the water. “Ahhhh.” It felt so good to be soaking in hot water.
“Here you go.”
Shit. Kylie’s chipper voice had his eyes popping open and his hands covering his dick. Normally, he could care less who saw his dick, but with Kylie it was different. She was his best friend’s woman. He wouldn’t disrespect her or Tuck. He accepted the pill she handed him, quickly tossed it in his mouth, then chased it down with the glass of water she was handing him. She took the glass from him when he was finished and set it on the counter. Thinking she would leave now, he couldn’t have been more shocked when she dropped to her knees next to the tub.
“Kylie? What are you doing?” His voice sounded strangled to his own ears.
“I’m helping you take a bath.” She looked at him like he was a little slow on the uptake.
“I’m pretty sure I can do this on my own.” He glanced over her shoulder toward the mostly closed door wondering when Tuck was going to come looking for her. He didn’t think it would be a good idea for him to catch Kylie helping him with his bath.
“Probably, but I’d feel better knowing you didn’t slip and fall and possibly hurt yourself.” She reached for the washcloth she’d set on the side of the tub and dipped it into the water, then reached across him to grab the liquid soap off the ledge on the other side. When she leaned back, she squirt some on the cloth and began washing his chest.
Did she realize when she stretched over the tub she must have found some water on the edge? Because the material over her right tit was transparent. He could see exactly what her nipple looked like. He needed no imagination. It was as clear as day.
She ran the soapy cloth over his chest, down his stomach and disappeared with it under the waterline where she washed his lower abdomen. He sucked in a breath and held it, wondering how low she planned on going.
“Turn this way a little bit so I can get your arm.” As if in a trance that he didn’t know how to get out of, he turned so that she could wash and rinse his left shoulder and arm.
Next she had him lean forward and she washed his back, then onto his right shoulder and arm, being extra cautious around his injury and bandages. She rinsed all that off and then moved to get his legs. She soaped up the cloth and had him put his foot on the tub so she could wash his right leg. She somehow managed to get the other side of her shirt wet and now he had a clear view of both her damn nipples. Fuck. They were small little nubs, a darker color than her skin. He closed his eyes and mentally tore down his sniper rifle, trying to keep his dick from perking up and breaking the surface of the water.
She moved the cloth farther up his leg, causing him to tense all over. Did the back of her hand just bump his dick? Again he glanced at the bathroom door wondering why the fuck Tuck wasn’t coming to check on his woman. Surely he didn’t know what she was doing in here.
She repeated her efforts on his other leg and yeah, this time, he was definitely sure she’d bumped into his dick. Was it his imagination or was her breathing speeding up like she was getting turned on? Fuck, he was losing the battle for control of his dick. The fucker had a mind of his own. Before it could bob to the surface, he dropped his hand to his lap, trying to cover himself up. If he’d been thinking clearly, he would have realized she’d already gotten a really good look at it and there was no point in trying to hide it.
“Okay. Let’s get your hair washed.” She stretched across the tub to replace the soap and grab the shampoo. Her hips were on the edge of the tub and she was supporting her weight with one hand while the other stretched across. Her hand slipped and dropped into the water. He went to catch her and ended up splashing her in the face and completely soaking her shirt.
“Kylie! Oh shit. I’m so sorry.”