Page 112 of Tuck & Roll
The way she blinked slowly at him reminded him of an owl. He grinned and cupped the side of her neck. “How are you holding up, Kylie? Really?”
“Physically, I’m fine. Emotionally, I’m kind of a wreck.” She paused as if gathering her thoughts. “Seeing Darren get shot and stabbed and lose so much blood scared the crap out me. I keep seeing him lying on the floor with all that blood and then I think about how we could have lost him.”
He took her in his arms and hugged her close to his side. “You know he’s a retired SEAL, right?”
Her head tipped back and she frowned. “Yes but I forgot. I was too freaked out to remember.”
“That’s understandable, but he’s tougher than he looks.”
“Why didn’t you answer when I called earlier?” Kylie asked around another yawn.
“Believe it or not, Taylor’s water broke tonight and I had to rush her to the hospital. That reminds me, I’m going to have to go by my house and mop my kitchen floor.”
“Her water broke in my kitchen floor and we didn’t take the time to clean it up.” He scratched his chin. “Anyway, I had to leave the patch party and hurry home to pick her up and rush her to the hospital. Once we got there and they were taking her to her room, I stepped out into the waiting room and called her parents to tell them that she was having the baby.”
“Really? How did that go? Did they still not want anything to do with Taylor or the baby?”
“Well, that’s the thing. She lied.” Kylie rolled her eyes. “The day after you were attacked here, I made it a point to go visit her parents. I used to get along with them in high school and really liked them. What Taylor was saying about her parents just wasn’t making any sense. Martin and Carol are not those kind of people. Needless to say, she lied about even seeing her parents. They had no idea she was in town or that she was pregnant. They were deeply hurt and her mom is pissed. In a day or two, Carol is going to go off on her but for tonight, she’s letting Taylor have her special moment with the baby.”
“Wow. Her poor parents. How could she do that to them?” She moved her hand on his chest until it settled over his heart.
“If you think that’s bad, imagine her fiancé’s surprise that she was trying to pawn the baby off as mine. When I talked to him, he had not a single doubt that the baby was his and he’d been looking for her for a month.” He absently played with strands of her hair.
Kylie’s tired eyes now bugged out of her head. “What? No way!”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “He called her phone while she was in labor and I answered it. Found out who he was and told him who I am. He said he’s been in Boulder looking for her the whole time she’s been here. I clued him in that she was in Redemption and if he hurried, he could get here in time to see his son born. He hauled ass to get here and got a speeding ticket on the way. After he showed up and I saw that the baby had snow white hair, I left Taylor to her own fate. She made this mess and she is going to have to fix it.”
“Snow white hair?” Kylie frowned.
“Yeah. Apparently, this guy, Michael, said he and all his siblings were all born with the same hair. He’s not white-headed now, but he’s blond. And as you know, no one in my family or Taylor’s has ever been blond.”
“Wow. What a crazy night you’ve had.” She covered a huge yawn with her hand.
He leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “We’ve both had a hell of a night. Let’s get some sleep and worry about everything else tomorrow.”
Tuck glanced down and found his Kylie was already fast asleep. He smiled to himself, pulled her close and closed his eyes. They had a lot to talk about tomorrow and he was going to need his sleep.
The soft morning light filtered through the window, giving Tuck enough light to watch his woman sleep. Lying on her back, one knee cocked to the side, one arm above her head and her face turned his direction, she was breathtaking. Not even the bruising could take away from how beautiful she was.
The covers had slipped down to her waist sometime in the night and his t-shirt she was wearing had slipped up, bunching under her tits. He admired her still flat stomach and wondered when her baby bump would start showing.
He’d thought about what he wanted in his life from this point on. Kylie Jo, obviously. Their baby, another obvious conclusion. He also wanted the ability to keep her safe at all times. He never ever wanted to worry about someone taking her from him again and he feared he alone couldn’t do that. To that end, he’d decided he wanted to add Darren to their relationship. Between the two of them, they’d be able to always protect her and any children they had with her.
Never in a million years did he think he would be entertaining the idea of sharing his woman with another man. He’d brought up the subject of having a backup with the brothers at the club and he’d been giving it serious thought. In that version, he would have asked Darren to just be there for Kylie if anything were to happen to him. Now, given everything that happened and seeing the depth of Darren’s feelings for Kylie and hers for him, he wanted something more.
Sure, he and Darren had shared women at the clubhouse many, many times over the years. The difference here would be he and Darren were both in love with Kylie. And yes, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Darren was in love with Kylie. Kylie, on the other hand, didn’t know she was in love with Darren. She realized she cared a lot for the other man, but he didn’t think she’d put it together than her feelings ran deeper than she was aware.
In order to get this plan to work, he needed to get Kylie on board. He was more than likely going to need her help convincing Darren to join their relationship. To that end, he planned on seducing her.
He gently tugged on the covers, lowering them until they were near her ankles. He lightly skimmed his fingers along her bent leg to her hip. Repeating this a couple of times, he then moved to her exposed stomach. He traced a path up the middle, circled her belly button, ending with him bunching the material of the shirt above her tits. He smiled, pleased with himself, seeing her nipples pebble.
Tuck’s dick was already hard in anticipation of fucking Kylie. He rolled so that he was lying between her spread thighs, then slid down the bed until his face was even with her lace-covered pussy. Moving her panties to the side, he breathed in the scent of her arousal and swore. “Fuck me.”