Page 102 of Tuck & Roll
“You said my name,” he growled.
“As if he doesn’t know who has me.” His mouth flattened as he shook the phone at her. “I need you to go to my office. In the middle drawer of my desk is a green flash drive. I need you to bring that to me. You can’t tell anyone and you have to come alone or he’ll start killing old ladies, starting with the pregnant ones.”
From there, Chet pulled the phone toward him, talking over Darren’s “that motherfucker” and giving him the address. “You have thirty minutes.” He disconnected the phone before anything else could be said.
“Who’s this Darren guy to you?” he asked as he placed his phone on the counter.
“A friend.”
“A friend,” he scoffed. “Your boyfriend okay with you living with that big bastard?” He leaned against the counter, holding the gun loosely at his side.
“Yes.” Was he really going to ask questions about her relationships? How bizarre.
“There’s no way you’re not doing them both,” he stated. His eyes roamed her body like she was sitting there naked. It was all she could do not to shiver. Giving him even the slightest hint that he got to her would be bad. “Maybe I should take you for a ride and get it on video before this is all over. Hell, M.D. and Red could take a ride and we could video that, too.”
Chet’s phone rang, keeping him from asking anymore stupid questions or making anymore disgusting comments. He got it from the table and answered, “Yeah?” She couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation, but from the way his shoulders tensed, she knew enough to realize someone wasn’t happy.
“Yeah. I’ve got her. No. She needs something from the Sons clubhouse. She has a guy bringing it to her now. Yes. Okay. I’ll call when it’s done.” He ended the call and placed his phone beside him on the counter. “That was Crocket. My president. You better come through or I’m a dead man.”
Great, Kylie thought. No pressure. She prayed when Darren got here he could figure out a way to get out of this mess alive.
Upon arriving at the clubhouse, Darren, Race, Jackson, Trick and Dagger all descended on Kylie’s office. The first thing they did was divide and conquer. While Jackson searched through the files in her desk drawer, the rest of them grabbed the files sitting on her desk and began going through them.
“Anything?” Race asked.
“No. Nothing.” Trick tossed his file back to the desk.
“Nothing here,” Dagger huffed.
“Nope.” Darren tossed his file on top of the one Trick had been searching. “Jackson?”
“No. Just some basic job applications for both Bottoms Up and Weed Eaters. It looks like she’s been combing over their information, checking for any criminal records, and if so, what kind of criminal activity they were involved in and who they were associated with. She even checked their social media.”
“Wow. She’s pretty thorough,” Dagger scratched his head.
“Yeah, she’s scary good,” Trick grinned. “Glad she’s on our side.”
“Hang on.” Jackson found a green flash drive in her top desk drawer. “Maybe there’s something in here that will point us in the right direction.” He plugged it into her computer and tried to log in. “Damn it. Her computer’s password protected. Let me take it to Race’s office and see if I can get into from there.”
The small group followed him to Race’s office. Jackson plopped into the chair behind the desk, plugged the drive into his computer and quickly discovered it wasn’t going to work. “Damn it! The drive is encrypted. I have no clue how to get into it.”
“Damn. If it wasn’t for the fact we need to get in her drive, I’d take time to appreciate the way she keeps club business so tight.” Race smiled.
“Well, shit. How are we supposed to find her?” Dagger stood with his hands on his hips, his frown reflecting his aggravation at not finding any good leads.
“What are we going to tell Tuck when he gets here?” Trick asked.
“I don’t know. We’ve got to come up with something quick.” Race rubbed a hand over his mouth. “Let’s head to church.” With the old ladies and kids here, they would reconvene in church so anything they discussed didn’t worry their families.
Darren scrubbed his hands down his face as he followed at the back of the group. What were they going to do? How were they going to find Kylie? They couldn’t just get on their bikes and ride around aimlessly hoping to stumble onto the place Chet was holding her, but they had to do something. He feared her time was running out because once Chet got what he wanted from her, she was as good as dead. His biggest fear was what the bastard might do to her before he killed her.
Looking at the clock on the wall, he knew Tuck would be there any minute and if they didn’t have any answers for him by then, the man was going to lose his shit. And who could blame him? Darren was riding a thin line himself.
Before he could enter church, his phone rang in his pocket. He stepped away and quickly pulled it out, not recognizing the number. Normally, he wouldn’t answer an unknown number, just let it go to voicemail, but with everything going on, he couldn’t chance it. He moved far enough away from everyone so that he could hear. “Who is this?”
“Darren, it’s me.”
“Kylie? Thank God. Are you okay?” His heart skipped a beat. Damn, it was good to hear her voice.