Page 70 of Race or Ruin
“God, baby, I can feel you tightening around me. Are you gonna come?”
“Yes. So close.”
He pulled his hips back and slammed into her pussy, all the while keeping up his assault on her ass. Fucking hell, if she didn’t go soon, he was going to explode. “Having you ever had a threesome?”
His eyes crossed as her pussy clenched tight around his cock.
“By the way your pussy strangled my cock, the idea turns you on.”
“Oh shit! I’m so close. Make me come, Race!” she begged as she pushed back against his thrusts.
He removed his fingers from her ass, curled his body over the top of hers and repositioned his hand between her legs to better work her clit. He picked up his pace, hammering into her. If he fucked her any harder, he’d be moving his desk across the floor and his desk was a big heavy oak bitch.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Her pussy clamped down hard on his cock as she exploded with her orgasm. For the second time today, he covered her mouth to keep her from screaming the house down. Eventually, he wasn’t going to give the first fuck if his brothers heard his woman screaming in ecstasy, but he was afraid it might be too soon in their relationship and he didn’t want to scare her away from the club. He didn’t think it would be a problem, but he wasn’t taking any chances either.
Being bare inside Bellamy was the most amazing feeling in the world. Now that she’d gotten hers, he was going to take his. The sound of voices outside his office door and the lock jiggling had him freezing. “Motherfuck!” Were his guys intentionally trying to cock-block him? From the sounds of it, that was a resounding yes.
Race quickly found his chair behind him, wrapped his arm around Bellamy’s middle and pulled her down into his lap, staying connected through it all. His cock was still rock hard and he needed to come in the worst way. If they were farther along in their relationship, he’d continue to fuck her, not caring if anyone saw them.
“I told you exactly where to find it,” Dagger groused.
“Close your shirt,” he warned her. She quickly grasped both sides of her shirt and held them closed with an arm under her tits. She didn’t have time to button it. She leaned against the edge of the desk, keeping her shirt pinned in place, her arm causally covering her nipples.
A loud thud from the other side, followed by, “Son of bitch.” Dagger must have run into the door. Race would laugh about this later, but at the moment he was trying to preserve his woman’s dignity as much as possible. The sound of the door lock rattling indicated he had only seconds to pull her skirt down over her hips as best he could and scoot them under his desk as much as possible. Again, he’d be laughing at the situation if he wasn’t so concerned Bellamy might freak the hell out.
She reached for his bottle of water sitting on his desk. The only thing that kept it from falling off while they were aggressively fucking was that it got trapped between two piles of mail. She was still breathing hard, trying to catch her breath, when the door swung open, allowing Dagger entry. Twisting the cap, she tipped the bottle back and took a long drink.
His VP was looking back and forth between where Race leaned back in his seat and Bellamy sat perched on his lap, leaning on the desk. He frowned toward Race. “What are you doing here? I thought you left thirty minutes ago?”
Bellamy wiggled in his lap and flexed her inner muscles. Race grunted at the feel. He squeezed her hips, hoping she’d understand he was close to coming and it wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge.
“No. Still here.”
The little shit squeezed him repeatedly a few more times. This time he was unable to suppress his groan.
“Hello, Bellamy, when did you get here?” Dagger crossed his arms over his chest and smiled her way good-naturedly. Race could see Jed and Jackson standing behind him, not trying to hide their knowing smiles at all. They knew exactly what they’d interrupted.
“Oh, a little bit ago,” she replied cheerfully. “How’s Calliope doing?” she asked Jackson.
Was she seriously going to carry on a conversation right now? “Uhhh.” He groaned again as her pussy continued to milk him. Holy shit. How was she able to do that?
Jackson’s eyes zeroed in on where Race was white knuckling the arms of his chair. “She’s doing great. Heard you and Race finally decided to get together.”
“Yes. We decided to give it a shot.” Again with the cheerfulness. Race bet if he could see her face, she would have a smile stretching from ear to ear.
“We’re giving it more than a fucking shot,” he growled. His breathing was getting shaky and he had to rub a hand across his brow to remove the sweat.
“Is that right?” Dagger started look suspicious. “You all right, Race?”
“I’m fucking fine,” he barked through clenched teeth.
“She your old lady?” Jed pushed.
Son of a bitch, the woman was trying to kill him. Didn’t she realize he was trying to keep her from being embarrassed in front of his brothers? If they figured out what they were doing, not that he cared, they’d tease her relentlessly.
“Yes! She’s my old lady!” His head dropped back on the headrest.