Page 30 of Race or Ruin
Clay scratched his head and frowned. “I don’t know. I found it like this.” He looked around the parking lot as if whoever had done it might still be around and he could ask them why they did it. Little did he know she was standing right next to him.
See, that was the problem. Males in general were always underestimating women. He couldn’t possibly fathom that a woman could have done this to his car.
Bellamy shoved her hands into her front pockets. “You must have really pissed someone off,” she chuckled.
“You think?” He genuinely couldn’t believe he’d made someone mad enough to mess with his car.
“Yeah. I think.” Bellamy moved so quickly, Clay didn’t have time to protect his jewels. She had them in a death grip and Clay up against his car before he knew what hit him. “I think sometimes little boys like you need to learn a lesson,” she leaned in and whispered. She gave his nuts a little twist, making him squeak.
“You don’t know me, Clay, but I’ve learned quite a bit about you. For one thing, you’re not that bright, having to use daddy’s money to buy your grades so you can play sports. For another, you really shouldn’t post your every move on social media. It makes it so much easier for people to find you.” She gave another squeeze then released him, letting him slide to the ground. He tipped to his side, his hands clutching his nuts and writhing on the ground.
Bellamy dropped to her haunches next to him, her hands dangling loosely between her knees. “Look, I’m sure you’re a good kid and just did something stupid. The problem is one stupid mistake on your part can have lasting effects for someone else. So consider what’s happening here a learning moment.” She paused to make sure he was paying attention. “I need you to do something for me.”
“W-w-what?” Clay’s voice was laced with pain and he was looking a little green around the gills.
“I want you to take down all that bullshit about having sex with Liza Walker from your Facebook account. And you will post that you lied about it and are truly sorry for all the pain you caused her. You and I both know Liza isn’t that kind of girl. She was only trying to do you a favor by tutoring you.
“Something else you need to know is that she did not send me here. She doesn’t know I’m here.” She grabbed his chin tightly. “Are you getting all this?” She waited for him to nod his head. “Good. Now this is important. Youwill notretaliate against Liza. Neither will any of your friends or family. This meeting never happened. Do you understand?”
“In case you think to ignore my request for you to clear the record, know that if you don’t take care of this within one hour, I’ll let her father know what you did so he can deal with you as he sees fit. You want to guess who her father is?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Ever heard of the Sons of Redemption MC?” His face lost all color. “Her father is the president. His name is Race. I really don’t think you want him to pay you a visit, do you?”
“Good. I’m glad we could come to an understanding.” She tapped his cheek roughly. “Oh, by the way. If you think to tell anyone about our little chat or what really happened to your car, just remember I can find you anywhere, anytime. Race will be the least of your problems.” She rose smoothly and smiled down at Clay. Holding up her index finger, she said, “One hour, Clay. Starting now.” She glanced at her watch, making it clear he was on the clock.
“B-b-but how do I get home? It’ll take someone an hour to come tow my car.”
“Call your dad or I can give you a ride.”
“No! I’ll call my dad.” He flinched and swallowed hard, trying to sit up.
Bellamy started to walk away, confident Clay would do as he was told.
“Wait. My dad’s going to ask me what happened. What do I say?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “You’re good at lying. You’ll figure something out.” She took several steps before throwing over her shoulder, “Tick, tock!”
Bellamy released a heavy sigh of satisfaction. This had been a lot more fun than she thought. The last time she’d had this much fun being bad had to have been, she had to stop and think a minute, ten years ago. Before she’d gone legit instead of falling into business with Isaac. Not that he would have let her join him without a fight. He’d always wanted better for her. And she’d succeeded.
She chuckled to herself and shook her head as she took a right out of the parking lot. Everyone thought she was some weak, mild mannered store owner. Ha. Little did they know what she was capable of.
* * *
Race satin his office at the clubhouse all alone, deep in thought. After the kids left for the weekend, he’d been restless and on edge. He did his laundry and tried to watch television, but he couldn’t seem to unwind. He decided to come to the clubhouse and catch up on some paperwork, only he hadn’t gotten any of that done because he’d been too busy trying to figure out who the mystery woman could be.
When he’d gotten home from a KFC run, Shannon had told him that Liza was over at Bellamy’s. He had nothing against his kids interacting with Bellamy, he’d just been surprised that his daughter had taken it upon herself to go over there. When she’d come back home, her smile wasn’t as bright as it usually was and it looked like she’d been crying and had tried to cover it up.
Come to think of it, she’d been acting weird since Saturday morning. At the time he didn’t dwell on it, thinking it was probably some school girl drama and she would talk to him about whatever was bothering her when she was ready.
While Liza went to her room to gather her things to take back home to her mother’s, he’d asked Derrick if he knew what was up with Liza. He said he had no idea. He got the same when he asked Shannon. He hated that there was something wrong with his girl. If he knew what it was, he would do what he had to in order to fix it.
If he was being truthful with himself, he hadn’t been paying as close attention to his kids as he usually did. He’d had other things on his mind. Time after time, his mind turned back to when he’d had sex with Bellamy. He’d been mentally kicking his own ass since then for the way things went down. He still felt like shit for being such a dick to her. Part of him wanted to apologize, but the other part said leave it alone. It was best they not pursue the crazy hot chemistry between them.