Page 3 of Race or Ruin
She plopped down on the couch and flipped the T.V. on. She clicked through the channels until she found her favorite show. She sat at the edge of her couch eating reheated leftover chicken alfredo she’d made last night for dinner. It wasn’t as easy to cook for one as most people would think. No matter what she cooked, she ended up with lots of leftovers.
She took a drink of her wine then reached for her phone. She dialed Calliope’s number, wanting to check in on her. She was pregnant with her first child and Bellamy hadn’t been around as much as she would have liked. She’d been really busy at her store, Bling Boutique, due to the holidays. Now it was January and things had slowed down enough for her to actually be home at a decent time and eat dinner.
“Hello?” Calliope’s voice sounded in her ear.
“Hey, girl! How’s the pregnancy going?” Bellamy took another bite of her pasta and turned down the volume on her television.
“It’s going great! I’ve missed you.”
“I know. I’ve missed you a lot, too. I’m so sorry my shop has kept me so busy that I haven’t been around that much, but now that things have slowed down, we need to make time to get together. I want to see how much that baby bump has grown.”
Calliope laughed. “Well, it’s coming right along. I found out last week that we’re having a girl.”
“Oh, I’m such a horrible friend! I can’t believe you’ve known for a week that you’re having a girl and I’m just now finding out.” Bellamy felt like a complete loser. Calliope was her best friend and she’d gotten way behind on things going on in her friend’s life. Truthfully, Calliope was more of a little sister than a friend which made Bellamy feel even more guilty.
“No! You’re not a bad friend. You are actually the first person we’ve told the sex of the baby to. We wanted to give ourselves time for it to sink in before we started sharing it with everyone else.”
Slightly mollified, Bellamy let it slide for now. She made a mental note to get together for lunch or something soon. Now that she’d hired a full-time employee and a couple of part-time employees, she could take the time to do little things like taking off to spend time with her best friend.
“Have you come up with any baby names?” Bellamy took a drink of wine and scooped up another bite of pasta.
“Uhh. Yes. He suggested Jasmine.”
“What is wrong with Jasmine?” Jackson could be heard asking in the background. Bellamy could tell by his tone he was teasing her. Picking a baby name had become a game between the two soon-to-be parents. Now that they had gotten the official news it was going to be a girl, things would surely get interesting on that front.
“It’s one of the most popular stripper names out there and my baby girl is not going to live with that kind of shadow.” Calliope had nothing against strippers or the name Jasmine. She was just being contrary because Jackson was trying to get her riled up. “He also suggested Eleanor which is too old and Liberty which is just no.”
Bellamy laughed. She could hardly wait to hear what kind of outlandish names Jackson came up with in his effort to mess with his wife. She finished off her dinner and went to pour herself another glass of wine. She had her phone pinned between her head and her shoulder, tugging on the cork.
A noise from outside caught her attention. Was that moaning? Was someone hurt? She squinted her eyes and leaned toward the window to get a better look. The glare on the window from the light didn’t allow her to see much, acting more like a mirror. She flipped the light over the sink off and tried to look again. “What the hell is that noise?” she mumbled absently. It sounded like a man moaning.
“What? What noise?” Calliope asked.
“I’m not sure. It’s coming from outside. Hang on.” She thought she saw someone on Race’s back deck but wasn’t sure. Was it Race? Had he fallen? Should she go check on him?
All of a sudden Bellamy was able to see clearly where the noise was coming from and who was making it. Lights in Race’s hot tub illuminated the area giving her quite the view. “Holy shit,” she whispered.
“What? What is it?” Calliope whispered back.
“It’s Race. He’s in his hot tub and he’s not alone and they’re both naked. Fucking.” Bellamy didn’t know whether to be scandalized or turned on. Definitely jealous considering the size of Race’s penis and how he was using it.
“You can see Race and another woman in his hot tub fucking?” Calliope squealed. “How big is he?”
“Woman, you do not need to know the size of Race’s dick!” Jackson shouted in the background.
“Well, they’re not fucking fucking. She’s giving him a blowjob. And let’s just say that even at this distance I can see the man has an impressive dick.” She took a drink of wine, her eyes never leaving the scene playing out in front of her.
“Woohoo!” Calliope cheered, which, of course, earned a response from Jackson.
“If you don’t change the subject right now, I’m going to fuck you on the floor so you remember you’ve got more than you can handle right here,” Jackson told her.
The blonde bimbo with the fake boobs was kneeling in the water sucking him off as he sat on the edge. He had one hand fisted in her hair and was pushing her head up and down on his cock. “How the hell did she do that?”
“Do what? Do what?” Calliope wanted to know.
“She got the whole thing down her throat,” Bellamy replied in disbelief.
“Wow. Race is definitely getting lucky.”