Page 27 of Race or Ruin
“What did he say when you asked him why he took your refrigerator?” Calliope asked.
“He said I should have known that wasn’t the kind of refrigerator that belonged in a rental property, so he took it for his house and got me the one I originally thought about getting.” Bellamy took a drink of her rum and Coke. “So, left with no other option, I took my ice cream out of his freezer and went home. I sat on the couch and ate the half carton that was left and went to bed.”
“Wow. You lead such an interesting life.” Lindsey stared in awe.
“Oh, well Tuesday night, I wake to find him and my brother fighting on my back deck. I was so pissed off, I threw water on both of them, then told them to go away and locked my door.” Bellamy smiled. “You should have seen his shocked face. It was amazing.”
“I would have loved to have seen his face,” Calliope said almost wistfully.
“You don’t like Race?” Lindsey asked.
“Oh, sure, I like Race just fine. It’s just nice when a woman can get one over on any of these alpha males around here.”
“We need to have a girls’ night so you can meet my friends Jenna and Cami. You’ll love them,” she told Bellamy. Turning her focus to Calliope, she added, “I know you can’t drink, but you could come anyway and just have fun being out of the house. You won’t get many opportunities to do that once the baby gets here.”
“You’re right. We need to have a girls’ night.” Calliope nodded her agreement. “Well, crap. I need to pee again. Be back in a minute.”
Her friend was pregnant and Bellamy swore she had to pee all the time. And she still had five more months to go. She liked to tease Calliope and say she’s having a ten-pound baby to which her friend would demand that she “take it back.”
While Calliope was off using the bathroom, which after seeing Jackson head in the same direction, Bellamy didn’t think she’d be back for a while, Lindsey entertained her with stories of things she and her friends had gotten into. It wasn’t long until Trick came and collected his woman, the two of them disappearing down the hall, presumably to his room. Yeah. Bellamy wouldn’t be seeing Lindsey anytime soon either.
Well, it looked like it was time for her to go. She’d done her best friend duty and showed up to Calliope’s party, now it was time to go. She scanned the room, debating on whether it would go unnoticed if she left or not and came to the conclusion that no one would care one way or the other.
Her eyes landed on Race across the room. He had his hand up the redhead’s ridiculously short skirt as he leaned in and nipped at her neck. Fuck. Her heart shattered just a little more. Yeah. It was time to go.
She got up and tried to decide the shortest route to take to get to the front door so she could leave. The place was packed more than usual tonight with tight groups of people everywhere.
Someone bumped into her from behind. “Oh, sorry, Bellamy. Didn’t mean to knock you over.” Jed was the resident playboy from what she’d witnessed. The man was tall, slim, had beautiful blond hair and smoky gray eyes. He was gorgeous. He reminded her of what a rockstar would look like, minus the long hair.
“No problem, Jed.”
He looked around, then frowned when he didn’t see what he was looking for. “Where’s Calliope?”
Bellamy laughed. “Uh, yeah. She went to use the bathroom, but I saw Jackson following behind her.”
Jed laughed as well. “Yeah, they’ll be back there for a little while. Why don’t you come play pool with us?”
Bellamy wasn’t sure she wanted to stay. Watching Race with the redhead was messing with her. She glanced over in his direction. Jed’s gaze followed hers and saw immediately what the problem was. “Hey. Don’t let him ruin your fun. If he’s too stupid to see what’s right in front of him, I say it’s his loss and hopefully, my gain.”
Crap. She hadn’t been hiding her attraction to Race as well as she thought.
He grabbed her hand and gently tugged on it. His playfulness got him what he was looking for. She smiled, but shook her head. “I don’t think so. I think I’ll head home. Can you let Calliope know I left if you see her again?”
“Sure, darlin’. I’ll let her know.”
“Thanks.” It was slow moving to get out the door and to her car. After the loud voices and even louder music, Bellamy was happy to sit silently in her car. She didn’t turn the music on, wanting to wind down during the time it took to drive home. Feeling a headache coming on, all she wanted to do was put on her pajamas and crawl into bed. Hopefully, tonight would be a dreamless night.
She should have known she wouldn’t be that lucky because the moment she closed her eyes all she could see was Race with Charlotte or Race with the unknown skank at the party tonight or Race and any other woman but her.
Lindsey was wrong. Bellamy led a very, very dull life.
Bellamy flipped through the channels looking for something to watch. She’d prefer a movie over a series because inevitably she’d get sucked into the series and binge the whole thing tonight, causing her to miss out on sleep and end up dragging all day tomorrow. It was only a little after noon so technically she had enough time to delve into a series, but she hated wasting an entire Sunday afternoon and evening sitting on the couch. She should really get up and make out a grocery list. That way she could swing by the store on her way home tomorrow night.
“Oh.Unfaithful. That looks like a winner.” Bellamy loved this steamy movie. Diane Lane plays a stay at home wife and mother whose life becomes so boring, predictable and lonely that when she meets a young, exciting, unbelievably sexy man and he shows her the least bit of attention, she can’t stop herself from having an affair. The sex scenes, although not outright porn, were definitely hot enough to get Bellamy’s motor running.
Well, shoot. On second thought maybe she shouldn’t watch it since there was no one to work her excitement out on.